Layman System

Chapter 1408: Swallow the antidote

"No, that kind of thing was developed at a huge cost. How could it be handed over to you so easily? Don't be delusional."

Lu Haifeng had already resisted Zhou Dong and hurriedly avoided him.

But Zhou Dong's mouth had already shown a cold smile, staring at Lu Haifeng with a particularly sympathetic look.

"Don’t daydream anymore. It is impossible for you to find loyalty. Now the things in his hand have been bought by the rich woman, and the latest synthesis technology has been developed. Zhou Jin has now been killed by that woman. If you don’t come up with the antidote quickly, I’m afraid that the thing will only accompany you to Huangquan."

As soon as he heard that the rich woman had developed the research and development technology for injections, Lu Haifeng felt a despair in his heart. He felt that the whole world had suddenly abandoned him, and his whole body felt cold.

"Why? Isn't that kind of injections particularly difficult to handle? How can rich women have such great abilities? You must be lying!"

"Hehe, I think you have been locked here for too long. You don't even know what happened outside. You can see by reading the news. Zhou Jin is dead now, and the dead body is completely dead. It's already cold, think about it, the rich woman wants to get the injection from him so much. Now his person is dead, how will he get the goods in the future?"

Lu Haifeng now feels that the entire brain is blank, and listening to what Zhou Dong said, the whole person is a little bad.

"The only explanation for this matter is that the rich woman has already obtained the research technology of the injection, and she doesn't need Zhou Jin at all. If you don't believe it, just check the news. News will never lie to you."

Lu Haifeng was already cold now, as if he had fallen from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the valley. He had no strength in his whole body, and he looked like a frustrated ball.

"Fine, I have been looking for Zhou Jin for so long, but I didn't get that thing from him. Now that someone else has taken the lead, I can only blame my bad destiny. What is the use of keeping these antidote? ?"

Trembling, Lu Haifeng took out the antidote of the injection from his arms, and stared at it with a complicated look in his hands.

Zhou Dong saw that he took out the antidote, his eyes lighted up, he immediately rushed up, and, apart from anything else, grabbed the antidote from Lu Haifeng's hand and swallowed it all at once.

In response to his fierce reaction, Lu Haifeng has not done much recently, as if he has lost all hope for this world.

Zhou Dong was very excited, sitting quietly waiting for the antidote to work.

However, the effect of this antidote was not obvious, and Zhou Dong didn't feel any abnormalities other than feeling a little lighter.

The rich woman was very dissatisfied with Zhou Dong's persistent attempt to escape, so she cruelly locked him in the room and waited for three days.

"Huh! Three days shouldn't be short, let him do some introspection in it, and see what is the benefit of going against me!"

Zhou Dong patiently waited for the rich woman to come inside. After all, the woman still needs to do things by herself, and it is impossible to imprison him here forever.

On the fourth day, Zhou Dong heard the door of the room bang, and the rich woman came in with a few bodyguards, with a particularly mocking expression on her face.

"How is it? I asked you to stay here quietly for a few days. Have your thoughts changed now? Do you agree to do something for me?"

Zhou Dong pretended to be expressionless, and directly replied: "I have already figured it out. Since there is no way to escape, I can only help you with something. Anyway, there is still a salary to get, so why not do it? What?"

Seeing that Zhou Dong's attitude had undergone such a huge change, a satisfied smile appeared on the rich woman's face.

"That's fine. You are still a winking person. I like to work with such smart people."

The rich woman would never have thought that Zhou Dong had now obtained the antidote for the r injection and was no longer under her control.

Looking back at a few of his subordinates, the rich woman ordered: "Take him out and let him continue to do things for me. With this person, many of our things can be done very efficiently. Don't worry about what will happen. trouble."

Zhou Dong was ecstatic in his heart, but on the surface he still had to pretend to be indifferent, and followed a few of his men out.

The rich woman assigned Zhou Dong a relatively simple task this time, but she also needed some means on the market. Zhou Dong immediately agreed without thinking.

When Zhou Dong left the rich woman's home, he immediately slipped away.

After half an hour, the parents called Zhou Dong, a phone call, but found that no one answered them at all, and there was a lot of doubt in my heart.

"What's the matter? That man dare not answer my call now, don't you know he is still under my control? Even running away will not have any effect, as long as I order, he still has to be obedient Come back, what the **** is he doing, is he so stupid?"

The rich woman always felt that after the last few things, those in trouble would no longer be so obsessed, but she really did not expect that this man would slip away under her nose once.

"I'm really mad, this man is stubborn!" The rich woman was almost mad now, and the phone was severely dropped to the ground.

Soon, the rich woman sent her most elite men to continue looking for Zhou Dong's traces across the country.

Those subordinates also conducted non-stop carpet searches, but they did not receive any information from Zhou Dong.

The rich woman was so displeased by these popularity, she got a big temper in the house, almost smashed everything she could, and finally she barely calmed down.

Now this woman knew that Zhou Dong had freed her from her control, and now she was helpless.

After Zhou Dong slipped out of the rich woman, he immediately called Yu Xiaoxiao, wanting to ask her about Li Li now.

However, after dialing the phone for a long time, no one answered him. Zhou Dong felt a little bad mentally. He was very worried about the two of them, and immediately hung up.

Finding a remote place to hide, Zhou Dong hurriedly ate dinner at a small stall on the street, waiting for the night to fall.

About half an hour later, the sky was full of stars, and the night was extremely deep.

Zhou Dong quietly got up from the remote hut, rushed directly to the airport of country f, and booked the earliest ticket.

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