Layman System

Chapter 1458: Vitality

But what kind of person is Zhou Dong? It doesn't care about these things at all. Anyway, as long as you do well, others can't manage it yourself.

If you are not doing very well here, then others will not listen to you.

So if you want to manage a thing well, you must let your own strength develop. Only by making one's own strength particularly obvious can others see it more clearly and know that he is inferior to you.

How did it feel that Zhou Dong had also taught Luo Hun a good lesson this time, letting her know that she was not her opponent at all, and this was also an invisible injury to her.

But I can't blame myself for this. After all, I'm also a victim. Who made him fabricate these things now. Originally, he was not that person, so whoever asked him to tell him that he was like that.

For this kind of thing happened all at once, you can't blame yourself, who made his life bad, made him suffer from this kind of thing.

So since he has done such a thing, he has to bear the consequences in the future, and there is no need to think about the rest. Anyway, this time the lesson was for him.

This failure was also a great injury to the Mohun Organization's entire organization. They had already launched an all-out attack, that heavenly palace.

However, he never thought that the strength of this heavenly palace was too strong. This time, relying on the strength of eight people, he directly beat all the people in it to the ground.

Although it said that the eight people on the opposite side were also injured, it would be really shameless if it was said. So many people have beaten eight people before.

When others hear this news, they will first have a particularly surprised expression, and then feel that the strength of the Mo Soul Organization is too weak.

Although the ability of the sky organization is really really powerful, it can't be so exaggerated. It only used eight people to knock down the opposite Mohun organization.

This feels a special shame on anyone. And this time, as soon as the Mohun Organization returned to its base camp, it began to open various meetings there.

Because this time is indeed a special loss. Not only did I fail to achieve my goal, but I also allowed myself to surf the Internet too much, so it is really annoying.

Although I still wanted to attack the three pairs of the sky organization in my heart, but after careful consideration, I felt that I couldn't do it like that.

If you do that again, I'm afraid the next thing is simply unthinkable, so I don't want to do it, and honestly raise my vitality here.

Don't make any mistakes again, this time I have taught myself a special lesson.

But they also thought about it carefully, since within this Tiangong organization, this special department cannot be moved, but there are still some other departments!

They can start from other departments, because other departments will not be like this, and a strength will have some special advantages compared to this department.

After repeated consideration, this point was finally decided.

But Zhao Hanxuan, as soon as you heard such words, you instantly became unwilling to take a picture, and the table said loudly to them.

"I said, "Is it possible that you will not be able to bear such a small number of small casualties? You have to think about this kind of thing. Since we have injured them, they won't have this again in the future. Now that you have a fighting power, we should take advantage of the victory and pursue it!"

But when he heard this sentence from the veteran level of the Mohun Organization, he immediately shook his head, because it was absolutely impossible to continue like this. He really underestimated the ability of the Tiangong organization.

No matter how it looks, it is absolutely impossible for this to happen again, because I can't hurt my own capital at all. Compared to other organizations, some of my own strengths are relatively weak.

If you continue like this, the consequences will be disastrous, so those senior veterans sitting there directly rejected Zhao Hanxuan's idea.

Anyway, no matter what it looks like, this thing must not work. This kind of thing can't be too arrogant. What if the 1x victory chasing Li Quanjun in the past is completely destroyed?

In any case, I am already old, and I don't have the ability to make a comeback, so I should make the decision steadily and can't do it like that.

One of the veteran-level characters began to stand up slowly, and he had some Goba's body and said to Zhao Hanxuan.

"Sometimes you should not be too arrogant to do things. There are certain things that should not be said to be done by us, and we should not do it, understand? We do not agree with what you said."

Those Zhao Hanxuan must be particularly unwilling. They shook their heads directly there, feeling that the reason why the Mohun organization couldn't get a certain position was because these veteran-level characters were too timid and cowardly.

Anyway, one thing is to spend a long time there, and then miss some of the best opportunities, so it doesn’t make sense to be here.

It was not what I wanted at all. The Mohun group words I wanted was to be able to carry and fight and to destroy the enemies he wanted to destroy. After all, this time Zhou Dong, this kid, is definitely powerful.

It is particularly obvious from the importance that the Tiangong organization attaches to him that this kid is definitely not an ordinary person, so it is said that eliminating him will make things better in the future.

But this time these veteran-level figures did not listen to their opinions at all, so they simply left with their cronies, so Zhao Hanxuan slapped the table severely, did not continue to say anything, and raised his ass. Just go out.

As soon as Zhao Hanxuan's confidants saw that their boss had gone, they hurriedly moved. Many people walked out in a mighty manner.

Because their ultimate pursuit is their own boss, as long as their boss asks them to do what they do, they will do whatever they want. Although their boss is a little stricter on themselves, he is absolutely swift in doing things.

Therefore, these people also followed him desperately, willing to support him. Whether it is wind or rain, I have to experience it with him.

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