Lawyer: The bully is not guilty? I will send him to death!

Chapter 94 Xia Ling's incredible speech

While Lin Mo was arguing in the lower court, in the higher court.

Everyone was silent. Since electronic devices were not allowed, no one knew what was going on outside.

Xia Ling was the only one left at the prosecutor's seat, and an hour had passed.

Everyone was closing their eyes and concentrating, and a group of lawyers in the auditorium were holding pamphlets and discussing countermeasures.

Xia Ling raised her head and glanced at the busy group of lawyers, grinning widely and raising the corners of her mouth slightly.

"You're working in vain." Xia Ling muttered softly.

At this time, Ye Gu happened to get up and saw Xia Ling alone, so he walked over proudly.

Ye Gu walked up to Xia Ling and smiled contemptuously: "Child, where are your adults, where are you hiding?"

When Xia Ling heard the word "child", she immediately became angry. She turned around and glared at Ye Gu: "If you dare, call it again."

In fact, Xia Ling looks relatively sweet. As long as she doesn't make a fierce expression, she looks younger.

Ye Gu pretended to be frightened, raised his hands and said sarcastically:

"Okay, I won't say it anymore, but you have to tell your adults that I have hundreds of simulation results here. It can be said that we have expected every word Lin Mo said. You will lose, so give up as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if you really anger us, your Shunhe Law Firm will not be protected. "

Speaking of which, Ye Gu's tone already took on a threatening tone.

Xia Ling's expression instantly darkened, and she looked at Ye Gu coldly: "Are you threatening us?"

"Uh-huh, no, no." Ye Gu waved his hand easily, as if he had a winning ticket.

"Huh, do you really think I'm scared?!" Xia Ling said, looking towards the trial seat, where the judge Jiang Cong happened to be sitting.

So Xia Ling raised her hand directly: "Presiding judge, we apply for a trial!"

When Ye Gu heard this, he couldn't hold back and laughed: "A trial? You are a paralegal, how can you litigate?"

"Sorry, my internship has been completed for one year, and I have passed the national judicial examination and the Bar Association's practice assessment. I am now a practicing lawyer!"

With that said, Xia Ling took out her practicing lawyer certificate.

At the same time, he also took out the employment contract signed by Pengcheng prosecutors, which stated that Xia Ling, a practicing lawyer from Shunhe Firm, was hired as the prosecutor's lawyer.

In other words, there were two prosecutors in this case, but Xia Ling still played the role of assistant.

"What the hell?" Ye Gu was stunned for a moment and couldn't understand.

At this time Xia Ling smiled.

According to ordinary methods, Xia Ling would definitely not be able to become a practicing lawyer.

After all, she has been banned by the Bar Association. Even if he has been a trainee lawyer for a full year since July last year, he will definitely fail the assessment.

But don’t forget, the lawyer has Qiu Ying with a great reputation.

Many lawyers who left Ai Ain Law Firm back then have become the backbone of various law firms.

With Qiu Ying's help, the law firms that had previously accused Xia Ling all withdrew their reports and accusations from the Bar Association.

During this period, Qiuying personally visited Jianghai's Lawyers Association and relied on her face to persuade some senior officials to restart Xia Ling's internship.

Then Shunhe Law Firm issued a certificate proving that Xia Ling had completed one year of internship, and Xia Ling obtained the professional assessment from the Lawyers Association.

As for the exam, I passed it easily.

Note that all of this was done while she was out on an investigative mission. During this period, she also took time to come back and take the professional examination.

"So, I apply for a trial now, and next, I will be the prosecutor!"

Xia Ling raised her head and raised her chest, glancing at Ye Gu and the legal team in the auditorium with a haughty look.

That condescending and contemptuous feeling was brought to life by Xia Ling.

Jiang Cong also became interested. When the trial started, he knew that the prosecutor had sent two public prosecution lawyers this time. He originally thought that the girl was just an assistant with the title of public prosecutor.

I didn't expect that I would have to take over the shift.

At this moment, the staff trotted all the way to his side.

"Dean, look, Lawyer Lin Mo..."

Jiang Cong lowered his head and looked at the handed phone, and saw that it was Lin Mo's lawsuit in the lower court.

"Huh?!" Jiang Cong, whose face was full of wrinkles and scars, immediately wrinkled into a groove.

He didn't understand why Lin Mo went to the lower court to file a lawsuit.

Then he raised his head and glanced at Xia Ling, who was shouting for a court hearing in the audience.

"Which one are these two going to play?"

However, he knew that this was in line with the rules. A lawyer could take on several clients at the same time, but in order to avoid having two trials at the same time, they would usually be staggered.

But he glanced at Ye Gu, and then at the team of lawyers who filled the auditorium.

Suddenly I understood, and then I smiled knowingly.

Then he pointed at the screen and cursed with a smile: "This Lin Mo's brain circuit is different. He is teasing us by having two lawsuits at the same time. Then don't spoil him and just go to court."

The two judges nearby had no objections.


"Defendant, do you agree to the request for a trial?"

Ye Gu didn't even think about it: "I agree!"

Lin Mo does have some brains, but this idiot paralegal who only looks sweet and has no brains is quite easy to deal with.

"Hehe." Xia Ling smiled evilly.

"Why are you laughing?" Ye Gu suddenly felt a chill.

Xia Ling laughed and said, "I laugh at you. Even if you have dozens or hundreds of simulations, it's useless to me! You fool, ahaha."

"You... Humph! You wait for me." Ye Gu snorted coldly.

He didn't expect that there was someone like Xia Ling in the lawyer team who would directly call people fools.

Xia Ling spread his hands, then sat down on the chair, and instantly became serious.


The court is now in session!

"Prosecution, do you have anything else to say?"

Before the adjournment, Ye Gu had directly overturned Lin Mo's argument.

Now if you want to win the case, you can only re-establish a new argument system.

Everyone present thought that Lin Mo went out to find new arguments and then establish new argument points when the court was adjourned.

This is not ordinary difficult.

Since the court is now in advance, everyone's eyes are on Xia Ling.

At this time, Xia Ling crossed his hands under his nose, with a deep look on his face.

At this time, the Internet also noticed that the High Court had opened the court.

"Fuck! The court opened without waiting for lawyer Lin Mo?!"

"Who is the prosecutor?!"

"Wait! It can't be Xia Ling!"

"Fuck! It's really Xia Ling! She has a contract signed with the prosecutor!"

"Wow, sister Xia Ling is so cool!"

The first time I saw Xia Ling suing, the live broadcast room was so popular.

The next moment, Xia Ling, who was in a deep state, spoke. She imitated Lin Mo's tone and said in a low voice: "If it is according to what Lawyer Ye said, how do you explain Jiang Wu eating shit? He has a record of eating shit many times on his own initiative."

As she said, Xia Ling looked at Ye Gu.

At this moment, Xia Ling seemed like a husky that had cooled down, and her eyes were very sharp and clear!

Ye Gu smiled. He didn't need the help of the lawyers for this question. He said directly: "It's very simple. How can a mental patient distinguish what is in front of him? Maybe Jiang Wu's hobby is eating shit? He eats shit when he sees it. How can he be classified as a free behavior?"

The court was silent for a while, and everyone's eyes were focused on Xia Ling again.

Xia Ling's mouth corners slightly raised, and her eyes seemed to be full of wisdom. She spoke:

"In this case, can we verify Jiang Wu's hobby of eating shit on the spot?"

Xia Ling raised her hand directly: "Judge, I apply to go to a nearby hospital or septic tank to scoop a spoonful and put it in front of Jiang Wu. If he really eats other people's shit, it means that he has no idea that shit can make him change his personality!"


The whole court and the Internet were shocked.

Everyone couldn't believe that such a shocking word came from the sweet and gentle lawyer Xia Ling.

Some of Xia Ling's fans burst into tears: "It's over! Xia Ling has learned bad things from lawyer Lin Mo!"

"Not only has she learned bad things, she is also doing the same thing in lawsuits!"


At this time, Ye Gu was also shocked by this outrageous statement, and his mind went blank.

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