Lawyer: The bully is not guilty? I will send him to death!

Chapter 70 A tragic murder case involving a mentally ill person, and it’s hell difficulty again?!

What surprised Lin Mo even more was that Luo Daxiang's tone was very modest.

He sent this:

"Lawyer Lin, I'm Luo Daxiang. If you see my private message, please reply. I have something important to ask of you..."

Lin Mo didn't hesitate. What he lacked most in the early stage of entrepreneurship was connections. If he could get in touch with Luo Daxiang, there would be no harm but only benefits.

He replied: "Mr. Luo, I'm here. If there is any cooperation, you can add WeChat..."

The subsequent communication was very smooth. After a brief chat, they returned to the question itself.

Luo Daxiang: "Lawyer Lin, have you paid attention to the Pengcheng mentally ill murder case?"

Lin Mo remembered that he had seen it before, but he was busy with the Wang Hao murder case and didn't read it carefully.

"Mr. Luo, can you give me a detailed information?"

It can definitely be searched on the Internet, but don't think that it is all fragmented information. It is better to directly ask for the most detailed case details.

"Sure, I'll send it to you."

Then Lin Mo received a file package containing all the case details and development process.

There are even the prosecution process, which can be regarded as confidential documents.

Lin Mo opened it and read it once, and couldn't help but frowned.

This case is very sad. It tells the story of a schizophrenic patient who killed three people and injured several people, but was acquitted by the court and was only sent to a mental hospital for compulsory treatment.

The most infuriating thing is that the first person this mental patient killed was a girl. The court ruled according to Article 18 of the Criminal Law: "When a person is unable to recognize his own behavior or cannot effectively control his behavior, if his behavior leads to harmful consequences, and this situation has been identified and confirmed through the procedures prescribed by law, then the person will not bear criminal responsibility."

The mental patient was sentenced not guilty and was only sent to a mental hospital for treatment.

As a result, not long after, the mental patient ran out and committed another even worse massacre.

This time, he raped and killed a newly married girl and hacked to death a middle-aged man.

The prosecutors once again initiated public prosecution, but the Pengcheng High Court believed that this person was unable to recognize his own behavior when committing the crime, and was acquitted again, and then sent to a mental hospital for compulsory treatment.

This verdict directly angered the people of Pengcheng, and even the Pengcheng prosecutors were angry. The prosecutor who was in charge of the prosecution at the time slammed the table and scolded the presiding judge in court.

There were even extreme people who threatened to take justice for the heavens and conduct lynching.

Because this case was so tragic, even Lin Mo, who had seen the victim's life experience, was moved.

The first victim was a girl who had just graduated from high school. She grew up with her grandfather, who ran a small stall in the vegetable market to sell vegetables for her to go to college.

As a result, she was killed by this mentally ill person, leaving the elderly grandfather alone.

When the grandfather was young, he lost his wife, son, daughter-in-law, and finally his only granddaughter.

During the interview, the grandfather shed tears silently, just wiped his tears with his extremely rough hands and kept repeating: "Nizi, it was my grandfather who didn't protect you. You could have gone to college..."

The most choking thing was that the grandfather also said: "I believe that the law will punish bad people."

The final result was that the mentally ill person was not guilty.

The second victim was a newly married woman who had entered the marriage hall with happiness. She had been married for only one month and was pregnant, but she was killed.

The husband fainted several times during the interview. He didn't understand: "Why can a mentally ill patient who has committed a crime escape from the mental hospital so easily and commit crimes again!"

The third victim was a middle-aged man who ran a butcher shop and worked from dawn to dusk every day to maintain the family's expenses.

He paid off the mortgage and car loan, sent a child to college, and recently gave birth to a second child. He supported the elderly on both sides and was the absolute backbone of the family.

On the day the verdict came out, his wife cried and fainted at the door of the court while holding her little daughter.

In the three cases, everyone had a reason not to be killed.

But the reality is so cruel. The most heartbreaking thing is that the culprit cannot be tried.

The people of Pengcheng felt angry, aggrieved, and angry. They cursed on the Internet, and even people from the court came to spread feces.

The public grievances have accumulated to the peak and can explode at any time.

Lin Mo took out his phone to check the relevant news and found that there were relatively few reports. The authorities were suppressing the heat. Before the matter was completely resolved, they did not dare to report it widely.

This case was too tragic. The most infuriating thing was that the executioner could not be sentenced.

Lin Mo also watched the interview clips of the victims' families.

It was found that after experiencing the initial pain, the family members all had stern faces.

The lonely grandfather had a desperate expression and his eyes revealed death.

The newlywed husband had a cold face and murderous eyes.

The middle-aged man's eldest son looked like he was going to die.

Lin Mo looked at their eyes and knew that these people no longer believed in the law. Perhaps the next step was to risk their lives and use lynching.

After reading it, Lin Mo replied with a sentence: "Teacher Luo, it has come to this point, why is the court so persistent?"

Luo Daxiang directly sent the presiding judge's message.

"This is Judge Jiang, who served as the presiding judge twice. His most famous statement is that 'the law does not tolerate mercy', and everything is subject to the law."

Lin Mo understood that in the legal system, some people are like absolute machines. No matter what the public opinion is, they will only judge according to the law to maintain the absolute sanctity of the law.

This stern Judge Jiang is such a person. No matter what the external environment is like or how others threaten him, he insists on his judgment.

"What does the appraisal department say?"

Lin Mo knew that in this case, it was impossible for a hospital appraisal to be acquitted.

If it is not judged twice, it is definitely a real mental illness.

And it has been evaluated inhumanely.

Luo Daxiang: "The most severe appraisal was carried out, using biological and psychological appraisals, and adding 48 hours of all-round testing, as well as surprise testing of its life links. In short, both foreign and domestic methods have been used, and it is confirmed that the danger level of schizophrenia has reached level 5, which is severe.

It completely meets the legal definition of a mentally ill person who is completely irresponsible."

Lin Mo nodded after reading it.

Sure enough, for a case of this level, if there is no such a strict appraisal, this Judge Jiang would not have made such a judgment.

"Then Mr. Luo, you came to me because..."

Luo Daxiang: "Now the people of Pengcheng are boiling with resentment, and they are clamoring to try this mentally ill person. The prosecutors are also arguing with the court over this issue, and the fight is about to start."

After listening, Lin Mo understood.

The public resentment is huge, and only the trial of the mentally ill can calm this public anger. As a result, the court ruled not guilty.

If this continues, the people will probably start to take action.

Lin Mo has not forgotten the eyes of the victims' families. They have lost the most important person. Without any constraints, the hatred that erupts is huge!

It is likely to cause social unrest at that time.

"This Judge Jiang is also stubborn. He insists on his own principles. Why not replace him?"

Lin Mo remembered that in his previous life, there was a mentally ill person in Pingyang who killed six people in a row and was sentenced to death in the first instance.

But this case is different from the case in his previous life. The one in Pingyang was falsely accused of being mentally ill.

Luo Daxiang: "He is the president of the Pengcheng High Court."

Lin Mo raised his eyebrows and did not go into the topic: "So Mr. Luo asked me to help the Pengcheng prosecutors to prosecute?"

Luo Daxiang: "Yes, I hope you can give justice to the victim's family and the people of Pengcheng. Because of my status, it is not easy for me to come forward in such cases."

Lin Mo nodded and understood.

The prosecutors are not going to give up and must try this murderous demon.

It's just that I am powerless and can only seek external forces.

But this case is indeed difficult: "Mr. Luo, I will study it first, and I will take it if I can."

This criminal seems to be a real mental patient, a little difficult to deal with, but Lin Mo thinks there are still loopholes, but it just needs to be studied.

The course of the case, the family of the mental patient, and the bond between them and the victim are not clear now, and these are all crucial to the case.

It takes some time to find loopholes from it.

So I didn't take the commission without authorization.

Luo Daxiang: "Okay, just contact me directly when the time comes, within 30 days."

Lin Mo nodded.

Lin Mo didn't want to give up this opportunity. Whether it was to get to know Luo Daxiang, or to establish a relationship with the Pengcheng prosecutors, or to redress the injustice for the victim's family, these were all what Lin Mo wanted.

But he didn't expect that he would become a prosecutor after sending a prosecutor in.

And it was a hell difficulty start again...

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