Layman System

Chapter 1129: Last reminder

So if something like that happened to me here, then I can only be a dumb eating huanglian, and Youku can’t tell.

After all, these things are really difficult to predict, so we still have to be careful, but there can be no problems, so I continued to talk there.

"I said it might be wrong for you to think that way. Don't you have to be careful about everything you do, so you have to be careful about this matter. Don't look at us in our own turf, in case someone is right about us. I'm thinking about it."

After Xiaodong listened, he nodded clearly, but Zhou Dong felt that there was still some lack of energy, so he continued to open his mouth!

"Furthermore, we have already given him the money, and in case someone doesn't agree with us, if there is a problem in this link, then we both put the money in, and our product did not take it. Arrived, so we still suffer."

Xiaodong suddenly understood it, and it was really such a thing. After his elder brother said that, he really felt that these things must be careful, but he shouldn't be too careless.

So he nodded his head there and answered.

"Okay, there is nothing wrong with my eldest brother. I will definitely keep a close eye on it. I will arrange for many people to look after the people they send one by one. There will be no problems, even if they do. I don’t think I can get it out under our noses."

Zhou Dong felt that Xiaodong's attitude was pretty similar, after all, Xiaoxin was still more important, so he was relieved here, anyway, he was told about this matter.

If there really is something wrong, then you really have to pay attention to him, pay attention to him, you must make him understand some truth.

I have already done what I should do here. Anyway, the rest depends on how Xiaodong does it. I don't care about that much. I have to let go anyway.

It is also good to let her experience these things earlier, just like what happened today, he contacted earlier, and then there will be no similar things again, and he will definitely understand one of the truths.

This is the only purpose for him to exercise, so there is no problem. Besides, Zhang Shuang is also next to him. This kid is really fast-sighted with a mobile phone. There is no such thing as driving in front of him. Any role.

So I feel relieved here, anyway, no matter what, two people should be more than enough to deal with the foreigner. The two people can add up.

So before leaving, he shrank back to Zhang Shuang.

"By the way, Zhang Shuang, please follow along carefully not to have any problems. In case of any problems, it is absolutely unthinkable. So we must be careful to deal with these things one by one, and problems arise. , Then I really want to interrogate you two."

Zhang Shuang and Xiaodong immediately lit up when they heard that, and their heads quickly promised to talk to their elder brother.

"Okay, good brother, don't worry, there will never be any problems with us. If there are any problems, you can ask us two things!"

Zhou Dong was waiting for the words of the two of them. If there really is something wrong with him, then he really wants to ask them two and ask them to see what is going on with them. child.

Why can't handle such a small matter well, so what's the point? Therefore, such small things must be handled properly, but no problems should arise.

Zhou Dong was quite relieved when he heard these words. He directly moved his head there, and started to walk out. After he had done drinking, how could he drive back, so he turned his head and stood still and said to Xiaodong. With

"No, right, there is one more thing. How can I drive back when I drink? You can arrange for someone to take me back."

Of course it’s okay for Xiaodong to listen to it. I just looked for it there. The kid who sent his eldest brother home last time felt that the kid was quite stable. No matter what he did, it was difficult to send his elder brother back safely Family.

So he yelled directly there, the name of the kid who was called, that kid was also far away, and he heard Xiao Dong feeling himself, so he quickly put down the things in his hands and ran over immediately.

Then stood panting in front of Xiaolong, looking at Xiaodong with a dazed expression, not knowing what he was going to tell him!

Xiaodong saw that this kid had come, and quickly opened his mouth and told him about the task he had been given.

"You are still the old rule. You must send your eldest brother home in a while, and then you must watch your eldest brother go in. I didn't hear everything. It looks like the last time, so I'm more at ease. "

That person thought it was something else. As soon as he heard that it was already the case, he nodded his head there, indicating that he understood it, and then began to look at Zhou Dong and say with a smile.

"My problem, brother, is left to me, don't worry, brother."

Zhou Dong had a pretty good impression of this kid. When he saw the man in the third row taking him home, he didn't worry too much. After all, the last time he drove was quite stable.

I remember to pick up that young man today. When my father went to the hospital, this man felt that he was really reliable, so he tiptoed his head and walked out with great satisfaction.

That kid has been quietly following Zhou Dong, waiting to drive.

Soon they had walked out and started to stand there. The kid didn't know what kind of car Zhou Dong drove today, so he became very confused, not knowing where to go.

Zhou Dong looked at it this way, so he immediately understood, and quickly opened his mouth to him and said there!

"By the way, I forgot to tell you which car it is. My car has been driven away by one of my subordinates. Then the Land Rover is mine. They have not been driven for a long time. Go and drive. Come on, get the key from Xiaodong in a moment."

At this time, Xiaodong was quietly following his elder brother. When he heard the key, he quickly took out the key from his pocket and handed it to the kid.

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