Layman System

Chapter 1506: Negotiate terms

Zhou Dong also ran to the door to do it, only to realize that this guy had actually locked everything.

I didn't expect that this guy had taught him a particularly serious lesson after using his craziest leg last time, so this time he had a great defense.

Zhou Dong began to think in his heart to see if he could find a place from a relatively fragile position and ran out directly with the two of them.

But looking around there doesn't have this position at all. Han Bing and Luo Hun looked at their captain there as if they could not find a position, so they directly spoke to their captain in silence.

"The captain is too insidious. After borrowing it once, we were calculated by him. What should I do next? You just need a word and I can go up and fight him hard."

Zhou Dong watched that there was no retreat here, and then when he heard what the two of them said, he shook his head, which was not as desperately possible.

No matter how good he is, there are still three people here, so there is no need to worry about anything at all. It is also very likely to win against him directly.

"No, no, no, it's not the point where we are desperate. We have three people now. No matter how powerful he is, it is relatively easy for the three of us to beat him. I feel that so let's take a look first. A situation."

The two of them heard their captain's instructions, so they started to light up. Their head Zhou Dong also decided to give up here, and no longer look for other ways out.

At the beginning, he turned slowly, his head, Zhao Hanxuan at this moment also followed their figure and walked directly behind them.

Seeing that the three of them had already given up and were struggling to stand there quietly, they confessed to him directly.

"Okay, okay, don't continue to waste any time here, I have already sealed all the intersections, even if you put on your wings, you won't be able to fly out this time, last time You really taught me a lesson with this one, so I will never make a second mistake because of this."

After hearing this, Zhou Dong really looked like what he thought, so he moved his head and slowly looked at Zhao Hanxuan and asked.

"I said this design of yours is really very good, so what exactly are you asking me to do? Can you explain this matter? You have already calculated everything, what is it? The reason?"

Zhao Hanxuan was there waiting for him to say this! I opened my mouth and talked to him directly.

"Actually, I don't have any other major issues. I just have a question I want to ask you, and I don't want others to know about this question. It's only the two of us, can you think about it?"

As soon as Zhou Dong heard what he said, he hesitated directly there, feeling that this was also a trap, so he slowly began to think about what was going on in his brain.

Zhao Hanxuan saw Zhou Dong hesitating constantly there, maybe he was worried about some of his safety, so he started to walk forward with a smile.

"I said there are some things. If I don’t understand, even if I die, I won’t be able to force my eyes. Only you can give me the answer to this matter. I want to talk to you alone about this matter. It is also for the safety of the two of them, so I think you should agree."

When Zhou Dong listened to it, he really felt such a thing. If the two of them knew too much here, I was afraid that they would be in danger if they left the Tiangong organization.

Moreover, his current curiosity has been completely aroused by him. I am really curious that this guy will ask himself what it is like.

So he turned his head and looked at the two people around him, and talked to them.

"Okay, that's okay, you two take a few steps back, and he and I have to take a look at what it looks like alone, but I have to ask me to talk about it alone."

But both of them knew that the opposite person was a sinister and cunning, so they were not at all assured that their captain would stand at the forefront and go alone with him. What kind of conspiracy would this kid die?

So he started to look at his captain with his surplus expression there, and then continued to tell his captain not to look like that with his own eyes, what if there was any danger?

Zhou Dong fully understood what they were thinking in their minds. If they were constantly worrying about themselves, but he could guarantee that there would never be any problems here, he nodded and continued to speak to them.

"Don't worry, there won't be any problems. Besides, my current system has been upgraded. If the two of us really fight, it's not necessarily who will lose. So you two will listen to me. Wait for me, okay?"

The two people heard what their captain said, so they started nodding their heads and slowly withdrew from a position that they couldn't hear.

Zhao Hanxuan watched that the two people around Zhou Dong had already retreated, and he moved his body slowly and walked directly in front of Zhou Dong.

Although Han Bing and Luo Hun were standing far away, they kept their eyes fixed on him, for fear that this kid would make a sudden attack on his captain, and then his captain would be unprepared. Ruined.

Therefore, I have been watching the safety of my captain and I must keep an eye on it, not to let my subject have any life danger. If his life is in danger, I will rush over to fight Zhao Hanxuan.

Zhou Dong watched that Zhao Hanxuan had already begun to step forward there step by step, and then his curiosity was constantly improving, and he looked at Zhao Hanxuan seriously!

In my mind, I kept thinking about what this guy is like, how can one thing be so mysterious? I can't wait to get some here.

Zhao Hanxuan saw that Zhou Dong had already begun to have some curiosity about what he wanted to say, so he didn't belong to her mother-in-law, so she opened her mouth and started asking her own question.

"Is the formula for the R injection in your hands?"

When Zhou Dong heard this, he shook his head there, and then said that he didn't have the thing he was talking about.

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