Layman System

Chapter 1111: Purpose of contact

But compared to headaches, learning these things is still a very real thing. If you don't understand anything at all, how do you manage such a big bar?

So once there are difficulties, they must be overcome, but they can't stand up there like a fool.

Zhou Dong looked at Xiaodong's expression completely different from before, maybe because he said too much, he suddenly couldn't accept something.

So he started to ask Xiaodong with concern.

"I said, Xiaodong, I said too much today. I feel that you can't digest some of it at the moment. Why don't you wait until I have time and I will tell you something else. You are definitely not good at it. of."

Xiaodong also felt that there were too many things he knew today. He had never thought that his elder brother had experienced so many things, no wonder he had so many experiences.

It seemed that all of this was gained from failure, so she began to realize this there, and then nod her own head there, beckoning her elder brother to let it go first, and then wait until there is time to tell herself.

Zhou Dong saw that Xiaodong had lit his hair, and he laughed instantly here, feeling that Xiaodong is really different today, and he has grown up all at once.

In Zhou Dong's heart, don't mention how happy he was, and he immediately nodded there, saying that his head!

"It's really not to say that you have such a simple desire to pass you, but it really makes me have some admiration for you. Your kid is definitely a piece of material. If you study well, you can definitely become a person like me. Do you believe it or not?"

Xiaodong was a little unbelievable. He never thought that one day he would become his elder brother. It would be good if he could have half of his elder brother's ability.

So he shook his head there, saying that he didn't believe it!

"Don't say anything else, I feel that if I become you, I am afraid that I will have a long way to go. In fact, I have no other purpose. The only purpose is to be half as powerful as you."

Zhou Dong laughed instantly when he heard this, then shook his head expressingly there and said.

"I said that this is absolutely impossible for you. You have to surpass me as your ultimate goal, you know? If you will never make progress like this, you will treat me as a benchmark. When you surpass me, you are the best person."

Xiao Dong's heart was instantly inspired, and he nodded his head there, feeling that it was indeed necessary, so he quickly expressed his attitude to his elder brother.

"Okay, that's okay, since the elder brother said so, then I will try to surpass the eldest brother. I will definitely work hard to make you not disappointed."

Zhou Dong laughed instantly when he heard what Xiaodong said. No matter how he did things, he had to have an attitude. His attitude was particularly good.

I can let myself have something to talk to him, unlike once others don't have a particularly good attitude, I don't have any words to communicate with him in an instant.

So Xiaodong is really qualified to do this. After all, he must have a heart eager for knowledge, just like himself, even though he already has a lot of experience!

But these still need to have some old people tell their things about them, so that they can prevent them.

So didn't people say a word? This is the reason why you learn to live until you are old. You must instill all knowledge into your head.

When you have fully instilled these thoughts, then you are definitely a particularly powerful character, and you can see how others are inferior to you and their shortcomings.

This is also the purpose of Zhou Dong's contact with those old people! After all, all old people have experienced a lot of things when they were young.

And I am also a species. I hope there is such an old man to talk to myself about these things, and then let myself understand in an instant.

These things are really special desires, and I have to look like Xiaodong. In front of the old people, I am like a child, a child who has not finished his hair.

These things really have to be studied well, because some of the things in their mouths definitely have their truth.

Just like when I communicate with my father-in-law and the old Chinese doctor, I feel that the two of them are characters of different realms, and their personalities are also very different.

Maybe this is what they were trained in the original era. They have to change in this way. If you don't have this function, then you will never stand on your own feet in this society.

Once you are untenable in this society, there will be a lot of people stepping on your head and going straight up, so these things absolutely never happen.

You have to get up a lot, and then have a changeable face, so that even if you meet any person, you can communicate with him, and then you are not afraid of anything.

Isn't all the purpose like this, let the people around me become stronger every day, and lead them to become especially relaxed? This is a special idea.

I have to be good here, but there can be no mistakes. When I am old, if there is a young man, I myself will tell these things to them.

After all, there are some things in their heads that are useless. Only by telling them to let the young people know what these things are, they will avoid a lot of detours.

It's also very fast to get things done this way, just like Xiaodong, he really needs to be nurtured, he, let him understand a lot, must be a special character.

Another point is that no matter what you encounter, you must treat it with your most humble heart, because only you treat these things with a particularly humble attitude, and they will give you a particularly thick return.

Some of your things are antagonistic, and you just need to do it this way. If you don't do it this way, there may be a lot of mistakes. Then there will be mistakes, which can't be resisted by one person at all.

So there are some things that must be done to perfection, just like you are now, you must think of everything.

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