Layman System

Chapter 1267: Inaction

Seeing this, both cousin and cousin have already understood that Zhou Dong's identity is really not simple.

Zhou Dong just smiled faintly at this time, glanced at Da Xiong, and did not give any instructions, and the corner of his eyes still secretly looked at the two cousins ​​and cousins, and found that the two of them were already terrified of fright. A cold smile appeared.

The expressions of the two cousins ​​and cousins ​​are also very funny now, as if they have been stunned, staring at Zhou Dong with a very shocked look, and then regretting the behavior just now.

"It turns out that this man is deeply hidden. On the surface, he looks ordinary. He doesn't see any ability at all, but he didn't expect to have such a deep identity. If he knew it earlier, it would be fine. To fawn, maybe it is someone else who is frightened now."

The cousin regretted secretly in her heart, and her face was flushed and white, and her expression was particularly patience.

However, Zhou Dong did not speak to help them, he looked at them with a very cold eyes.

"Heh, these two people usually arrogantly look like they are looking at everyone. Today they met a big bear. It should be a lesson for the two of them. I will not speak for the time being and see if they two are in the end. What kind of performance."

"If two people really repent, I will let them go, but if they are still obsessed with it, then even if they are saved, I am afraid it will be a help to the abuse, and it will not benefit anyone."

Thinking of this, Zhou Dong just stood there blankly, neither giving any explanation nor helping any party.

Although the cousin has now seen that Zhou Dong's identity is very unusual, but for the sake of face, she still looks high. She really feels that she can't pull her face to beg Zhou Dong, so she can only look at him constantly with her eyes.

Of course Zhou Dong also noticed the uncertain expression on his cousin’s face, and knew that this woman wanted to ask herself to save her precious son, but seeing her attitude was still so tough, Zhou Dong felt unhappy. .

"Huh! This woman must be very anxious now, but she doesn't seem to want to beg me for mercy. She just wants to instigate me without looking at the current situation. I won't help with this attitude. She handled that matter."

"Anyway, my wife is not here now, no one can give me orders, why am I not happy to watch a good show?"

Thinking of this, Zhou Dong's mouth came out with a cold smile, looking at the two of them with a mind-seeing attitude, and slowly pulled out a chair from one side, sat down on it comfortably, as if Not ready to intervene.

Da Xiong has been on the road for many years. It's amazing to see other people's winks, and it's almost like a human being.

Seeing Zhou Dong's careless attitude, Da Xiong's eyes rolled around and he understood what Zhou Dong was thinking.

"Hey, it seems that President Zhou is not too concerned about the situation of these two people, and there seems to be any other story between the mother and son and President Zhou. From this point of view, there is still hope for my revenge. Taking advantage of Mr. Zhou’s no chance to speak, I’m going to give this kid a lesson, or else I won’t be able to swallow this breath."

When he thought of this, Da Xiong immediately winked at a group of his men, and the meaning was obvious.

A group of subordinates quickly understood what Big Bear meant, and immediately began to punch and kick his cousin.

The cousin just stared at Zhou Dong with a very expectant look, hoping that he would be able to save people at this critical moment, but what was waiting for him was endless disappointment and a sudden fist.

"Bang!" Just before his cousin could react, one of Da Xiong's men had already stretched out a fist and hit his chin.

There was a violent pain in the cousin’s jaw, and then he let out a scream, the whole body fell backward, and a tooth suddenly came out of his mouth and fell to the ground. It seemed so miserable. .

But this is not over yet, another person has already rushed over, stretched out a thick leg, and kicked towards the cousin's belly.

"Ah! Whoops..." The whole bar suddenly became very quiet, and only the painful screams of my cousin and the sound of fists and feet hitting him could be heard.

A group of customers around seemed to be watching a play. Watching this farce, some people had taken out their mobile phones from their pockets and filmed the incident.

"Wow! This fight is really miserable. It seems that this kid is going to be beaten to a crippled man today!" Not only did a person curl his lips, his eyes showed a trace of sympathy.

A cold smile appeared at the corner of Da Xiong's mouth, and his eyes almost glowed as he looked at his cousin who was beaten badly.

"Huh! I dared to bully my big bear woman, and yelled to me face to face that this is your end!" Two **** of flames burst out of Big Bear's eyes, and I stared fiercely at my cousin who was rolling on the ground There is no sympathy.

Jiva sat aside obediently at this time, watching the man who had harassed herself been severely taught, and a smug smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Da Xiong's men did not stop at all. In the voice of his cousin, fists hit him again and again, falling on him like raindrops.

The cousin was beaten to the point of crying and crying, and the bones on his whole body seemed to fall apart, almost unable to withstand more attacks.

"Ah! Mom, hurry up and save me, go find someone to help, if I don't do anything again, I'm afraid I will die here today!"

The cousin was beaten and couldn't get away, and eventually he suddenly roared, his voice full of anger and helplessness.

My cousin was also very nervous, seeing that her precious son was suddenly beaten with a bruised nose and swollen face, and blood was oozing out of the corners of her mouth, she was naturally even more anxious.

Usually at home, she is very fond of her son, and she almost feels distressed even if she bumps into it. Now seeing her son be beaten like this, she has no way to help. She is so anxious. Stomping on one side vigorously.

Zhou Dong just watched the whole thing with a calm face, without saying a word or giving any instructions during the whole process.

Da Xiong was even more proud of Zhou Dong's inaction, and ordered a group of his subordinates to attack his cousin more strongly.

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