Layman System

Chapter 1490: Purposeful visit

Finally waited for the Black Hawk to announce this. All the people present suddenly became quiet, quietly waiting for the Black Hawk to announce.

Black Hawk deliberately turned his eyes directly on Zhou Dong's body, feeling that this guy himself had looked down upon it before.

Zhou Dong also noticed this look in his eyes, wondering what he was looking at himself? I don't have a particularly good impression of her.

The Black Hawk smiled briefly there, and then went straight to the topic.

"I believe you have seen it there just now. This game is really very intense. Finally, in these intense matches, we have born a particularly capable captain. Then I will Just announce the name of this person. This person is the current captain of the third team, Zhou Dong! Congratulations, everyone!"

When Zhou Dong heard his name, there was nothing else but a simple smile. Then slowly. Nodding his head wherever he is, there is no other action.

In this way, the fourth team finally fell into that third team. In this way, the entire three-team team became much bigger at once.

And the people inside began to become particularly united, because they all knew they had a particularly good captain here.

And it is also special. I believe that under the leadership of a good captain, their team will gradually become stronger day by day!

In the evening, Zhou Dong had already started some. Celebration ceremony.

Zhou Dong saw that everyone was very happy there, he slowly stood up, and said to the big guy,

"In fact, how can I say it, this time is really too coincidental, who let me touch this ability at once. As long as it is not because of this day, I am afraid that it is me who is underground now, but I think When you rushed forward, I was happy in my heart. Now whether it is the fourth or third team, we are now a family, so we must unite well by then."

When the big guy heard this sentence, he directly added his head there. To be honest, it really looked like this, whether it was an old man or a newcomer. It all requires good unity.

Because if a team has not crossed the end of unity, then maybe the team will never go far.

The big guy nodded his head there, and Zhou Dong answered directly!

"Captain, don't worry, no matter what, we will definitely unite together. Turn our three teams into the best team in the entire Tiangong organization."

Zhou Dong looked at them all with a particularly vigorous look, and felt that what they said was also very powerful. This was a purpose he wanted.

When the big guy was drinking very happily, suddenly Black Hawk walked in again. He came here so suddenly, I don't know what happened.

As soon as everyone saw the Black Hawk coming, they quickly shut their mouths there, no matter what, they were also a senior official in the organization.

This guy is really something ordinary people can't afford. Moreover, there are a lot of things in the sky organization, and when you encounter an officer, you need to stop what you are doing and work.

Earnestly follow the commander's orders, look at the commander, what's the matter?

As soon as the Black Hawk saw that he suddenly came, he made the whole air very quiet. There was something wrong with it, so he hurriedly waved his hands and said to them.

"I said what happened to you guys, why did you stop all of a sudden, it still looks like just now, you just assume that I haven't been here, and I have nothing else to tell you today. I just came to us The newly appointed captain is chattering."

Zhou Dong turned around when he heard this sentence, his head looked at the black eagle and said silently.

"What's wrong? Why are you planning to tell me something?"

Zhou Dong didn't have any good impression of this person, because he knew that Wan Bai was competing with the Black Eagle Classic for something, so he said that he knew that Wan Bai was good for him, so he stood by him.

Seeing an enemy, it is normal to say that there is no good tone!

Hearing these words, Black Hawk felt that Zhou Dong was not prepared to save himself, so he hurried in and said with a smile and said he didn't care.

"I said there is nothing wrong with this, I can't come to congratulate you, your move today really has some feelings about me, and it is indeed different from others. No wonder Wan Bai likes you so much!"

Hearing these meaningless words, Zhou Dong was really uncomfortable, and he shook his head there quickly, knowing that this guy really did nothing to go to the Palace of the Three Treasures!

So his arrival will definitely bring something. I have to celebrate with my team members there, so I really want to make a long story short, but this guy is here to sell it.

Black Hawk saw that Zhou Dong didn't open his mouth to answer himself directly, so he continued talking.

"Although your current position is really satisfying for you, but if you want to talk to the right person, what kind of position you want, have you ever thought about these problems?"

Zhou Dong understood immediately after hearing this, what does this guy mean? It turns out that I came here today to get myself!

Sure enough, this guy is really insidious, so he just pretended to shake his head without knowing it, so that he could make it clearer.

Soi Shadow already felt that what he had said was very thorough. I still didn't understand why at home, so he spoke again.

"Okay, okay, I don't like mothers-in-laws either. I'll tell you directly."

Zhou Dong immediately raised his interest when he heard it straight. He really wanted to know what one of his straight would look like.

Talking with a smile.

"Okay, since it looks like this, I'm here to listen to you and see what's the matter with you?"

Black Hawk is also very helpless. If he doesn't say it, he will watch this kid keep acting stupid in front of him, but he is afraid that he will laugh at him when he says it. Oh, it's so difficult anyway!

After some psychological struggle, this guy finally spoke.

"If you can help me get to the third place, I can guarantee that you will have what you want."

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