Layman System

Chapter 1508: Successfully escaped

When Zhou Dong heard this, he just laughed inexplicably right there, feeling that this falling muddy is really too fun, and he actually felt that this thing was not challenging for him, such a high-level, then he might be really real. I can't open it.

"What do you think of this? He got a low-level one. It's easier for us to escape like this. It's better to get a high-level one. We don't even have the chance to get it out. So I feel like this Not bad, okay, let's go quickly too, don't stay here for too long."

The ice on one side also agreed with what his captain had said and quickly echoed there.

"Yeah, yeah, let's leave here quickly. If we don't leave quickly, it will not work. Take the time to leave here. Then we will go back and do these things well, just in case he finds out. Now, let's have more. It will be difficult and troublesome to continue to confront him."

Listening to what the two people were doing, Luo Hun hurriedly lit up there, and the three of them started walking out directly with his head.

The three of them had already walked far away. At this moment, Zhao Hanxuan felt a little uneasy. He didn't know if they had any plans, so he went to take a look.

There weren't even a few steps on this, and suddenly I felt something was wrong. Why didn't there even a sound? What was going on?

This is totally unreasonable! When I left here just now, I could clearly hear their voices here, but this time I couldn't hear them.

Zhao Hanxuan yelled badly in his heart. It seemed that these guys should have ran out, so he quickened his pace and walked directly there.

This past was directly dumbfounded, as expected. It's really like what I thought just now, there is no one at all.

All that was left was an empty cage and the place that was just destroyed by Luo Hun.

When Zhao Hanxuan saw this place, he hurried up to check it out. This was really too angry. He directly slapped the place severely.

This slap really used his own strength, and directly began to smash the entire cage.

In an instant everything fell in front of him. Zhao Hanxuan began to think of it in his heart.

"This Zhou Dong is really disgusting. If I meet you again next time, I will definitely not be fooled by you again. This time you have taught me another lesson."

Zhao Hanxuan looked at the duck that was about to reach his mouth and flew away like this, and he was really unconvinced.

If there is another chance, he will definitely not be so boss. One must firmly seize this opportunity to let him hand over what he wants.

This is the second time Zhao Hanxuan has been played with by Zhou Dong, and he must be mad inside, because no matter how much he is a figure with a face and a face, being brushed so carefully by him makes it uncomfortable whether it is placed in anyone's heart. of.

Zhao Hanxuan was more or less frustrated at this time, because he could get that thing by his own eyes, and even if he couldn't get that thing, he could still destroy one of his strongest enemies in the future.

Anyway, I don't suffer here anyway, but I just flew away like this, no matter who it is, I don't feel relieved!

Zhou Dong took the two of them out for a long time, feeling that this guy should not be able to catch up, so he slowed his pace and spoke to the two of them.

"Oh, this time we were pretty unpredictable. We can't be so impulsive next time. This guy is really insidious. I thought I could use the same method to escape from him. , But he didn't expect him to have some preparations."

After listening to it, Luo Hun Hanbing immediately lightened his head there. This time it was considered that they had a direct contact with Zhao Hanxuan, and he felt that this guy was really unusual.

Han Bing thought a little bit more there, and started to lower his head and say something regretful to his captain.

"Captain, I blamed me this time. I didn't expect that I would be caught by him so easily, and then asked you to spend so much effort to get us out. It really blames me for being so impulsive. I will never do anything like that again."

Zhou Dong watched Han Bing talk to himself with some guilt directly there, so he laughed directly and said to him.

"Look at you, look at you, what are you talking about? There is absolutely no need to say these things. I also know that you are doing something for all of us, so I am anxious. It doesn't matter. , Isn't this coming out? As long as we are safe and secure."

When Han Bing heard what his captain said, he felt a lot more comfortable in those moments, and it was indeed like this. He had been thinking about whether he could get some reliable news just now, so he was so impulsive.

If you don't have these reasons, you must be very cautious about doing things yourself. What you do in the past requires careful consideration in your brain.

He wouldn't ignore it at all, because he felt that it would definitely not work if he didn't consider it. There are some things that must be considered well to do well.

Luo Hun on one side also heard what Han Bing said, so he laughed directly there, speaking like a Ma Daha.

"Hahahaha, it's really like our captain said our captain. I just said there, if you are rescued, you will definitely say something like this, and you are already prepared to tell you there is nothing."

After all, Han Bing was a little girl, she got shy right there, and then shook her head, really feeling that she did something wrong this time.

And gradually began to speak to the two of them with assurance there.

"Hmm, it is indeed my cause this time. I will definitely not be like this next time. You two can rest assured. If I tell you something like this, you two will be ruthless. Punish me severely and let me increase my memory."

Zhou Dong and Luo Hun were a little unhappy when they heard these words, and hurriedly shook their heads there to explain.

"Look at you, look at you, what are you talking about? If that happens, we need to twist into a rope and face these things together. Don't be like this."

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