Layman System

Chapter 1134: Do not impulse

Zhou Dong also understood this. Knowing that there are many liars in the four realms now, he started to nod his head with a smile, and began to pat his chest!

"I said you can rest assured, my little head can still understand these things, and there will be no problems. Don't worry, continue to listen to me."

Li Li feels that Zhou Dong is also really inked, and this statement is really boring. It is really enough to show him that such a little thing has been said for so long!

One is to continue to wait there silently, nodding his head, in fact, there is already some unpleasant patience in my heart.

As soon as Zhou Dong saw that his daughter-in-law was not particularly impatient there, he quickly opened his mouth and said to his daughter-in-law.

"Don’t worry, don’t worry, I’m talking about cooperation with a foreigner today, and then I went to him to negotiate some conditions, and he will send us wines from their wineries regularly in the future, and then he has been working with us there, and still lowest price."

Li Li also knows more or less about this bar, so there is no doubt that they are sending drinks there regularly.

Li Li thought there for a while, as if suddenly remembering something, she quickly opened her mouth and followed Zhou Dong to talk there.

"I said something is wrong with you. I remember that there used to be a group of regular small vendors in the bar. Why did they suddenly change people? Some of them make me wonder why they used them in the first place. It was good, and then suddenly disappeared."

When Zhou Dong heard this, he laughed instantly, thinking that his daughter-in-law really had some understanding of his own affairs there, so he opened his mouth and said to him!

"This is also a piece of news I just got. You don't know how annoying it was at one time! It really made me annoyed. I don't know what happened. All of a sudden, the small vendors left directly. , I don’t know who I can dig into the corner."

Li Li laughed at this instant, and then began to question Zhou Dong there!

"I said you can't do this. Can you make all these things firm? What's the matter? I don't understand it. Originally, those things are all good, why suddenly Chased away, could it be that someone was messing around behind?"

Zhou Dong heard what his daughter-in-law said, and it really made a logical analysis. If no one would mess with them behind their backs, then they would not leave their rich man in vain.

They have been working together for so long, so there is nothing else to say, the least trust is still there, and the price for the other party is also very much.

So Zhou Dong started to move his head there, slowly opened his mouth, and started talking directly.

"Okay, okay, since it's like this, there is no other way. If someone is behind you, what can you do? Then you can only take a look at it silently. I will study it tomorrow. See who it is."

Li Li's expression became very serious when she heard there, she didn't know what the situation was, and then slowly opened her mouth and said.

"I said, what are you doing? Why do you want to be rough with others again? I tell you that you are not good at this. What kind of society is it now? No. Don't be impulsive, what else are you doing?"

Zhou Dong listened to what his daughter-in-law said, and regarded himself as too stupid, so he hurriedly sat there shaking his head, explaining to his daughter-in-law.

"I said you don’t have to worry about this, my daughter-in-law. No matter what, I have some brains. These little things will not appear in my problem. I will use a particularly sensible method to deal with them. Thing."

Li Li saw Zhou Dong's appearance and straightened her mouth, and then spit out there.

"Just take it down. Don't boast about yourself here. I really don't know what to say about you. If you can go out in the future, can you not be like this. The arrogant will always fail."

Zhou Dong laughed instantly when he heard what his daughter-in-law said. He nodded his head there quickly. It is indeed reasonable to say this. Some arrogant people are destined to fail in particular, so they say they cannot That way.

After all, there are some truths, I still need someone in my ear to remind myself that there should be no problems anytime, anywhere.

Li Li saw that Zhou Dong had already understood what she said there, and then continued to ask him.

"Then how are you going to solve it tomorrow, then you are not going to be one day soon, I tell you you must not be impulsive, don’t you know, don’t you do this impulsive thing, don’t let me know about you? Do something like that!"

Zhou Dong listened, of course it was okay. He nodded his head there, he would definitely not do anything else. After all, the current society is a legal society, and everything is protected by law.

Zhou Dong actually didn't have any other thoughts. For those people, these things had no effect on him, so there was no need to do anything.

I just want to see what's going on there, and I want to know what kind of hatred the person behind him has.

I just want to know these things purely, so I really didn't think of how to do other things. Know these things first, and then think about the next step.

Anyway, I will not do anything excessive, as long as it is to let the small vendors know how good they are, and then let them understand that they are absolutely wrong to leave themselves.

Li Li didn't know what Zhou Dong was thinking about there, so she opened her mouth and asked him.

"I said, what the **** is going on with you? Why do you suddenly start to be stunned there? What is going on? Is there anything you didn't tell me? Or something?"

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