Layman System

Chapter 1183: People run away!

The small vendor's nerves seemed very tense, and his fists were clenched tightly, as if he was engaged in a fierce ideological struggle.

Finally, he made up his mind, got up from the stool, turned and walked into the room.

"Come on! For the safety of my family, I am not afraid of anything!" The small vendor secretly encouraged himself in his heart. After all, it was the first time to do this kind of thing, so he still felt a little panic.

Concealing the tension in his heart, the small vendor walked in pretendingly.

The eyes of those gangsters turned to his face. Although he could see that he was keeping his head down, he didn't notice anything abnormal.

After all, they couldn't think that the small merchant dared to oppose them, and his family was still in his own hands.

Those people looked at the small vendor with a trace of contempt in their eyes, as if they were mocking him for not being able to take care of his family. They could only watch them suffer while they were so weak.

But the small vendor secretly glanced at these people from the corner of his eyes, and felt very happy to see the mocking smile on their faces.

"Huh! These people don't seem to notice our plan yet, so it would be best. If you can buy more time for Zhou Dong, he will have more chances to rescue my family safely."

Zhou Dong brought a group of his subordinates with him, and set off to the location the vendor told him.

Time was urgent, Zhou Dong led a group of people to quickly distribute, and soon arrived at the location where the family of the small vendor was kidnapped.

In the abandoned house, a middle-aged woman and a little girl were thrown on the ground in five-flowered fashion, and their mouths were stuffed with cloth. There was no way to struggle, let alone cry for help.

The clothes on the two women are already messy, and their hair is even more messy, and they seem to have been tortured.

Zhou Dong felt a little unbearable in his heart, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes, and he cursed fiercely: "These beasts actually dealt such heavy hands on two women, and there are wounds all over their bodies. They are really not human!"

But now the time can't help him think so much, so Zhou Dong directly rushed in to untie the ropes on the two people, and then hurriedly took out the things in his mouth.

The two women didn't know Zhou Dong, and they had a hint of panic in their eyes at first, but when they saw the man coming to help them loosen their bonds, they relaxed their vigilance towards him.

"You are safe now. I will leave you to a safe place. Your husband will come to meet you in time." Zhou Dong said hurriedly and stood up.

The two women also helped to stand up from the ground, and their hands and feet were a little unwilling because of the long-term binding, and they trembled as they walked.

"Everyone, hurry up, when those people come back, things won't be easy to handle!" Zhou Dong ordered again.

But there was a trace of embarrassment on the middle-aged woman's face: "I'm really embarrassed, gentleman, we have been **** for too long, and we have injuries on our legs, so we don't walk too fast."

Zhou Dong listened to her, then looked at the mess of small stones on the ground, frowned, and hurriedly called a few of his men.

"You two, pick them up and get into the car as soon as possible. Don't let those people find out!"

With an order, several of his men hurried over, picked up the bodies of the mother and daughter, and hurriedly got out of the car and ran over there.

Soon they got the two people in the car, Zhou Dong took them to a new place and put them here.

"Okay, this place is safe for the time being. Those little gangsters can't find you. As long as you keep quiet, no one will find out. I will get your husband together at that time."

Zhou Dong said in a hurry, he left this place and turned to look for a small vendor.

Those little gangsters are still staring at the small vendor, but they haven't paid much attention to him. After all, they are used to the weak character of the small vendor, knowing that he will not make any big moves, so they are not too much. Take him to heart.

But although the small vendor looks calm on the surface, he is already very nervous in his heart and has been thinking about Zhou Dong.

"I don't know if Zhou Dong has rescued my family. Are they safe now? It must be fast, God bless them, and they must appear safely!"

When he was anxious, he suddenly heard a vibration from the cell phone in his pocket. The small vendor's spirits rushed and he took a sneak peek around and found that no one noticed his side, so he took out the cell phone.

Above is the text message sent by Zhou Dong. Although the message is very short, it makes the small merchants very happy.

"The person has been rescued, you can withdraw now."

The small vendor was holding his cell phone with a very happy smile on his face. If there were not many people here, he would almost scream.

"Haha, great. My family has been rescued. After that, I won't have to be threatened by these people anymore. I can leave immediately!"

The peddler suddenly felt relieved and got up and walked out the door, but the little gangsters behind were puzzled when they saw his behavior.

"Hey, I said where you are going, don't you know that your task is to stay here? Is it the opposite?" A loud roar came from behind.

But the small merchants are no longer afraid of them, only a cold smile appeared on the corners of their mouths.

"Huh! Do you still want to control me now? That's a mistake of wishful thinking. My family is no longer in your hands, and I have no worries. I can no longer follow your orders and never see you again! "

The small vendor's eyes were cold, and he turned and walked out the door, but the small gangsters suddenly became interested.

"Hey, did this kid take the wrong medicine today? Suddenly he started to have a convulsion, and dare not put us people in his eyes. I don't think he has received the lessons he deserves!"

"Come here, go and bring me the two mothers and daughters. I want to personally abuse them in front of him. I don't believe it anymore. He can still watch his wife and daughter being abused in front of others. not human!"

A small **** received the order and hurriedly turned and ran out, but a few minutes later, the man ran in panic and reported a news that shocked everyone.

"Boss, the two mother and daughter **** in the house suddenly disappeared. There are only a few ropes on the ground. It seems that they have escaped!"

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