Layman System

Chapter 1512: The appearance of the man in black

Hearing what he said, Zhou Dong felt that he was really interested. After all, he said that he would never come to himself again to be annoying. This was a particularly good state.

But he didn't have the thing he said here, so he directly shook his old and helpless expression.

"When did I say you guys want to inked to me? I really don't have the thing you want. If I have one, I'll just hand it over. Why do you want to be here?"

Zhao Hanxuan heard him say this, and then saw his expression, so he started to believe that he was gone, but saw him here alone.

Another bad idea suddenly appeared in my heart, and he started to laugh secretly there.

After all, this is a god-given opportunity anyway. If he was given a sneak attack at this moment, I am afraid this guy should not be able to escape.

So Zhao Hanxuan began to choose in his heart to do it at this time. After all, if he didn't do it at this time, he might regret it later.

So just start. I started to use it there and I started preparing to start with Zhou Dong!

Zhou Dong panicked instantly at this sight. After all, this was in a state where he was defenseless. If he made such a move, his life would be lost immediately.

But when Zhao Hanxuan took the shot, a lot of people in black suddenly appeared next to Zou Dong. This completely made Zhou Dong a little confused. I don’t know who these people in black are. ?

The group of people in black had already begun to surround Zhou Dong there, and then began to glared at Zhao Hanxuan.

Zhao Hanxuan is not a fool either. When he sees so many people in black himself, he is definitely not beaten here. It started to slip away directly there.

Everyone of this group of people is extremely skilled, looking at their strength, it is absolutely impossible for them to beat them here.

My heart was also particularly upset, and I started to talk non-stop there.

"What kind of identity is this guy? How come so many masters suddenly appeared next to him. This is really unreasonable, why would he appear next to him?"

But even though he thought so in his heart, he couldn't do anything about it. After all, his strength was beyond the reach of others, so he could only slip away quietly before looking for the next opportunity!

But if you need to find the next opportunity, I'm afraid I really don't know when it is. Anyway, it is more important to care about your life.

Zhou Dong looked at Zhao Hanxuan and disappeared from him directly like a mouse. He didn't know what the situation was like. What did these people in black look like?

Suddenly one of the people in black stood there directly, talking to a document that Zhou Dong began to take out.

"Hello, hello, is this Mr. Zhou? I am that man's black legion. He has written clearly in his will before he died. Let us protect you secretly when your life is in danger. , We must appear to protect you."

Zhou Dong's hearing turned out to be a matter of the will, and he immediately understood that it turned out to be such a thing.

This is a person left behind by the rich woman. It turned out to be such a situation, and he understood a lot in an instant.

But I never thought that this rich woman still had this thing in her hands that she needed to inherit. This is too hard to imagine.

I got a little tingling on my scalp. I don’t know what is going on now, how much I have inherited. Didn’t I say not to inherit? Why should such a thing appear in oneself?

Now I am completely confused by my brain, I don't know what's going on.

But there is no relationship, after all, these things are still understandable.

Time is a good way to deal with these things. Just spend some more time here, and then digest all these things.

Then let yourself understand these things, wait until the end to let yourself fully understand, let him accept and accept.

Suddenly here, I seem to be in country F. The rich woman before was a very important person in this country.

"Moreover, it is mentioned in this country that he does not have any high-level managers who do not know him, so if he inherits now, would he be particularly powerful in this country!"

If that's the case, you can come here in the future. There are many people receiving yourself next to you, wouldn't it be very refreshing.

Thinking about it this way, I have a lot of strength inexplicably, which makes myself a little happy!

Think about that rich woman is not useless, but also has some special effects, look like this. But at one time we must recognize our own reality.

When encountering something that is completely uncontrollable, I will resolutely give up something without hesitation. These things are necessary. understandable.

Zhou Dong began to be a little confused by this sudden thing, and he couldn't understand why these things suddenly hit him.

But after thinking about it, since it has reached my own body, I can make good use of it.

Zhou Dong stood there watching the group of black-clothed men still staying here, some dumbfounded and directly asked them.

"Why do you have any other explanations here? Or do you need to be by my side all the time now?"

It may be the little heads of those black people. Upon hearing Zhou Dong's question, he immediately began to shake, his head walked slowly, and stepped forward to explain to him.

"No, no, we just appear next to you when your life is in danger suddenly, in order to remove some unnecessary things for you, then we will return to us A place."

When Zhou Dong heard that this was the case, it seemed that this group of people in black was also organized and disciplined!

With such a large group of mysterious people following by my side, I suddenly became unaccustomed to some inexplicable things and didn't know what was going on. Is it because I am becoming more and more hypocritical now? Isn't it that way?

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