Layman System

Chapter 1493: Things revealed

That night, Thomas was already prepared, and he directly attacked Zhou Donglai, leaving him completely unprepared and defeated by himself.

At that time, I can become the captain of the fourth team as a matter of course. There is no one person who can control my own idea. This is a seamless plan.

But if you want to fight Zhou Dong head-on, there is absolutely no chance of winning, because it is not his opponent at all, so he must be given a surprise attack. A sneak attack can still be successful.

Thomas was also thinking in his heart at this time, if he won it tonight, wouldn't he be happy in the future.

"All of my destiny is in my own hands. Today's success or failure depends on some of my own actions, and today must be quick."

Besides, even if he is a god, he feels that he is completely impossible to win himself in a sudden attack.

So this time he feels that he should be pretty sure, there is no problem at all, and he can definitely fulfill one of his dreams.

Thomas acted there step by step according to his plan, and was about to enter Zhou Dong’s room immediately.

Before entering the room, I was immediately discovered by Hanbing. As soon as Hanbing saw how sneaky this man was, it seemed that there was some ulterior secret that should have come to commit the murder, so he shouted loudly.

"Hey, what are you doing here? What are you going to do?"

In an instant, the whole Thomas got up there all of a sudden, he quickly turned around and prepared to escape from here, after all, this can't let anyone catch him right away!

But Han Bing didn't leave him any front, and he chased and shouted the members of his third team.

"Everyone got up, everybody got up and found a suspicious character, quickly get up and see what he is going to do."

With such a shout, everyone was awakened from their sleep. They quickly went out to check what was going on, because they knew it was the sound made by Hanbing. What should have happened?

If nothing happened, there would never be such a movement. What happened to this guy? Everyone got up very curiously and quickly ran out.

In an instant, the entire corridor was filled with people from three teams, and then Thomas had nowhere to escape, and was surrounded by everyone.

When someone in the third team saw that this person was actually Thomas, isn't this guy from the fourth team, how could he suddenly appear here, so he asked him?

"Why did you guy suddenly appear here? You are not staying in your fourth team room. Why do you come here?"

As soon as he finished asking this sentence, Han Bing hurriedly left, and immediately continued to press her tightly.

"I said you guy, you were sneaking at our captain's door just now, what are you going to do? Could it be that you are going to harm our captain? You are not a good person at first sight. If you don't want to die, hurry up. Tell everything about what you want to do and do."

Toms's brain was completely blank in an instant. This was completely different from some of his previous plans. Why was he suddenly arrested?

Isn't it right that you should be in Zhou Dong's room at this time, and you have already started to act against him, why did you suddenly get to this place?

Zhou Dong was also awakened by some outside sounds at this time, so he began to walk out in a daze to check what was going on, why was such a big movement?

When I went out, I saw a lot of people. I didn’t know what they were doing there. Anyway, there seemed to be someone in the middle who was surrounded there. So I walked over to see that it was Thomas, and then Han Bing also explained to Zhou Dong. Checked the situation.

"Captain, I saw this person at your door just now. I don't know what the sneaky is doing. It doesn't seem to have any good intentions. What do you think we do with him now?"

Zhou Dong listened and nodded his head, and walked directly in front of that Thomas. Slowly lowering, his body directly looked into his eyes and asked her.

"Let's talk about it, what are you going to do at my door? Are you going to kill me? Or what's the matter? Who sent you here?"

Thomas was stunned at the moment he heard this, and he didn't know how to answer, shaking his head tightly and talking!

"There is no one, no one. I came alone. I just want to see the people in your three teams who are close to you. Isn't it possible to do this? I want to see if my current captain May I?"

Zhou Dong laughed at this sentence all at once. This guy is really capable of telling lies. It is really boring to let him say such a meaningless thing!

Shaking his head, he directly told him the seriousness of the incident.

"You continue to talk about these things here now, I feel that there is no need at all. If you are smart, you should hurry up and tell your true purpose, or I can't control what my team members do to you. ."

Thomas felt that the matter was a little serious in such a day. The sentence he had already said seemed to be correct, and he had murderous intent.

I really don't want to die here. After all, there is still a great time waiting for me. I shook myself quickly and quickly told me the true purpose of my coming.

"Captain, Captain, this is not what I meant at all. Don't get me wrong, I am assassinating you according to Black Hawk's orders. It was all he asked me to do like this. This thing has nothing to do with me Relationship, you believe me, I would never do anything like that."

Zhou Dong was shocked when he heard this. It seemed that Black Hawk would hate the killer against himself after all. This guy is really vicious too!

He didn't promise him. This guy actually wanted to assassinate him. Is this something that respect leaders should do? So Zhou Dong directly turned around and reported the incident to Pale.

"I said pale, now my life is in danger, and the black hawk has begun to stare at me, ready to kill me, how do you deal with this matter?"

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