Lawyer's character

Chapter 44 Backlash

"Hey! Lawyer Zhao, did you see that?" Chu Huai touched Zhao Zhongcheng with his elbow and whispered.

"What are you looking at?" Zhao Zhongcheng glanced at the mysterious Chu Huai.

"You don't know, the director gave a real estate case to Lawyer Fang. The client came in the morning. Lawyer Fang hurried to the conference room just now to discuss the case. If he can sign it this time, the commission will probably be much higher. Thousands, even tens of thousands." Chu Huai said enviously.

"Just sign it. What does it have to do with me? It's a good thing that there is a case in the office." Zhao Zhongcheng said pretending to be indifferent, and then immersed himself in reading the case file.

Seeing him like this, Chu Huai felt secretly happy. He knew that even though Zhao Zhongcheng looked at Zhao Zhongcheng as if nothing had happened, he was actually already upset. After achieving his goal, Chu Huai hummed a tune and walked away happily.

After Chu Huai left, Zhao Zhongcheng raised his head and glanced at the conference room, his eyes full of jealousy, envy and hatred, and glanced at Chu Huai coldly. He knew Chu Huai too well, and clearly knew that Chu Huai was angry with him, but He just did this, he couldn't help it, he was just cheap.

In the conference room, Fang Yi looked at the person opposite. She was a woman in her thirties, with stylish hair, painted eyebrows, and powdered face. She looked pretty. Perhaps because of the resentment in her heart, her face was droopy and she didn't look easy to speak.

"Ms. Li, Director Sun said yesterday that you wanted to inquire about real estate. Could you please introduce the details?" Fang Yi said.

“Yes, it’s a real estate issue.

The thing is, my family lives in a village on the edge of the county town. Because my family has a large population, I asked the village to apply for another homestead last spring. At that time, the village gave my family two places to choose from.

As you know, I would like to find someone to take a look at everything I do in the village, so I asked Zhang Tiezui, a well-known Feng Shui master in the county, to go to my house. He would give me good food, drinks and hospitality, and asked him to help me look at which of the two plots of land I had. Good for my family.

Later, Zhang Tiezui chose a piece of land near the roadside from the two homesteads. Then we started looking for people to work on building the house.

But who would have known that my father-in-law got cancer and passed away within a few months of moving in, and my mother-in-law also fell ill and left within two months. Later, my husband and I were driving to the city to do errands and got into a car accident. My husband almost lost his life. I also had multiple soft tissue injuries.

I thought to myself, that’s not right, this new house was granted to my husband, and the old man lived with us. My brother and sister-in-law also live in the village, but nothing happened. Maybe there is something wrong with the new house.

Later, I went to the next county and invited a Feng Shui master to come over. He climbed up to the roof with a ladder, and his expression changed immediately when he saw it. Back at the house, he told us and my wife that our homestead was not good because it happened to be at the bend of the road, and the most terrible thing was that it was on the outside of the road. In Feng Shui, it was called an anti-gong evil.

I didn't believe it, so I climbed up to the roof to take a look. Sure enough, the road was like a big bow that was stretched out. The big bow was facing my house, and the bowstring was on the other side of the road.

So many things happened in my family, and they were all caused by rebellion. Later, I asked someone to help me check it out, and it was the same as what the Feng Shui master said.

There is no other way. Now that the house has been built, it is impossible to move. We can’t throw money away, so we can only hire someone to break it down. Fortunately, there are not many cars on that road. It is almost useless and it is quite far from my home.

My family has renovated the front door and planted trees. The Feng Shui master said that we should grow cacti outside the courtyard. I have almost sold out all the cacti sold in the county. My family suffered a big loss this time. Ms. Li said with an angry look.

"So, you want to complain?" Fang Yi listened quietly, and when he saw Ms. Li said she was thirsty and picked up a glass of water to drink, he interrupted.

"Yes, that's what I mean. I want to sue him. Zhang Tiezui is murder. I want him to go to jail." Ms. Li reached out and wiped the water droplets from her mouth and said sternly.

"According to you, this is a criminal case. You should go to the police station to report the case." Fang Yi felt a chill in his heart. What kind of real estate case was this? To put it simply, he didn't choose the Yangzhai well and the owner's family caused trouble.

"I went, but the police said they couldn't handle my case because it was too big and asked me to go to court." Ms. Li said.

"Go to court to sue? What is your request?" Fang Yi said depressedly. The police station just handed it over to the court. This matter is not easy to deal with. I sued Mr. Feng Shui. Where is the evidence? It is estimated that it will be difficult to even file a case.

"I want Zhang Tiezui to compensate me for mental damages of 100,000 yuan." Ms. Li said sternly.

"What about the evidence? Do you have any evidence?" Fang Yi asked.

"I...I called him and gave him money." Ms. Li said.

"Is there a recording?" Fang Yi asked.

"No!" Ms. Li said.

"Do you have evidence to prove that your old man passed away because the location of the homestead Zhang Tiezui chose for you was not good? Did you and your wife get into a car accident?" Fang Yi then asked.

" do you prove this! But my family invited Zhang Tiezui to come and see Feng Shui, and everyone in the village knows about it!" Ms. Li stared.

“Our country’s traditional culture is extensive and profound. Although Feng Shui has been around for a long time, and ancient emperors did believe in it, the key point is that the courts do not believe in it, and the law stipulates that civil activities conducted by civil subjects must not violate the law or public order and good customs.

Let’s privately say that there is no problem with Feng Shui. I also believe in Feng Shui. The judge may also believe what you say is indeed true. But officially, this is called feudal superstition. Even if you take it to court, the judge will not be able to support you because Where are the legal provisions? "Fang Yi explained.

"You mean I can't win this lawsuit?" Ms. Li was stunned for a moment and asked with suspicious eyes.

"I can't help you. There's a problem with your case being filed. Why don't you find someone else to try?" Fang Yi shook his head.

"I want to see Director Sun who answered my call yesterday." Ms. Li felt that the lawyer in front of her might have too little experience, and the lawyer who answered the phone yesterday sounded more professional.

"Okay, wait a moment, I'll see if Director Sun is here." Fang Yi picked up his pen and book and left the conference room, heading straight to the office.

Director Sun has been feeling depressed recently because there are only a few clients in the firm and there are not many new cases. Although the rent is cheap, lawyers’ salaries and daily water and electricity are free. Lawyers cannot reduce their wages because among their colleagues in the county , because the salary he gives is low. Of course, the commission on cases is slightly higher than that of other companies. If the commission was also low, no one would do it.

In the past few days, he has been thinking about how to increase revenue and reduce expenditure, but he racked his brains and couldn't think of any other place to reduce expenditure. To increase revenue, you need connections. The county is so big, he has run away and moved everyone who can move. . Now the companies in the county are almost divided up by various law firms. It’s hard to get new customers!

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