Layman System

Chapter 1187: Not peaceful

"This competing product has now been auctioned for 130,000. Does anyone want to continue to increase it? 130,000 once..."


Before the emcee's voice had finished, Zhou Dong once again raised the sign in his hand and offered a price.

After a few minutes, no one was continuing to bid, and this jade fell into Zhou Dong's hands as it should be.

"Hey, it's not too difficult. It seems that the competition is not too fierce. It's easy to get this piece of jade." Zhou Dong thought to himself, a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Don't get too proud of it too early, the black market is not very peaceful, and there will always be some inadvertent things. The next most important task is to protect this jade. Maybe someone will covet what you have in your hand. "

After being reminded by the system for a while, Zhou Dong also secretly increased his vigilance once again, watching a group of people around him, but he did not see anything abnormal.

Soon, all the 16 competing products at the auction were over. Many people bought what they wanted at a price they were more satisfied with, and the expressions on their faces seemed very satisfied.

But the corners of other people's mouths have sinister smiles that seem to make their scalp numb.

"It seems that in this seemingly peaceful black market auction site, there are still undercurrents, hiding a lot of hidden tricks." Zhou Dong thought secretly in his heart, and at the same time tightened his nerves even more.

The last auction item has also been bought, and the entire auction is over. The emcee warmly congratulated everyone who got the treasure on it, and then announced the end of the auction.

Zhou Dong knew that it was this chaotic moment that was more likely to happen, and it was still the beginning, and more things would definitely happen next.

Sure enough, when Zhou Dong walked into the aisle, he saw a man with a sneaky look, staring at one of them.

Zhou Dong's gaze followed that person, and he realized that he was staring at someone who had just bought a competing product.

Subconsciously holding the jade in his arms tighter, Zhou Dong hurriedly pretended to touch the person in front of him intentionally or unintentionally, winking him.

That person also often participated in this kind of auction. He naturally knew what Zhou Dong meant by doing this. There was a trace of gratitude in his eyes, and he hurriedly protected his things better.

Zhou Dong didn't want to stay here any more, he was going to drive all the way back to his residence, but the road was really not too peaceful, and some people who had returned empty-handed had already followed him.

As he walked to the car and was about to open the door, he heard a faint footstep behind him, as if someone was following.

Several empty-handed people were sneaking over here, preparing to find a suitable opportunity to knock Zhou Dong unconscious, and then **** his treasure.

"Huh! These people's wishful thinking is too good, and they want to take the babysitter away without spending a penny. They are really insatiable! I will never let them succeed!"

Zhou Dong got angry too, pretending not to see those people, he got into the car all at once.

The parking lot is very empty and the lights are dim, making it suitable for some dark activities. The eyes of those who came to track have already glowed.

Just when Zhou Dong was about to step on the accelerator, several figures suddenly sprang out from behind, holding knives and steel bars in front of his car, with fierce light in their eyes.

"Bang, bang, bang!" Suddenly there were several heavy knocks on Zhou Dong's body. A man was shaking the steel rod in his hand and hitting his body.

Zhou Dong knew in his heart that he couldn't leave now, and when he rolled his eyes, he thought of a good strategy.

While those people were not paying attention, Zhou Dong suddenly reached out his hand and took out the jade box from his pocket, quietly took the baby out of it at the fastest speed, put it in a safe place in the car, and then took it with him. The box got out of the car.

The moment he just got out of the car, seven or eight people had already surrounded him, staring at him with a sullen look.

"Hand over things!" one of them yelled viciously. The voice sounded even more creepy in the empty garage.

However, Zhou Dong didn't show any panic or fear, only a very evil smile was drawn from the corner of his mouth.

"The system has given me enough martial arts and physical strength, am I still afraid of you guys now?" Zhou Dong didn't pay attention to these people at all.

"Things? You want the baby I bought at a high price? It's a bit whimsical. My money is not windy. Are you just eating for nothing? It's a bit too ugly!"

As soon as Zhou Dong's words fell, several people waved their weapons and rushed forward, attacking him from all directions.

These people were almost ruthless, and every move was aimed at the most critical and deadly part of Zhou Dong's body.

Of course, Zhou Dong had already seen the determination of these people. It seemed that he was going to put himself to death and then take the baby away from him.

However, his body suddenly fell backward, and then the person slid out like a loach, ran behind someone in a thunderous manner, and then stretched out a punch and slammed it on the back of his head. past.

"Ah!" Hearing a scream, the man fell to the ground without warning, making a muffled thump.

"Hehe, the kid's skill is not bad, but even so, you have no chance to escape today. How can you be the opponent of all of us on your own?" The corner of the other person's mouth suddenly appeared. A more sullen smile.

The few remaining people rushed towards Zhou Dong again, shouting, using even greater strength in their hands.

Zhou Dong just kicked his legs on the ground suddenly, and then his whole body sprang up, and a few people who rushed in front had already flew off the ground.

The remaining two people saw Zhou Dong's methods well, and they felt a little scared in their hearts. They stopped tremblingly and didn't dare to attack directly.

When a group of people were fighting, Zhou Dong suddenly heard a noisy sound again. It seemed that more people were coming here.

"No, if you continue to pester them here, I am afraid it will be difficult to get out tonight, I have to use a strategy!"

Thinking of this, Zhou Dong suddenly jumped up from the ground, looking like he was about to launch an attack on the remaining two people, but his hands had been quietly reached into his pockets, throwing the empty box on the ground, far away. Threw it out.

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