Layman System

Chapter 1515: So versatile

"Oh, Captain, I just wanted to say why you are so good, and I guessed it all at once. I thought it was because of such a thing! This group of people are really stupid, and it doesn't take our Hide the little secret!"

Zhou Dong laughed there instantly when I heard it. This is really too daunting.

Why suddenly say that this is the case again, making myself more or less unacceptable for a while, and my heart is also more or less confusing!

Then his mouth began to speak to it slowly.

"I said that you suddenly made such a sentence, which made me more or less confused. What is the situation? You haven't discussed it before, or what's the matter?"

Han Bing felt embarrassed when he heard it. Then he quickly explained to his captain there.

"No, no, captain, in fact, we have already worked out all the ideas before, but we didn't expect these guys to be so stupid that they would test the exercise again when you came."

Zhou Dong, I understood right away when I heard it, and then I moved my head there and continued talking to Han Bing.

"Okay, let's stop discussing these things here. Let's go and see what the situation is. If they don't do what you said in a while, you can just open up and train them, I It depends on your ability."

Han Bing curled his mouth, feeling that there was nothing at all here. If I really did something very serious here, I would never let anyone go.

Zhou Dong looked at eating Tsundere's Ice. It was really the first time I saw him. He was usually very gentle, but this time there was indeed something surprising.

But it didn't matter, I would accept it more or less, so I nodded my head there, and smiled at the little girl in front of me.

Soon the two people were taken to the small meeting place where they were already practicing.

As soon as Han Bing walked over, Zhou Dong walked to the front without paying any attention, watching all of them and talking directly there.

"What the **** did you do? When I led our captain to there, I saw you testing something here at a glance. The captain hasn't waited for me to tell him, he just knew it."

Zhou Dong looked at Han Bing in this way, it was really amazing. He didn't expect this guy to be like this, so he started to stand there quietly and did not say anything else!

As soon as everyone saw that their captain was coming, they quickly put down their work, and when they heard Han Bing say this, they instantly became overwhelmed there, and all the surprises were lost.

Just because I have some food here, I said that my captain has some problems here!

Zhou Dong walked forward slowly, watching that if he continues to fight here now, they might be embarrassed to death in a while.

As soon as I walked over, I listened to the words that Han Bing kept saying there. It always felt strange, but I couldn't say anything here, so I could only pat his little shoulder silently.

Han Bing suddenly tried to slap himself on the shoulder there, and didn't know who it was, so he turned his head directly and looked at him in a particularly dazed manner.

Zhou Dong looked at his expression, and then quickly spoke to her.

"Haha, I can see your strength now, it doesn't matter, let me talk to them, we don't have any problems like this."

As soon as Han Bing heard Zhou Dong say that he had no other way, so he nodded his head there and took a step back slowly.

Zhou Dong saw that Han Bing had taken a step back, and he also took the opportunity to take a step forward. Seeing the big guys busy with children, he was really moved!

He quickly spoke up there and added a special comfort to him.

"Oh, it doesn't matter. I was afraid that all of your things will disappear without a trace. But to be honest, I really like this little surprise you prepared for me. Thank you for today. I can see his sincerity one by one."

As soon as everyone heard this sentence, they felt a touch of touch, because as soon as this sentence was said, it meant that all their efforts were not wasted. The captain also saw it here.

Han Bing looked at everyone's faces with a slight smile, and he slowly picked up some water next to him and passed it to everyone, and said to him.

"Then our captain said that, I was relieved. It seems that he is quite satisfied with our stuff! Everyone has worked very hard and has been preparing for this small party. Why not come, let's drink water together. Take a good rest and show it to our captain soon."

All the captains nodded their heads as soon as they heard this, and started to rest there quickly, for fear that they might make mistakes in their program for a while.

Zhou Dong was also taken to another location by Hanbing. There was some curiosity sitting there quietly. What was the show that Hanbing was talking about?

So he opened his mouth and asked silently.

"Oh, I just learned that you are still here for the show prepared for me. You are a group of extraordinary people, what kind of show can you prepare here, can you tell me?"

Han Bing became unwilling to hear such a moment, and directly shook his head there to answer.

"I said, Captain, you are too one-sided to think like this. Whoever says that we are not talented, I tell you that we have a lot of people here, but there are special people in every aspect. Yes, you'll be optimistic in a while."

Zhou Dong laughed there at the moment he heard it, and then shaking himself, he could speak and speak.

"Okay, okay, looking at you like this, I still want to keep a suspense for me, so good, let you keep this suspense well, we will see it later."

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