Layman System

Chapter 1341: Don't need you to send it

"Well, I think you are quite dangerous by yourself. I just don't have anything to do right now, so let me take you home so that if you encounter any problems, you can take care of it on the road."

Zhou Dong looked at all opportunities and was ready to complete the system's tasks, but she didn't realize that Yu Xiaoxiao's face had been showing a strange expression again. She looked at the man in front of her, and then refused.

"Sorry, I'm fine alone, I don't need you to send it!" Yu Xiaoxiao refused very simply, seemingly dissatisfied with Zhou Dong's performance.

Zhou Dong didn't think too much, but suddenly regretted it. He felt that his behavior was indeed a little presumptuous.

"Oh, it would be great if I just spoke a little more tactfully. I finally made a good impression on the beauty. Now I am broken by my own stupidity. I really can't stand myself!" Zhou Dong also secretly sighed in his heart.

After all, he was trying to complete the task of the system quickly, in exchange for a little more points, and then unlock new skills to save his two brothers.

Yu Xiaoxiao was already faintly rooted at this time, Zhou Dong arrived beside him, and then got into the car, stepped on the accelerator under his feet, and left the gate of the jade factory mercilessly.

Only then did Zhou Dong wake up from the regret he had just now. He looked up at the woman's car. He went away to make a dust on the road and shook his head helplessly.

"Forget it, since the plan this time has not succeeded, then wait for the next opportunity. Anyway, there is no way to recover it, so let's take a look."

As Zhou Dong lowered his head to ponder, the local tyrant had already walked over from behind and followed Zhou Dong's eyes to look forward, staring at Yu Xiaoxiao's car that had gone away.

Reaching out and patted Zhou Dong's shoulder, the local tyrant also sighed suddenly: "Oh, big brother, you should give up this kind of little pepper. I guess it is not easy to chase her down. With that energy, You might as well get a few gentler ones, it just doesn't take time."

The local tyrant thought that he had seen the whole process in his eyes, thinking that Zhou Dong was interested in the woman Yu Xiaoxiao, but he did not succeed, and felt sorry for him in his heart, so he sighed like this.

Zhou Dong turned his head at this time and stared at the big old man next to him with an extremely surprised look. You would understand what he was thinking, and there was an expression of indescribability on his face.

But before he could explain, the local tyrant sighed again.

"Big brother, I know that you are young and you still can't pay attention to this kind of thing, but my brother is a person here, my brother tells you with a very responsible attitude, this kind of little pepper is really difficult to handle. And you have spent a lot of time and money, and you may not get any results in the end."

Turning his head to look at the young man, the local tyrant stared at him with a special sympathy and understanding of the accident.

"Just listen to my old brother's advice. Don't chase this kind of woman anymore. You don't have to feel sad for her. It's useless. Unless she waits until she comes to you, it's a waste of energy."

Zhou Dong also showed a wry smile on his face at this time, and said in his heart: "Brother, I am not really interested in this woman. It is really to complete the task of the system. You are Misunderstood me."

But he did not say these words, because he knew that the local tyrants might not understand what the system was all about, and didn't want him to know that he was a little different from ordinary people, so he could only swallow the words in his heart into his stomach. Here, choose to remain silent.

Zhou Dong and the local tyrant returned to the city again. After the two were separated, Zhou Dong went directly back to the bar.

Now he can't go back to his home, and there is nowhere to stay in other places. He can only sit in the bar every time. Fortunately, this place is still its territory, so there is no need to live on the street.

Zhou Dong also felt a sense of vicissitudes in his heart, but this feeling did not last long, because he still had a lot to do.

Just after taking a break in the bar, Zhou Dong directly called Song Xiaohu and asked about the situation of Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang as usual.

Song Xiaohu has been taking care of Xiaodong and the two of them in the hospital, but his job is not so easy, because these two people will have episodes from time to time, and the hospital is messed up, so Song Xiaohu feels particularly helpless. .

"How is Xiaohu's situation with Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang now? Is it better?"

As soon as Song Xiaohu received Zhou Dong's call, his brows heaved, and the expression on his face was particularly ugly.

"Brother Dong, Xiaodong, and the normal situation are getting more and more unstable now, and their condition has worsened a lot than before. Now the doctors give their family a large dose of injections against Junji, but I seem to be in There is an effect in the body, but the effect is not too great."

Hearing Song Xiaohu's simple explanation, Zhou Dong immediately realized that the matter had become more serious, and his heart became anxious.

"In this way, Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang must use the antidote now. If they don't get the antidote anymore, the two of them will most likely become different." Zhou Dong's tone also followed the situation. He stood up from the stool all at once, seemingly emotional.

"Oh! Judging from the current situation, the two of them are getting worse and worse. I don't think it will last long. Now the doctors don’t know what to do. I’ve been watching here all day. I'm sorry, I don't know what to do."

Zhou Dong knew that Xiaohu was also particularly uncomfortable, so he hurriedly comforted him for a while, but put all the emotions in his heart behind him.

"Xiaohu, don't worry, I have been thinking of a way for some time to take good care of them in the hospital. This matter will definitely be resolved. I have already found someone who sells this drug some time ago. Just talk to him about the cooperation and antidote, and this matter will have an eyebrow. Don't be discouraged!"

Song Xiaohu, who had already felt a little desperate, finally gained a little confidence after hearing what Zhou Dong said.

"Well, Brother Dong, I believe you, I'm still looking after them in the hospital, so you can find the antidote as soon as possible. The two of them can't continue to delay."

Hanging up Song Xiaohu’s phone, Zhou Dong had decided in his heart that he must go to Zhou Jin again this time, and this time he must get the antidote. Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang can’t wait any longer. .

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