"Okay." Lin Mo put his hand on Yang Jian's shoulder: "You have made it clear enough. At this stage, the victim's family members absolutely dare not say the reason."

"Take me there first and take a look. I may have a solution."


Yang Jian's eyes widened in surprise, what can you do?

He did not insist anymore. This lawyer Lin was recommended by Teacher Luo, and he also knew that Lin Mo was also very good at litigating.

But at this stage, it has nothing to do with litigation, and is more focused on criminal investigation capabilities.

However, Lin Mo insisted, and Yang Jian did not insist.

Just go and have a look. As for Lin Mo's suggestion that there was a way, he didn't take it to heart.

"Lawyer Lin, you can call me Assistant Yang, then I will take you there now."

So Yang Jian took Lin Mo to the conference room in the hospital.

On the way, Lin Mo also asked a key question: "Assistant Yang, how much remuneration do you plan to give for this cooperation?"

It is better to clarify this matter first.

Yang Jian was stunned for a moment. He glanced at Lin Mo, a little surprised that Lin Mo would ask for compensation at this time.

This is too confident!

The case hasn't even started yet!

"Well, we haven't discussed this Lawyer Lin yet. It will probably take a while." Yang Jian smiled awkwardly, and then immediately changed the subject:

"Lawyer Lin, there is a conference room ahead. The police and my boss are discussing with the families of the victims."

Creaking, the two pushed the door open and went in.

There were six people in the conference room, two in police uniforms and one in prosecutor's uniform.

The other one is an old man, and there is a woman and an old woman.

The old man, whom Lin Mo knew, was the grandfather of the victim girl. The woman and the old woman were the wives and mothers of the middle-aged male victim.

At this moment, the three people's faces were very gloomy, their heads lowered, and they did not speak.

Only the police patiently asked why we chose to use understanding words, and if they had any difficulties, they could tell us.

Lin Mo knows that if the victim's family chooses to forgive, it will not affect the murderer's trial, but the court will reduce the crime as appropriate, sometimes even 30% of the crime.

This is not good news for the Pengcheng prosecutors who want to try Jiang Wu.

Because it is already difficult to sentence Jiang Wu, and adding the understanding will undoubtedly make it worse.

At this time the prosecutor looked over.

Yang Jian immediately walked up and introduced in a low voice: "This is Lawyer Lin, Lin Lu, and this is Prosecutor Hongyun who is responsible for the prosecution of this case."

Lin Mo stretched out his hand and the two shook hands.

At this time, Hongyun asked: "Lin Lu, my assistant should have explained the situation to you. You are here..."

Before Lin Mo could speak, Yang Jian took the lead in explaining.

It is said that Lin Mo knew the reason why the victim's family chose to forgive.

"This...Lin Lu, do you really know?" After hearing this, Hongyun showed doubts in his eyes.

Although he had heard of Lin Mo's name, it was only in litigation, and he had not heard that Lin Mo was also good at collecting evidence.

The police are obviously better at collecting information, and their interview techniques are all professional.

"Hongjian, let me try." Lin Mo said calmly.

Hong Yun was a little hesitant. It was not a good idea to ask an outsider lawyer this kind of question, but thinking that Lin Mo was recommended by Luo Daxiang, he had to give him face, so he said: "They won't tell you anyway, then Lawyer Lin, you try Try it.”

With that said, Hongyun called over the two police officers who were making inquiries.

"Hongjian, what's wrong?" The two policemen were also in their 30s. They looked very capable and experienced at first glance.

Hongyun explained. The two policemen looked at each other and then shook their heads.

"Lawyer Lin, we have heard of your name, but we can't even ask about this kind of thing, so you still..."

But before the two of them finished speaking, Lin Mo had already walked towards the victim's family.

"A little too confident..." Hong Yun shook his head and was not optimistic. He just thought that Lin Mo was young and wanted to show off.

Yang Jian also said at this time: "When Lawyer Lin came over just now, he specifically asked about our remuneration."

Hong Yun looked a little unhappy when he heard this. As one of the outstanding prosecutors of the Pengcheng prosecutor's office, he often went to court with lawyers.

He understands that lawyers value money.

In fact, he didn't know Lin Mo very well, but he knew that Lin Mo was introduced by Luo Daxiang and had won several influential and large cases in Jianghai City next door.

But when I saw Lin Mo today, I felt that he was indeed a little conceited.

But he didn't say anything, and waited until Lin Mo was speechless.

At this time, the two policemen next to them also shook their heads and said helplessly: "We have used our words all the time, but they just won't tell us the reason. If this little lawyer can ask, we will stop doing it..."

Lin Mo ignored their suspicions.

When you come to someone else's territory, you should be more modest, but there is no time to lose at the moment and you have to move forward as soon as possible.

Arriving in front of the victim's family, Lin Mo was about to sit down.

The old man sighed and said: "My dear, don't ask us any questions. There is no other reason. We understand. You can fight the case however you want. You don't have to ask us. We can do it." Let’s go.”

The old man's tone was very helpless, even desperate.

The woman and the old lady next to him also nodded with gloomy faces.

Lin Mo did not answer, but asked directly: "Are the people threatening you from the demolition engineering team? If you don't forgive them, they will use Jiang Wu's identity as a mental patient to continue killing your neighbors and friends?"

At this point, the three of them suddenly widened their eyes and looked up at Lin Mo.

"You...we..." The old man was a little incoherent.

At this time, Lin Mo did not delay and continued: "And in your vegetable market community, all the relocated households have not received the corresponding demolition compensation, right?"

Hearing this, the three people's eyes widened even more!

"The owners of your vegetable market and the owners of the surrounding communities wanted to unite to fight against the demolition and get back the demolition compensation that belonged to you. What you didn't expect was that they actually sent Jiang Wu, a psychopathic murderer who kills without blinking an eye.

At first you didn't know and thought that Jiang Wu's killing of your relatives was an accident.

Until recently, the people from the engineering demolition team came to you and told you the truth indirectly and began to threaten you. If you don't forgive, they will send Jiang Wu to kill your former neighbors and friends when Jiang Wu is acquitted again.

Under pressure and in order to protect your neighbors and friends, you, as victims, can only swallow your bitterness and choose to forgive, right?"

Lin Mo's words pierced into the hearts of the three victims' families like a knife.

The faces of the three victims' families were extremely shocked.

"Kid...this...you...where did you get it from? You can't say this...you can't say it casually!"

The old man said anxiously.

At this time, Hongyun, Prosecutor Yang, and the two policemen who were watching at the other end of the conference room were stunned.

This anxious and surprised look is different from the gloomy look just now! It seems that he really got something out of the question!

And Lin Mo's reasoning is very logical!

The two policemen slapped their heads: "Yes! Demolition, threats, why didn't we think of this level?"

Hongyun changed his previous dissatisfaction with Lin Mo's arrogance at this moment, and said in surprise: "This... really got it out of him?"

He knew that Lin Mo's reasoning was logical!

Prosecutor Yang also showed a surprised expression on the side: "It makes sense, no wonder he dared to ask for money right away, this lawyer Lin seems to have something."

At this time, the two policemen reacted quickly and asked directly: "Lawyer Lin, do you have relevant evidence for your reasoning?"

Lin Mo looked over, his eyes sharp: "Yes."

All the evidence is with Xia Ling, Lin Mo has notified her, and Xia Ling is on the way.

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