Layman System

Chapter 1103: Happy cooperation

Of course, Zhou Dong was the best to hear this. Try to do this as soon as possible, so he took a look at the folder that he brought over in front of him.

I feel that the above content is really unique. This is the most comprehensive one I have ever seen, so I started to click it with satisfaction. I picked up my head and signed one of the pens there.

When the foreigner saw Zhou Dong's straightforwardness, he couldn't grind there, so he quickly took it, and signed the name alone in the folder in front of him.

Soon the two people had signed each other's contract, and then the two smiled at each other and said to him.

"Hahahaha, it's really good not to say that doing things with happy people like you is really good. Okay, since it is like this, if there is nothing to do, I will go back first. By the way, you three Can someone help me put the box of wine in my trunk?"

The foreigner laughed instantly when he heard it. Anyway, the matter here has been resolved, so he said he was very happy inside.

After all, I didn't have any particularly big losses here. Originally, those wines needed a special person to help them sell, so everyone likes this.

Although I said that my price has been beaten down, I also have some reassurance in my heart. After all, they said that they can have a lot of sales.

Now that the price has been beaten down, then put up your own sales, so that you can complement each other, and there is no particularly big problem, this is a particularly good result.

Then the foreigner answered Zhou Dong!

"I said, "Boss Zhou, don't worry. This is for sure. I will definitely find someone to put these things in the trunk. Let's go first, and then put the three boxes of wine in later."

Zhou Dong was relieved when he heard that, and then he began to glance at what Xiaodong said to him

"Alright, alright, we have basically settled the matter here, let's go back, there are still a lot of things in the house waiting for us to deal with."

As soon as Xiaodong heard it, he nodded his head, stood up and prepared to leave here with his elder brother.

When the foreigner saw that Zhou Dong had already started to stand up there, he was about to leave. He also quickly stood up and watched Zhou Dong silently talking.

"Today is really good. It is my happiest thing to have a particularly good result. Okay, we will meet again later. I will definitely entertain Boss Zhou at that time."

Zhou Dong laughed instantly when he heard what the foreigner said, then nodded his head and patted his shoulder against him and said!

"Okay, okay, there is no problem, then I will definitely arrange for this good friend of mine, then if there is nothing to do, you can quickly arrange someone to send us back."

Of course, the foreigner had to arrange it. After all, he had already agreed just now, so he turned his head and continued to hand the matter to his secretary.

When the foreigner's secretary heard this, he nodded his head and said to his boss.

"Boss, I have arranged everything, and now I am ready there. As soon as Boss Zhou goes out, I can sit in the car and go home."

It looked pretty good, and the style of doing things was really fast, so he turned his head there and looked at that Zhou Dong and said.

"Alright, okay, boss Zhou, we have basically arranged everything here, as long as you go out, we can provide services for you anytime, anywhere."

After hearing these words, Zhou Dong felt relieved instantly, and then began to move, and he walked out directly.

The foreigner also followed him all the time, and kept sending himself out. Because his heart is also very happy, he talks more.

On the way, I really didn't talk to that Zhou Dong less. This made Zhou Dong very embarrassed. I didn't know how to talk to her at all. This was too depressing for me.

But for a polite question, so I could only light up there, and my head kept answering. What he said was the first time in his life that he had such an awkward conversation.

Finally, when he finally saw his car at the door, Zhou Dong can’t wait to sit in his car factory and leave here. This is too much to say. His mouth is really not free on this. .

Xiaodong on one side is also really annoyed. How can this guy say no? Has the business been negotiated? He is still here bbw, really want to go up and give him two big mouths to make him stop.

But my eldest brother is still here, I can't do it like that at all, so I slowly endured it in my heart. After all, these things still need to be done like this.

Soon the two of them were already sitting in the car, and the foreigner had been standing there and waving his hand to Zhou Dong, and then continued to speak.

"My friend, I hope you can come to me next time. We will have a good drink at that time. I will definitely prepare the best wine in my winery."

Zhou Dong looked at this foreigner and was really curious. It was like that just now, and now it is like this again, and it has changed a lot, but his face still needs to be given to him. The fish is there to order himself. Head answered.

"Okay, okay, then it's settled. I will definitely come when the time comes. How about sitting down and drinking a lot of wine? Then there is nothing to do. Let’s go first, right, don’t Forget about your security, next time I come, I don’t want me to see them again."

I don't know what happened. The two security guards disappeared in an instant. It may be because the foreigner has solved the two of them. I don't know what the matter is.

Forget it, anyway, my own matters here have been resolved, and the foreigner who was waiting for those minor problems to be resolved, this time I asked him to remind him for the last time and tell him.

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