Lawyer: The bully is not guilty? I will send him to death!

Chapter 63 He died after the first blow, which does not constitute intentional homicide.

At this moment, not only Luo Daxiang was amazed, but also all the legal persons at the scene and on the Internet.

Lin Mo's remarks directly liberated their minds, and their understanding of self-defense rose to a new dimension.

"Why didn't we think of the continuous illegal infringement before?"

"Hey, our thinking was too rigid before!"

"This explanation is really amazing."


Everyone sighed.

While everyone is still in the marveling stage, someone is already trying to learn!

Xia Ling, who was sitting next to Lin Mo, took out a small notebook and looked at Lin Mo with a bright look.

This is a legal explanation to demonstrate legitimate defense!

If you get into a fight with someone in the future, you must not use it to protect yourself!

At this moment, no one loved learning more than Xia Ling. She stared at Lin Mo, thinking about what Lin Mo had just said, and began to analyze it frame by frame.

At this moment, Xia Ling seemed to have become a scholar eager for knowledge!

On the contrary, cold sweat broke out on Wang Cong's forehead.

He fully knew that compared to his own suggestion that Zhao Wu opened the cabinet to get the armor, the judge would definitely prefer Lin Mo's conjecture.

After all, Zhao Wu is a member of the Black Society and their home base. Who would believe him if he doesn't do anything ruthless?


I can’t continue to argue with Lin Mo here, it’s not good for me!

Wang Cong's brain was spinning rapidly, and suddenly, he thought of something.

He raised his hand and said, "Presiding Judge, I request that the video be shown showing Wang Hao stabbing Zhao Wu on the ground."

Soon, the screen turned back.

The screen showed that Wang Hao stabbed Zhao Wu in the back again, and then Zhao Wu stumbled and fell to the ground.

Wang Hao rushed forward and stabbed Zhao Wu in the back.

Wang Cong's eyes immediately shined, there was still drama!

So he said excitedly: "President, if Zhao Wu turned around to get other weapons, then after Wang Hao stabbed him to the ground, Zhao Wu had completely lost his ability to attack, and his continued killing was intentional. Killed!"

After saying that, Wang Cong breathed a sigh of relief, his mind was knocked unconscious by Lin Mo, and he almost forgot about this.

Yes, if the pursuit at the moment of turning around can be said to be self-defense, then the pursuit on the ground is an attempt to kill someone!

At this moment, the court fell silent, and everyone's eyes were on Lin Mo.

Lin Mo just laughed and said directly: "Lawyer Wang, I think you still haven't learned the law well. There is a difference between intentional injury and intentional homicide. Have you read Zhao Wu's autopsy report?"

Wang Cong was stunned for a moment and shook his head suspiciously. What does this Lin Mo want to do?

Lin Mo smiled and said: "Zhao Wu's autopsy report shows that the first stab stabbed by Wang Hao was the most fatal injury, directly stabbing Zhao Wu's heart.

Therefore, the first knife was the direct cause of Zhao Wu's death. As for the subsequent knifes, they were all on the back and stabbed on the bones of the back. None of them were fatal injuries.

The first knife Wang Hao stabbed was in self-defense, so the knife that caused Zhao Wu's death was still self-defense by Wang Hao. "

Then, Lin Mo gestured to adjust the video.

Recalling the moment when Wang Hao picked up the knife, he stabbed Zhao Wu and slowly put it down. The knife indeed stabbed right under the heart and scratched it.

"The medical examiner's autopsy report also stated that Zhao Wu died of a broken heart resulting in insufficient blood supply. With this video, everything will be clear. Wang Hao's pursuit after entering the ground was not intentional homicide at all."

After Lin Mo finished speaking, he smiled.

At this moment, not only the legal professionals, but also many viewers understood it!

"What a clear idea!"

"Yes, the first blow is the most fatal injury, but the fatal injury belongs to the category of self-defense, so Wang Hao is still self-defense! This explanation is invincible!"

"Wait... I'm a little dizzy! Teacher Luo, please explain!"

Luo Daxiang thought for a while and then rationalized: "Lawyer Lin's statement is feasible, because the constituent elements of the crime of intentional homicide are: 1. Content of the act; 2. The form of liability is intentional

As for the content of the act, the direct reason for depriving Zhao Wu of his life was that the first knife stabbed his heart, and this knife was within the scope of Wang Hao's self-defense and did not constitute an essential element.

And "the form of liability is intentional" is even more impossible, because lawyer Lin demonstrated during the trial that Wang Hao committed murder in passion.

Both elements are not met, so it does not constitute intentional homicide. "

In a moment, everyone understood.

"How can you explain it this way?"

"Let's go, we have never seen this thing called law, who knew we could say this!"

"No, I'm a law student. I was very confused after listening to it just now. I thought about the logic for a long time before I understood it."


In the court, after hearing this, Wang Cong opened his mouth in surprise and his eyes widened!

How else can it be explained this way?

God damn, the first stab was a fatal wound. If the second stab was not a fatal wound, it wouldn’t be murder, right?

In the end, the first stabbing was in self-defense, and then it didn’t count? !

Wang Cong has been in the world for so many years, and this is the first time he has heard such a bizarre argument.

This...I'm talking nonsense

At this moment, the air in the courtroom seemed to be still.

Even Wang Hao, the client in the middle of the courtroom, looked shocked.

In his heart, he actually didn't expect to be acquitted. The video recording could mitigate the crime and reduce the sentence by a few years.

But now, even he, the client, felt that he killed three people in pure self-defense after hearing it!


Wang Hao's hands trembled, and he looked at his sister and mother in the audience seats, and a hope rose in his heart!

Qiu Ying also looked at Lin Mo in great shock. As a lawyer, she fully understood how powerful Lin Mo's explanation was and how deep his understanding of the legal provisions was!

This was an argument angle she had never heard of!

Xia Ling's eyes were blood-red and she was taking notes frantically!

As a result, half a minute after Lin Mo spoke, the presiding judge Chen Guangtai sorted out the judicial logic, and then looked at Wang Cong:

"Prosecutor's lawyer, do you have anything else to say?"

At this moment, Wang Cong not only had cold sweat on his forehead, but also his back was soaked, his lips were pale, his mind was empty, and his hands were shaking.

What to do?


There are two more dead!

Zhao Xinglong and Zhao Xinghong!

"Judge, Wang Hao's counterattack against Zhao Wu's two sons, Zhao Xinglong and Zhao Xinghong, who were unarmed, was completely excessive self-defense!"

These two people did not hold any weapons in the video, and Wang Hao still killed them. Isn't this excessive self-defense!

However, Lin Mosi was calm with a cold face, as if she knew that Wang Cong would say so.

Without giving him a chance, she said: "Lawyer Wang, I think you should calm down first. You don't even understand the most basic legal knowledge.

You should watch the video first. When Zhao Xinglong and Zhao Xinghong came up to beat Wang Hao, where did they hit him?"

At this moment, the video was played again.

Wang Hao had already stabbed Zhao Wu to the ground, and then all the younger brothers around him surrounded him.

The ones who rushed to the front were Zhao Xinglong and Zhao Xinghong. One elbowed Wang Hao in the back of the head, and the other kicked Wang Hao in the neck directly.

At this time, Wang Hao, who was red-eyed with killing, raised his knife and swung it towards a circle, just slashing randomly.

As a result, the two guys were in the front, and their stomachs were cut open with several large cuts.

Then, Wang Hao, who was already extremely emotional, lay down, and the person who recorded the video ran away, and that was the end.

After watching it, Lin Mo explained: "See, although Zhao Xinglong and Zhao Xinghong attacked with bare hands, they hit Wang Hao's fatal area!

So I believe that Zhao Xinglong and Zhao Xinghong wanted to kill Wang Hao at this moment.

So Wang Hao's counterattack was still legitimate defense, and he fainted directly after cutting a circle, without any intention of chasing and killing."

After saying that, Lin Mo looked at Wang Cong coldly.

The cold and sharp eyes made Wang Cong tremble all over.

Lin Mo's explanation was flawless!

At this time, Chen Guangtai also knocked the gavel.

Dong Dong Dong!

"Prosecutor's lawyer, do you have anything else to say?"

Wang Cong wanted to say something, but he currently had no point to rely on.

"Lawyer for the appellant, do you have anything else to say?"

Lin Mo shook his head. He had said everything he needed to say and explained it very comprehensively.

Chen Guangtai stood up and said seriously, "Well, both sides have finished their statements. In two hours, both sides will make their final court statements. I will then announce the verdict in court!"

"Now, adjourn!"

After saying that, Chen Guangtai strode down with a serious expression, and the two judges were the same.

Back to the back, Wang Zhenghua, the vice president, immediately came up to greet him.

His expression was also very serious.

"Old Chen!"

"Old Wang, let's study it."

Wang Zhenghua nodded, and the group entered the meeting room.

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