Layman System

Chapter 1435: Yu Xiaoxiao's departure

Zhou Dong finally saw a particularly good place after careful selection in a big meal. Feeling that this place is particularly suitable for humans to rest, so I decided to freeze Li Li here.

If you have time, then Yu Xiaoxiao, who will often come here to accompany her well, let her live here. After all, she has nothing to do.

And if he is here, he can still feel relieved, after all, this person is quite reliable, he has been taking care of his wife in the hospital.

Soon Zhou Dong had frozen Li Li's body there. Standing in front of him quietly, looking at Li Li under the ice, in my heart, don't mention how uncomfortable she was.

I have never seen him like this. Looking at his haggard face, it really feels very distressed. If he really gets better, he will definitely not make him too much like this. Touch these things.

I really regret it in my heart. I really don't know what to do. This may be the closest to my collapse.

For the first time, I felt that very heart-piercing feeling. It was really very uncomfortable, and the whole person became bad.

But there is no other way. It's already like this now. You can only face reality and quickly come up with a better way to solve this matter. Otherwise, I must be special in my heart, and I feel uncomfortable every day.

Zhou Dong saw that everything was ready here, so he should hurry up to arrange things with Lu Hanfeng.

After all, this guy's ingenuity must not let him idle, let him work hard for himself. Then let him find something as much as possible, this guy must be possible.

Lu Hanfeng also knew that Zhou Dong's mood was particularly complicated now, so he sat quietly and waited for him. Knowing that he will definitely find himself when he comes back, so I said to wait here and take him with him is the best way.

Zhou Dong didn't know what was wrong, so he found his position very accurately. Seeing him sitting there quietly, as if waiting for him, he quickly stepped forward and talked to him.

"I said I want to give you a particularly severe task now. I hope you can help me complete this task. Do you think it's okay?"

After hearing these words, Lu Hanfeng laughed there and shook his head. It was really too small for him to make a purchase.

Looking at him like this, Zhou Dong knew that he had agreed, and now he didn't need to sell it. He quickly opened his mouth and said his inner thoughts.

"I will arrange a medical research institute for you. Then you will go there to study the stimulants and Li Li's special brain components. Now you are especially needed, and only you can complete this task, so I hope you These things can be handled as quickly as possible."

Lu Hanfeng originally thought it was something else, he laughed as soon as he heard it, took a picture of his chest, and started talking there.

"Okay, okay? Why the problem turned out to be like this? Of course, I have to go all out. This is also a very big improvement for my ability. No matter what, this matter is covered by me. He will definitely find out through research!"

When Zhou Dong listened to it, he felt that his heart was really pleased. It was also very happy to hear what he said. So he started making arrangements on his forehead there, and he ran directly to the medical research institute. .

Lu Hanfeng is also particularly awesome. He started his own work immediately after entering the research institute.

Because he knew this incident could be regarded as the biggest thing in his life for Zhou Dong. Therefore, we must not be sloppy, we must go all out to resolve this matter.

Zhou Dong looked at Lu Hanfeng's arrangements here, and all that was left was to find the Yu Xiaoxiao and explain to him what was going on. After all, this guy still needs to explain.

As Zhou Dong walked back to the ward, he suddenly saw a letter secretly left in the ward. I don't know what happened, it should be that Yu Xiaoxiao stayed.

I hurriedly sold my legs and left, stepped forward to open the new one and read there, it really was that Yu Xiaoxiao left.

The content of this letter also made Zhou Dong a little uncomfortable, saying in her heart that Yu Xiaoxiao had lost her only relative.

He didn't say in his heart how sad he was, but he was particularly ordinary. I'm not good at expressing these things.

My heart is hidden in my own heart, and I don't want others to see him. Particularly fragile appearance.

Yu Xiaoxiao's uncle also took him to a place where there was no one. It is said that the place is special and deep, and the whole place is also special. Leisurely.

This may be helpful to his future life, so there is not much to go here. Say something, after all, this kind of sad thing takes a long time to forget it to get better!

And the world is scornful of old needles, so finding a particularly quiet place to live is really good!

To be honest, I am also very envious of such a life is simply my ideal look.

There is no one thing that can be used to make things that look like, and it feels like the whole life is perfect.

To be honest, Yu Xiaoxiao also bears a lot of pressure every day, feeling that the whole person is about to be overwhelmed by this pressure.

It is also very good for him to find a particularly quiet place to study and live. This is also a relief for him!

Zhou Dong also understood Yu Xiaoxiao's difficulties, so he didn't want to say too much about it. This is particularly gratifying to let him go.

It is also a special fair thing for her to let her live a good life, so she can't stop it. After all, everyone is looking forward to a particularly good life.

It is impossible for me to stop anyone from living her beautiful life, because everyone needs to have some life of their own

Instead of being kidnapped by this society.

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