Layman System

Chapter 1485: The cruelty of the game

Wan Bai thought for a long time there. I can only shake my head helplessly,

In fact, there is no other good method here, because he has also heard of this guy's strength!

So what I can do at the moment is to make Zou Dong stare at him well and prevent him from making any movements. So Wan Bai began to talk to Zhou Dong.

"I said that recently you might need to help me stare at him fiercely to see what other actions he has. Can you do it?"

Zhou Dong, of course, I must do it, this guy wants to be his own!

I also need to keep an eye on him, in case he brings himself a sinister thing behind, I am afraid that I will lose my life here.

So he agreed there, and quickly nodded his head and said to Wan.

"If you do, don't worry, this matter is covered by me, and there is no problem. I also have some holidays with this guy, so just wrap it on me."

Just the second day of the competition. The whole feeling gave people a particularly serious look.

Because this kind of competition is a kind of internal competition in Tiangong, there is no public announcement.

Because they were afraid of some people who had other plans, discovered their strength, and made some actions that were not beneficial here.

Well, it's really a matter of stalling here, so I definitely wouldn't do it like that. Just take a look inside.

But on the next day, a lot of people were eliminated, and it looked like half of them.

And the remaining half of the people are the captains of every team, and every one of them is a person with special skills!

If they are not the captain, they are also the best in each team, and their abilities are really particularly strong. The members of the three teams looked at the situation and hurried to Zhou Dong to force them to talk!

"I said the captain, this strength is too strong, there is no way for people like us to play, depending on how they look one by one, if he doesn't have the strength, would he dare to come here?"

Zhou Dong also observed here for a few days, and felt that the people here did have some different abilities.

There are some differences from people in other places. No wonder the Tiangong organization has so many masters here every year.

Everything has a reason! Because there is always a place for masters, it will always attract some special people.

It really complied with that sentence. So here you really need to be careful.

But most of the people in it are strange people who have been injected with something the day after tomorrow.

"If you don't directly look like yourself, you will have this special function innate directly. There is really no way to compare their acquired formation and their own."

But it can't be said that their thing is not particularly good, and there are also their advantages, because the skills used by each person are different.

Some people are particularly strong in that field, and some people are particularly strong in this field. They cannot be particularly strong in every field.

So there are some things that you really want others to learn. If you don’t do well here, you can look at those who do well.

Let's see how they made it like this, and how they can make themselves so strong and still survive in this place.

But there is a special exception among these outstanding ones.

This person is Zhao Hanxuan, because Zhao Hanxuan is nothing but a person who has just entered the Tiangong organization.

This time Zhao Hanxuan didn't know what purpose he had in his heart, how could he have been waiting here, and he didn't understand him at all.

Anyway, I haven't met him yet, so let's see when I meet him.

I don't have any other things now, only the thing that Wan Bai entrusted to him.

Just stare at him carefully and see what he is going to do there, other things have nothing to do with him.

Although the remaining people are not without strength, but in the end, the one who has the ability to pose a threat to himself, it seems that this is Zhao Hanxuan.

Soon time has been pushed to the fourth day.

This game was really cruel. It was only on the fourth day and there were only ten people left.

Although the time has reached the fourth day, Zhao Hanxuan's clues have not yet been found.

Looking at this person's surface, there is really nothing else to see, and it's no different when looking at it!

With a particularly cold look, when you see it, you are the kind of person who is particularly difficult to touch!

The two were also a special coincidence. It was possible that they would go together without encountering them, and they didn't know what was going on. It was completely unclear whether they were arranged on purpose.

The finals are coming soon. This time, there is really some tension, because the people who stay are more capable.

Being able to walk in this place to the present is really not easy to pass five levels and cut six generals, and constantly eliminate opponents in front of him.

"Nor can I say that this group of people is really incapable. It's just that they didn't fully die out of their strength at that time, and they blamed their bad luck.

Although it is not too much trouble to say that your own you came here, it is a small mess, but you must always be reminded here.

Tell yourself that the person in front of him is not his last enemy, and that his last enemy is Zhao Hanxuan.

No matter what it looks like, Zhao Hanxuan must be taken down to see what his abilities are.

After all, this is not outside, he will not play such a big dead hand, and this competition is also limited, so it does not need to cause any danger to his life.

To be honest, this is especially good, so that you can touch his bottom line infinitely, and find out what he has.

On the night before the final, Zhao Hanxuan suddenly invited Zhou Dong there!

At this moment, Zhou Dong was a little bit embarrassed. He didn't know whether he should go or not, and he didn't know what this guy was playing.

Why do you want to invite yourself directly at this time? Is there something tricky in this?

The people of the three teams realized that this matter was directly opposed there, because they have already reached the finals, and there may be some accidents if they are careless.

"Captain, don't go anymore. This guy is really bad. We don't know what's going on after we go. What if something goes wrong, let's go, don't go!"

So everyone there began to collectively oppose the matter, telling Zhou Dong that it was impossible to go, because I didn't know what happened.

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