Layman System

Chapter 1101: Recommended products

"Okay, okay, there is no problem, we are ready to go back now, and then I quickly prepare, let my subordinates quickly take everything, and then everything will be in front of your eyes. You watch it."

Zhou Dong sounded more relieved, and the two of them had walked to the office soon and sat there again. All that was left was to quietly wait for the foreigner's subordinates to bring everything over.

Then I will think about which product I need. I just looked at their wine store in general, and I feel very relieved.

After all, you still need to be careful to do these things, and these things must be carefully checked. If there is no such serious check, it will definitely not work.

I checked it carefully there just now, and I felt that it was really good, so my heart was relieved. Anyway, as long as there is no problem here, it is estimated that there should be no problem when it comes to the bar.

After all, this foreigner also knows his strength, if he wants to offend himself, then he really has found the wrong person! I will never let him go, and he will never show up in this city for this winery.

At that time, let him carefully weigh whether he is the person he can offend or not. If you can't offend it, just look at yourself quietly by the side, don't talk too much about what's wrong?

The foreigner sat there, and then said to the secretary next to him. Soon everyone had brought everything over. It seemed that this was all the wine in this winery.

Zhou Dong began to look at it silently, not to mention that he had seen so many varieties of wine for the first time. Although I have seen a lot of things like this before, this time it really opened my eyes.

Sure enough, I really have to find such a big winery to cooperate. There really are everything in it, so I don't have to worry about where to get these things.

When the foreigner saw Zhou Dong's expression, he felt very satisfied, so he continued talking silently there.

"How do you feel like this is pretty good? Just need this kind of feeling. Each of our customers will have such an expression when they come to us. It seems that boss Zhou is also a very knowledgeable person!"

Zhou Dong raised his head as soon as he heard it, and then watched that the foreigner didn't say anything. The foreigner's expression was so fierce when he saw Zhou Dong.

In an instant, I became very worried in my heart. Could it be that I said something wrong? So he hurriedly looked at Zhou Dong there in a panic, not understanding what was going on.

As soon as Zhou Dong saw this foreigner's expression, his expression turned into a smile. The foreigner also experienced a lot of things. When he saw this, his heart chuckles in an instant.

This is really scary. Suddenly looking at yourself with that expression, no matter it is, anyone will become particularly scared!

So the foreigner let out a sigh of relief there, and quickly spoke to Zhou Dong.

"I said that boss Zhou, your expression just now was really too scary. I was completely frightened by you. This also made me some surprises. I didn't expect it."

After Zhou Dong listened, he started laughing and nodding his head, slowly opening his mouth, and the foreigner who answered!

"I said you are so nervous. Didn't I just watch a few bottles of wine here? What are you suddenly nervous about? I think what you have here is really pretty good. That's OK, we just First choose what I need."

The foreigner just nodded his head when he heard this. Of course, he was especially willing to end this business quickly, and then his troubles would be solved.

So I started to take out a large book of exhibition pictures there, and showed Zhou Dong there. As soon as Zhou Dong saw such a thick stack of mules, he was immediately stunned. When can he finish watching such a thick mule?

This is really too scary. I have watched a lot now, so I slowly took the wine bottles and put them on the other side, and then continued talking to the foreigner!

"I said you have so many things, I am afraid I can't finish it today. You recommend a few of your favorite products to me like this. I believe you have a certain understanding of your things. I am more at ease with what you recommend. Yes, you can recommend a few of them to me. I am going to buy these items.

I nodded my head instantly every day. Other than that, this recommended product is definitely an expert. I started to take money there once, and the big booklet began to be introduced to Zhou Dong. Several of the better-selling products thing.

Zhou Dong also listened very carefully to his products described by the foreigner. It feels really good, this guy is indeed a particularly good material!

If you can reach a consensus with yourself, I believe she will be a particularly good business partner, but this business partner does have something special, and he still has some sinister methods.

Even if a consensus is reached, then I need to be careful here, and shoot a few people to stare at him, but don't let him make any small movements.

In case he really made any small movements, then he accidentally got himself down. If he got down and couldn't get up again, it was definitely not worth it!

Therefore, in order to prevent this kind of thing from happening, this own sense of guard must exist, but you can't relax your vigilance and let him take advantage of it, then I am afraid there is no chance of turning over.

Soon the foreigner had already introduced a few of his beloved products, and Zhou Dong saw that they were basically almost the same, so the next step is to lift up the above question.

This time Zhou Dong first spoke to the foreigner.

"Okay, okay, I have a certain understanding of basic things, then let's explore the problem of funds, I think these things are particularly good, and then the relationship between the two of us, You should give me the lowest price, don't you think?"

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