Layman System

Chapter 1185: Underground auction

I had booked a five-star hotel in Heihai City. As soon as the plane landed there, Zhou Dong went straight to the place of accommodation, ready to rest.

While lying on the bed, he was still wondering in his heart that this was the first mission issued by the system in such a long time. Perhaps this mission will be very important and more difficult.

"Fortunately, the system has re-awakened, and then I can continue to complete the task of upgrading the road." Zhou Dong actually has some small expectations in his heart.

Although the system has been deposited for so long, it is not that everything is ignored. Instead, it has been silently keeping a low profile, and at the same time repairing its own system, wanting to become more complete.

During this period of time, the system has collected information from various places, and is currently very interested in a piece of jade, especially jealous, that's why Zhou Dong set out this task.

Zhou Dong ordered a takeaway, and after a hurried dinner, he lay in bed bored, preparing to have a conversation with the system.

"System, I have arrived in the Black Sea City now, and you haven't told me what the specific task is. I only know that it is searching for treasures. If you have any more information, please tell me a little bit quickly, so as not to get rushed and fail to complete. Mission, don’t even think about getting things."

The system seemed to be particularly dissatisfied with Zhou Dong's behavior, and suddenly a very unhappy voice spoke.

"Huh! Haven't seen me for such a long time, did you treat me like this? The attitude is a bit too bad, be careful I won't prepare enough materials for you for a while, let you figure out your own way!"

Zhou Dong saw that the system was a little angry and hurriedly stopped it.

"Don’t, I’m just joking with you. Why are you so anxious? Since we are going to complete the task, you should give me everything you can give me quickly so that I can get things for you quickly, so we both Are you all happy?"

"Well, for the sake of your sincerity, I will tell you that your next task is to go to the black market to grab a piece of jade. The jade is different from ordinary jade, and it is very valuable. Then the black market will be held. I will notify you of an illegal auction and will give you adequate preparations."

Zhou Dong finally understood his specific task, and began to figure it out in his heart.

The black market is not an ordinary place. It is not easy for everyone to appear there. It is still very difficult to win a piece of jade in the market where the masters are like clouds.

"Unexpectedly, the system hasn't assigned tasks for such a long time, and suddenly asked me to complete such a difficult thing, but I really can't think of me!" Zhou Dong also quietly teased in his heart.

The system seemed to have detected Zhou Dong's thoughts and spoke in his mind again.

"Hey, don't be so discouraged, since I let you complete this task, I will help you to make adequate preparations. Then you only need to act according to the plan. There is no difficulty. Believe in yourself. I will I'm always here to help you!"

Suddenly Zhou Dong felt that the re-awakened system this time seemed to be much gentler and more understanding than before. He couldn't help feeling secretly happy in his heart.

Now that he had heard the guarantee of the system, Zhou Dong no longer had any more thoughts in his heart, lying directly on the bed, and fell into a sweet dreamland.

In the past few days, he has been waiting for news from the system to inform him of the opening time of the auction, and to go outside when nothing is wrong, and it feels quite leisurely.

Three days have passed, and there is still no systematic news. Zhou Dong's surname Zhou is already a little worried.

"What on earth is the system selling this time? The lawsuit has been here for several days, why there is still no notice?

However, Zhou Dong knows that the system is very planned, so he is not too anxious, and thinks it is better to give it enough time.

That night, Zhou Dong was lying in bed watching TV, when he heard another voice in his mind.

"Tomorrow night, the specific location of the underground black market for the auction will be sent to you tonight, and the invitation for admission has been forged."

"At that time, there will be a lot of extraordinary things on the market, many of which have unknown origins, but you don't need to pay attention to these, just get the jade I just gave you."

"Okay, I will act according to your instructions at that time, as long as you prepare enough materials for me."

After several days of self-cultivation, Zhou Dong felt that he had become more energetic, and he just felt that he could show his skills on the black market.

The next evening, Zhou Dong brought the forged invitation card to the entrance of the underground black market.

The entrance to the black market is very strict. There are two groups of people standing in front of them with electronic detectors in their hands. Members who are entering are scanning their bodies to prevent them from bringing unnecessary things.

Zhou Dong also felt secretly surprised in his heart: "The admission of this black market is quite strict. It seems that there may be real things in it."

The system seemed to have detected Zhou Dong's thoughts, and when he was poking his mouth, he suddenly spoke.

"Of course, there are many things in the black market that are very valuable, and the origin is unknown. The identities of the people participating in the auction are also different, which is very different from the normal auction, but this is not what you want. For things to worry about, just get me the jade."

"Hey, I just sighed what happened? You have been very active recently!" Zhou Dong also teased the system.

At this time, a few people came forward and began to search Zhou Dong, and walked back and forth with a detector on him.

"You can enter!" The man said coldly, and Zhou Dong walked in with a relaxed look.

The layout of this black market is also very different from the usual auction venues. Just when Zhou Dong just walked to an intersection, a staff member suddenly appeared and spoke indifferently.

"Gentlemen, please come with me, this is the entrance."

Following this person through a long aisle, the lights on both sides were dim and dim, which made Zhou Dong suddenly feel like he had entered the underground palace.

After walking for about a few minutes, a very bright conference venue suddenly appeared in front of him. It was as big as several football fields. Zhou Dong was also shocked when he saw it, and his eyes went wide immediately.

I even froze there for a while, as if seeing some incredible scene.

At this moment, the system spoke again: "This is the auction site for a while, you just need to sit in the position they specify."

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