Layman System

Chapter 1416: With acting

Zhou Dong glanced at Yu Xiaoxiao intentionally or unintentionally at this time, and then gave an excuse that seemed more credible.

"That's it. Actually, Zhou Jin developed the pill to solve the r injection, and he gave it to Yu Xiaoxiao a long time ago, just in case of emergency, but Yu Xiaoxiao gave it to So I can use it to rescue myself in an emergency."

The rich woman was suspicious of Zhou Dong's words. After all, the man didn't have a few truths in his mouth, and he didn't know whether to believe or not.

But Yu Xiaoxiao's reaction was very quick. After all, he was also a drama professional, so he cooperated with Zhou Dong to act in a play and tricked the rich woman.

"Ah, yes, yes, Zhou Jin didn't want to give me that thing at the time. I kept begging and added a lot of money to him before he agreed to give me one. But now Zhou Jin is dead. I think that kind of pill probably won't exist in this world."

At this time, Yu Xiaoxiao also secretly praised her reaction quickly, with an imperceptible smile on her mouth.

Fearing that the rich woman would not believe what she said, Yu Xiaoxiao sighed again pretending to be very sorry, the expression on her face looked very disappointed.

"Oh, it's a pity that no one can develop this kind of antidote. Now Zhou Jin is dead again. I think this kind of thing will probably become incurable."

The rich woman was originally very skeptical of Zhou Dong's words, but with Yu Xiaoxiao's lifelike acting and now she is also confused in her heart. She is dubious about what the two of them said, and don't know how much to believe.

"Huh! I don't believe what you two said, and especially you. You have escaped from my hands many times. I don't believe you are a loyal person. I have to think twice about what you say. ."

At this time, Zhou Dong also showed a very aggrieved expression on his face: "Don’t, I’ve already told you everything, why are you doing this to me? Didn’t I already say that this kind of antidote is only Zhou Jinneng? It's developed, who has such great ability, why are you not willing to believe me?"

The rich woman was not ready to listen to Zhou Dong's explanation at this time. She turned her head and coldly ordered her subordinates: "Shut him up for me, and then let him try the injection I developed by myself."

No, what the **** is this?

Zhou Dong saw a few people in black walking forward, grabbing his arm with a cold expression, and escorting him to a room behind.

The door slammed shut, Zhou Dong stayed alone in this small room, looked around, there was no danger, and sat down on the bed.

"Oh, I'm exhausted today. I haven't had time to rest after running for so long. It happened that the rich woman locked me up. I also have a good rest here. Then I will have more energy to deal with other things. "

Zhou Dong lay down on the bed comfortably, thinking hard about how to plan for the next step.

Night had come, and the outside environment gradually calmed down. Zhou Dong also felt his spirit slowly relaxed, closing his eyes and preparing to fall asleep.

But at this moment, a very clear voice suddenly appeared in his mind, which shocked Zhou Dong and opened his eyes suddenly.

"Ding! New system task, get rich woman!"

Zhou Dong was puzzled again, what the **** was going on with this system?

At this moment, the door of the room was suddenly opened, and two men in black walked in blankly, pressing Zhou Dong and walking in the other direction.

"Hey, what are you doing? Hurry up and let me go. Haven't I already explained the origin of the pills? Why do you still want to treat me like this?"

Then the man in black ignored Zhou Dong's yelling at all, but directly pushed him into another room.

Zhou Dong saw the rich woman sitting on a stool inside, and then heard the sound of the door behind him. The two men in black had already walked out. When they left, the corners of their mouths showed a hint of meaning. Smile.

In the middle of the night, the lonely man and the widow are in the same room, maybe they want to be crooked?

Although the task assigned by the reporter system, Zhou Dong did not act rashly. After all, the woman in front of her was very cautious. If she acted rashly, she might be suspicious, and the task might not be completed by then.

After hesitating for a while, Zhou Dong just stood on one side, his brain spinning rapidly, planning what actions he should perform next.

Unexpectedly, after standing for a long time, Zhou ** Ran was surprised to find that the rich woman didn't pay attention to him at all, but was about to play with the injections in her hand with great concentration.

It was even more of a good opportunity. Zhou Dong had already turned his attention to the system store at this time, looking for skills that could help him.

In the shop, these search wheel policy difficulties were suddenly surprised to find in it, and just updated a new skill, that is, the coma skill.

This skill is good. If you encounter any dangerous situation, you only need to fascinate the woman, so that he can get rid of the damage in a short time.

But after looking at the points needed to redeem this skill, Zhou Dong's brows were rescued.

This skill is too expensive, since 80% of the points are used!

But in order to be able to escape from the tiger's mouth, Zhou Dong had to spend 80% of his points and exchanged this coma skill from the system store.

As soon as the operation was completed, Zhou Dong heard the rich woman suddenly speak.

"Zhou Dong, the information you gave me is not accurate. The special substance contained in this true system is not the kind of thing you said at all. I have asked the scientific researchers under my staff to reconcile it, but no matter what Neither can make that kind of thing."

A strong murderous aura appeared in the rich woman's eyes, as if she was about to be acted upon by Zhou Dong.

Zhou Dong was also tense at this time, after all, he did hide this matter from the rich woman.

When Zhou Jin’s secret was discovered, Zhou Dong predicted that if the development method of this thing is mastered by a rich woman, I am afraid that the world will be plunged into a huge disaster, so Zhou Dong deliberately missed a few words when reporting the news to her. substance.

The rich woman naively believed what Zhou Dong said, but the things developed were only effective for a few seconds, and it was impossible to work for a long time. In the end, she realized that she had been fooled and caught Zhou Dong again at all costs. come back.

Zhou Dong also knew that he was in the wrong, so he didn't continue to argue at this time, just looked up at the woman firmly.

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