Layman System

Chapter 1304: Man in black

"Where is my wife?" Zhou Dong's two eyeballs almost came out, staring fiercely at the nasty man in front of him, thinking that he had kidnapped his wife.

However, Zhou Haode didn't have any panic expression on his face, he just asked Zhou Dong to let go.

"Oh, I said Mr. Zhou, don't you be so excited, okay? I didn't treat your wife like that. If I really kidnapped that woman, I would still come to you to give something to you without knowing it. I think I understand."

Zhou Dong felt that what he said was quite reasonable, and he couldn't run away at the moment, so he could only throw him away fiercely.

"Say, where is my wife now, don't you know?" Zhou Dong's tone was full of anger, his impression of this man was getting worse and worse, and he wanted to blow his head with a punch.

But now he knows the position of his wife best, so Zhou Dong can only bitterly suppress the anger in his heart, and endure the anger and anxiety in his heart.

"Don't get excited," the fat man seemed to be frightened by Zhou Dongren's anger, and hurried back a few steps, for fear that he would punch himself on the head again, "I will tell you the truth in a moment. ."

Zhou Haode directly took out the USB flash drive from a small bag behind him, and then looked up at Zhou Dong: "I know where your wife has gone. If you want to know too, just look at this section of surveillance. I took it out specially. of."

"Xiaodong, go bring a computer, I want to watch the video above."

Xiaodong hurriedly agreed, turned around and ran back to a room inside. After a few minutes, he came out with a computer and placed it on a table.

Several other people gathered around. Zhou Haode sat in front of the computer, embedded U in it, and then clicked on a video.

"Look, it took me a lot of effort to get the video. Your wife happened to be there at that time."

Zhou Haode turned the computer in front of Zhou Dong, and then sat aside and waited quietly.

Zhou Dong saw his wife's figure appearing on the screen, and then several people in black suddenly appeared in the screen, his brows were already frowning tightly, and he felt nervous in his heart.

That road was the only way for his wife to get off work, but was robbed in the middle, Zhou Dong felt even more suspicious in his heart.

"My wife didn't offend anyone, and she was not kidnapped by someone surnamed Zhou. Who could it be?"

A deep doubt arose in Zhou Dong's heart, and Zhou Haode seemed to have noticed his behavior and suddenly spoke.

"Mr. Zhou, do you want to know the identity of the people who took your wife away?"

Of course Zhou Dong wanted to know the answer, so he turned his head and stared at the fat man.

"What do you know? Say it quickly." Although his tone was particularly strong, he was actually looking forward to it.

"The two men in black are from the Tiangong organization. They kidnapped your wife and left."

There was another deep doubt in Zhou Dong's heart. He didn't understand why the people in the sky organization took his wife away.

At this moment, another crisp voice rang in his mind: "Ding! New mission of the system, save my wife!"

After Zhou Dong received the assignment, he hurriedly asked Zhou Haode: "Where did they tie my wife?"

At this time, Zhou Haode sold off, staring at Zhou Dong with a very proud look, and then leaned against the back of the chair in a leisurely manner, which seemed particularly arrogant.

"Mr. Zhou, I have helped you a lot. If it weren’t for me to bring you surveillance, you wouldn’t know where your wife is now, and now you want to know the whereabouts of this woman. Promise to cooperate with me, otherwise I will lose a lot?"

Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang looked at each other's arrogant performance, and their hearts had already risen in anger, and the expressions on their faces were also particularly angry. They felt that this person was really ignorant of good or bad.

It's really irritating that he can talk about things that are life-threatening so slowly now.

At this time, Zhou Dong's two eyes had already spouted a wave of anger, and he was approaching Zhou Haode step by step.

"Huh! What do you want to make with me? Do you think I'm too good to bully? It seems that if I don't teach you a lesson, you might not know how good I am!"

Zhou Dong turned his head back to Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang, waved them to leave this place and walk to a safe place, and then looked back at Zhou Haode again.

Zhou Haode hadn't seen Zhou Dong's skills, naturally he didn't know how to be afraid, he still sat on the chair calmly, thinking secretly.

"Oh, this man is the most nervous about his wife right now, and I know the position of his wife. If he dares to do something to me, I will never tell him. I think he just wants to threaten me as long as I don’t. There is nothing he can do about it."

Thinking of this, Zhou Haode's face showed a sinister and smug smile, his eyes fixed on Zhou Dong, as if he didn't put him in his eyes at all, and he felt that he didn't dare to attack himself.

But Zhou Haode soon realized that he was wrong, because Zhou Dong's big fist had already been raised and hit his face directly.

"Oh!" The fat man feels a sharp pain on his face. The fat on his face takes up a few stops, and then he falls to one side, only feeling the burning pain on his face.

Getting up from the ground with difficulty, the fat man seemed to have not reacted yet, Zhou Dong really stretched out his hand and hit him.

" dare to hit me!" The man looked up at Zhou Dong, his eyes full of disbelief.

"The position of your wife is now the only one that knows the best. If you don't rush to say a few words to me, you still treat me with this attitude. Don't you be afraid that I will never tell you the whereabouts of that woman?"

The fat man seemed to feel that there was nowhere to vent the anger in his heart, and began to babble a lot.

"What kind of organization the Sky Organization is, I think you must be very clear. As long as the person caught by them, there must be nothing to end. I just don’t tell you where the woman is, and you can’t save her. Yes, since you don’t want to cooperate with me, let's take care of it!"

The fat man also felt a lot in his heart, and he did not want to tell Zhou Dong about his wife.

Zhou Dong's heart became even more angry, and at the same time a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

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