Layman System

Chapter 1209: Want something

But Zhou Dong also had everything he needed, and there was nothing short of it. The reason why he worked so hard to heal him was that he wanted something very special on the old man.

"Hehe, father, you actually misunderstood. The reason why I cured you was not because you wanted to repay me, but I did want something, not as noble as you thought."

The old man didn't have any doubts about Zhou Dong's words, but rather liked his straightforward character.

"Haha, boy, I like your straight-forward character. I just say anything. I also like dealing with people like this, but what do you want?"

The old man stared at Zhou Dong kindly, as if he had regarded him as an old friend of his.

Zhou Dong's eyes have been nailed to the old man's neck, and he has a strong interest in the jade.

"Old man, I actually did this for the jade on your neck."

Hearing what Zhou Dong said, the old man had already looked down at his baby.

There is a crystal clear jade hanging around his neck, which looks very seductive, but a seam has been cracked in the middle.

As soon as his eyes touched this thing, the old man's thoughts floated back into the distance, as if he had also remembered a lot of stories, and he seemed to be very nostalgic for this thing.

In short, Zhou Dong read a trace of complex emotions from his eyes, and he was secretly thinking about it. This thing must be very important to the old man. Maybe it takes a little thought to get it.

Sure enough, the old man looked at the jade on his neck, gently stretched out his hand to cut it off, held it in his hand for a long time, his face became heavy.

Zhou Dong also knew that this thing was very important to the elderly, so he let him watch there quietly for a long time without rushing up to bother.

The room suddenly became quiet. An old man looked at the jade in his hand, and a young man stood by and looked at the old man. The scene looked very strange.

If a person who doesn't know the truth of the matter sees it, he will be surprised and wonder what the old and the young are doing.

But only two parties can realize the mood at this moment.

After a long silence, the old man finally spoke deeply.

"In fact, I have always carried this thing as a baby. It was left to me by my mother a long time ago, and I have taken it with me since I was a child. When I was a child, my mother told me that this jade was opened and can help me. Withstand major disasters."

As the old man talked about the past, he began to sigh. He looked at a place on the window and his thoughts seemed to have returned to the distance.

He remembered that in the afternoon when he was a child, his mother took out a beautiful thing and put it on his neck, and at the same time said something to him.

"The scene where my mother gave me jade that day, I still can't forget it, although she has been away from me for dozens of years, but whenever I see this thing, I feel as if she is still by my side. , Makes my heart feel very at ease."

When Zhou Dong listened, he felt a sigh of emotion in his heart, and thought to himself that this might be the power of maternal love.

"Master, have there been many interesting stories between this jade and you? If you have time, you might as well tell me all of them. I am also very interested."

Zhou Dong saw that the old man's thoughts had fallen into the memory, and he was unwilling to break such a beautiful atmosphere, so he deliberately said this to let him vent his inner feelings.

The old man seemed to understand Zhou Dong's meaning, turned his head and glanced at him with a very grateful look, and then went on.

"What you said is really good. This jade indeed saved my life. That time it happened too suddenly. I was able to survive that disaster. Everyone felt it was a miracle. My mother thought it was the jade on my body that played the role, so from now on it has become more important."

"And since that incident, my mother has always asked me to carry this thing on my body and can't take it off anyway, and she must always follow her, asking me to support him, saying that the two of us are now dependent on each other. It can To protect my safety, I can also protect it comprehensively."

The story of the old man was so wonderful that Zhou Dong couldn't help but stare at him. He stared at the old man with his big eyes, and his emotions had fallen into the story.

"Father, then there must have been some particularly wonderful experiences between you and this jade, right?" Zhou Dong asked at the right time.

"Yes," the old man nodded again, and continued, "that time I went outside to play with a few friends, who knew that when we were having fun, a big truck suddenly rushed out from behind."

"Because I was too young, I didn’t realize the danger at all, and because I was too happy to have fun, I didn’t notice it. The big truck rushed over at once and involved several of my friends. When God came, the shadow of the little friend was gone."

A very sad look appeared on the old man's face, and Zhou Dong's mood also dimmed.

It sounds like this is an unpleasant story. Zhou Dong also felt sorry for the children and sighed deeply.

"Finally, the big truck rushed over, and I saw several **** bodies on the ground. They had been crushed into human form by the big truck, and almost all of them could not be recognized. At that time, I was stunned. The whole person is stunned!"

"After a long time, a few adults rushed out crying and took away the bodies of my friends, but my spirit was strongly stimulated, and the tragic things kept appearing in my mind. In the picture, my mother kept holding me tightly in her arms for fear of something wrong with me."

"It's strange to say that when we were playing, I was standing in the outermost place. According to normal circumstances, the truck should have dragged me in. But I survived miraculously. I can’t figure it out, and in the end I can only think of jade’s magical powers.

After the old man finished speaking, he fell into a period of deep contemplation. He really wanted to recall the events of the year, which affected his emotions and made him fall into a period of sadness and nostalgia.

Zhou Dong finally let out a long sigh of relief, and once again fell into a moment of silence in the room.

The two hadn't spoken for a long time, but in the end Zhou Dong spoke first.

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