Luo Daxiang explained: "It's very simple. Let's put it this way. Lin Mo's argument is based on the premise that Jiang Wu knew that he was going to commit a crime before he changed his personality."

"Ye Gu's statement was to overturn Lawyer Lin's premise. He directly said that Jiang Wu did not have any thinking ability, and it was even less possible for him to have criminal thinking.

"So Lawyer Lin's premise does not exist, so free behavior cannot be established."

After speaking, Luo Daxiang also frowned.

He also saw that it was the information conveyed to Ye Gu by the legal team. Ye Gu alone would not have been able to come up with this discussion in such a short period of time.

This refutation of Lin Mo's argument was too subtle, and it directly criticized Lin Mo!

Now if Lin Mo wants to make a comeback, he has to prove that Jiang Wu has a criminal mind, but this is a hell-level difficulty.

What would Lin Mo do?

He was so confident before, how can he break the situation now?

Luo Daxiang frowned, and the atmosphere instantly became tense.

Many legal Vs also saw this and began to explain. Everyone understood that Lin Mo was instantly suppressed by Ye Gu's words and fell into a disadvantage.

"This Ye Gu, is his thinking so clear? Is this something that a person can think of in less than a minute?"

Because everyone has seen it before, Ye Gu was shocked at first, but then he suddenly became more powerful...

"What's so clear? He's cheating in the gallery. He has a team of 60 lawyers, all of whom are helping him find a way. He just conveyed information through hand gestures."

"Damn it! Why don't we kick them out?!"

"Damn it! I didn't expect that having so many of them would actually be useful!"

"Hey, this is capital, what can we do? And it seems that Lawyer Lin hasn't discovered it yet. It's really worrying!"

The court hearings everyone watched were from God's perspective, and they could see everything in the court clearly. However, Lin Mo was different, and his perspective was limited.

"I'm so angry! If this continues, Lawyer Lin won't lose."

"It's possible. If every paragraph in the future is thought by the legal team and Ye Gu himself, I don't know how Lawyer Lin will fight. This case is extremely difficult to begin with, and there are so many people on the other side..."

For a moment, netizens were so angry that they wanted to curse.

At the same time, netizens also made new discoveries.

At the same time, lawyer Qiu Ying's situation is also very bad!

"Lawyer Qiu Ying has made no progress, and is being suppressed!"

"There is nothing we can do. Xingfu Real Estate did it too cleanly. No evidence was left behind. All the relationships were wiped clean."

"Also, the legal team in the auditorium is also passing on information. Lawyer Qiu Ying is facing the same situation as Lawyer Lin!"

On Qiu Ying's side, she was also helpless. For all the lawsuits she filed, Xingfu Real Estate's lawyers were able to refute them instantly.

It was as if they had already thought of how they would answer.

Just outrageous.

And the other party does things very cleanly!

Half of the compensation was missing, but that was the number written in black and white on the contract, and the residents also signed it.

Qiu Ying wanted to prove from various aspects that the other party coerced and induced the residents to sign, but no matter which point was raised, the other party could refute it instantly.

It seemed as if I was not fighting one lawyer, but countless lawyers!

All kinds of strange and different rebuttal arguments are very outrageous coming from the mouth of a lawyer from the other side!

Qiu Ying had given up the attack and started dragging the court to extend the trial time as much as possible, waiting for Lin Mo's instructions.

Not to mention Xu Houcai's side. Although the other party did not have a team of lawyers, it was Xu Hou's first time to litigate. He was trembling, and he had the common problems of all newcomers.

Failure is only a matter of time.

As for Lin Mo, after Ye Gu's statement, netizens expected Lin Mo to launch a quick counterattack and regain the advantage, just like before.

But today, Lin Mo's calm and confident face was gone. Instead, he had an expressionless face, and he never spoke.

When netizens saw Lin Mo's appearance, they knew something was wrong.

"It's over. All three lawsuits are at a disadvantage. Are we going to lose?"

"Hey, there's nothing we can do about it. The other party cheated! They cheated in the trial! Why didn't the bailiff kick them out?"

"Hey, even if the other party doesn't cheat, it's actually very difficult for Lawyer Lin and the others to win."

For a time, netizens became negative.

The only happy person, besides Wang Fuyao, the boss of Happy Real Estate, is Zhang Yan, who is married to Huang Jian.

And Huang Jiancheng was completely crazy: "Haha, we are going to lose! We are all going to lose! I am going to make a lot of money!"

He almost jumped with joy.

Lin Mo's next move disappointed netizens.

in court.

Lin Mo raised his hand expressionlessly: "Presiding judge, I apply for an adjournment of the trial!"

Jiang Cong looked at Lin Mo and said without even thinking, "The reason."

"I need additional evidence."

"Agree to adjourn the court, are two hours enough?"

"That's enough."

"Okay, now let's adjourn the court for two hours!"


Jiang Cong knocked down the gavel without hesitation.

Lin Mo stood up directly and walked towards the door of the court under everyone's gaze. His steps were fast and his face lost the previous confidence.

It feels like running away.

This scene also completely shocked netizens.

" Lin doesn't want to run away..."

"Fuck, he's running away. He can't run away even if he loses."

"Didn't he say he was going to add more evidence?"

"Well, what other evidence can be added midway? I think Lawyer Lin's thoughts are confused and he wants to go out to find some ideas. Eh..."

"It's really difficult. I hope Lawyer Lin has a good rest and can fight back effectively when he comes back later."

Public opinion is in chaos.

Ye Gu also sat on the chair, hugging his chest and looking at Lin Mo who ran out with disdain.

Add more evidence?

Bullshit, he's just scared, and he's going out to find some ideas to delay time.

Ye Gu thought confidently.

The lawyers on the seats also smiled and relaxed one by one.

Don't mention it, the speech just now seems simple, but it's not easy for so many people to come up with it!

Luo Daxiang didn't understand why Lin Mo applied for a recess and then ran out.

He looked at Xia Ling's expression, who stayed behind. At this moment, Xia Ling's expression was very calm, not afraid at all.

"Huh? Is there a trick?"

At the same time

At the table, the three family members of Lin Feng's victims asked Hong Yun with some concern: "Prosecutor Hong, why did Lawyer Lin run away..."

Hong Yun also knew the plan, so he comforted: "It's okay, Lawyer Lin did go to find key evidence and will be back soon."

The three nodded.

And Lin Mo quickened his pace after walking out of the court and took a taxi.

Destination-Pengcheng Primary Court.

Yes, it is the primary court where Zhang Houcai filed a lawsuit.

The key evidence that Lin Mo is looking for is there.

He will take over Zhang Houcai to fight this lawsuit!

When Zhang Houcai filed the lawsuit, Lin Mo's name was in the defense lawyer column. Now Lin Mo is just taking advantage of the recess of the High Court.

To participate in this primary court case against Jiang Wu's father and his family.

"Haha, isn't your lawyer team very powerful? Aren't you concentrating resources to fight me and Lawyer Qiu Ying?"

"Then I will change the battlefield! If you have the guts, you can follow me too!"

Lin Mo quickly rushed to the primary court of Pengcheng and entered the trial after showing relevant documents.

At this moment in the court, Zhang Houcai was being beaten by the opponent, and he couldn't even lift his head because of the fierce output.

And the appearance of Lin Mo made Zhang Houcai happy.

"Lin Mo, you are finally here!"

Lin Mo nodded, and then looked at everyone.

"Oh, everyone, I am late, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Lin Mo smiled and greeted the people around him.

At this moment, everyone in the primary court was stunned!

The judge, the staff, the defense lawyer of the other party, and the family of the defendant Jiang Wu.

Why did you, Lin Mo, come here?

Shouldn't you fight with Ye Gu's lawyers in the High Court? !

At this time, the lawyer of the other party was directly scared silly!

"Fuck?! Why is Lin Mo here?"

He wanted to call his immediate boss, Ye Gu, but this is a court, and he can't use a mobile phone.

Damn, what's going on? He was originally beating Zhang Houcai, and he was so happy, why did a Lin Mo suddenly appear? !!

What the hell is this?

Lin Mo: "Okay, I'm also the defense lawyer for the appellant, so I should have a say in the judge."

The judge immediately asked the staff and got a positive reply.

"Uh... yes..."

Lin Mo smiled.

The primary court is so comfortable, there is no pressure from the lawyer team, only a small shivering young lawyer on the opposite side.

I have never fought such a simple battle!

What is tactics? You asked me to fight with your strongest forces, do you really think I'm stubborn?

Are you unhappy about fighting such a small thing?

Looking at the shivering lawyer on the other side, Lin Mo's mouth corners were almost unable to be suppressed.

And this scene was broadcast live.

Some people opened three trial live broadcasts at the same time.

When they saw Lin Mo appear at the trial scene of the primary court and prepare to speak, they thought their eyes were in trouble.

Didn't Lin Mo go to rest and find evidence?

Why did he appear in the primary court?

Until they confirmed that it was Lin Mo, they were directly stunned.

"What the hell? What's going on?! Why did Lawyer Lin go to the primary court to sue?!"

"This is crazy! Can you still play like this?!"

"What is Lawyer Lin doing?!"

(Everyone send me off with love, 5 more chapters tomorrow with 10,000 words!)

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