Layman System

Chapter 1523: The last news of the lock of life

Soon Zhou Dong's two-year time here was over. At this moment, he suddenly paled in front of Zhou Dong, and told him a heavy news.

"I said you know? That Zhao Hanxuan has already died, and I don't know why. Anyway, I was particularly surprised when I had to know the news. I didn't know what it was like, and suddenly died suddenly. Up."

Zhou Dong immediately started to be surprised when he heard these words. This was really surprising to him. He never thought that Zhao Hanxuan would die suddenly.

What a clever person this guy is, how could he die suddenly? I really don't believe it.

Zhou Dong just felt pale, and already knew some of the inside story, so he deliberately told himself that he didn't say it here, so he asked his dad, so he asked directly.

"I said what's wrong with you guy? Why don't you plan to tell me if I didn't ask? I don't think he was so ordinary. He died. There must be some reason for you to tell me. Your gossip must be particularly accurate."

Wan Bai didn't want to talk to Zhou Dong about these things, but when he heard him say something like this, slowly open his mouth and talk to him.

"What do you say, anyway, I also have some gossip, my informant told me. It is said that this guy was given the R injection by our first top spot. He was directly coaxed into the trap and died like this. Up."

Zhou Dong felt strange there for an instant when he heard it. What kind of situation is this? Why this guy wanted to kill Zhao Hanxuan? It doesn't make sense. People and him have no grievances in the past or injustices in the past.

I started to think in my heart what was going on? How could there be such a sudden situation.

Suddenly, Zhou Dong's mind seemed to remember something. He hadn't got the thing he wanted.

This lock of life left immediately before he got it, so he immediately asked pale, to see if there was any news from him, why hasn't there been any news for so long?

"I said, did you guys inquire me about the lock of life? I am ready to leave here immediately. There is no movement here, which makes me unwilling to leave!"

As soon as Wan Bai heard these words, he immediately began to hesitate there. Seeing her like this, Zhou Dong probably had a plan in his heart, so he started to ask questions there.

"I said why you guy suddenly started to become mother-in-law. If you have or if you don't have you, just tell me. Look at you hesitating here, making me anxious. Are you there? You and I have a solid foundation."

Wan Bai looked at Zhou Dong so anxiously, so he bit the bullet and started talking to him.

"In fact, what do you say, I feel that the only thing you want to get her is our mysterious boss here. Because only he can get these things, and others have no qualifications at all!"

When Zhou Dong heard this, this was the latest time he had come to this life lock. Suddenly, my heart started to get excited there, and I felt that the victory was in front of my own eyes, and I must win this victory no matter what.

At the beginning, I couldn’t wait. I was eager to find this mysterious boss in preparation for a song, but I couldn’t find this mysterious boss at all, and I didn’t even know some basic information about him. Where would I find this?

So he directly handed all the questions to Wan Bai. After all, Wan Bai's news was quite accurate, and he looked at whether there was anything that he could use.

Slowly opened his mouth, and directly asked Wan Bai.

"I said, brother, do you know some information about this mysterious boss? Tell me about it. Then it will be convenient for me to find him for this life lock"

When Wan Bai heard this sentence, he was shocked at first. He didn't expect that this kid's tone was really big. It would be extremely difficult for him to see this mysterious boss. 0

Not to mention that she is a small and a small team leader, this role is completely impossible, so Wan Bai shakes his head there.

"Let me tell you the truth. I am also more difficult. I can't disclose these things to you at all, because we have our rules here. It's not that I won't help you because this is indeed something I can't do. ."

Zhou Dong didn't understand it at the moment when he heard it, why there are so many rules here, making him feel uncomfortable. In the end, he still has to set such rules for himself.

I was already a person who was going to leave, so I didn't need to worry about anything, so I just asked pale in doubt, to see where he was inconvenient.

"You guys have to say this from the very beginning. Tell me what is inconvenient. I really don’t understand. What’s inconvenient to these things? I feel like you just open your mouth. It can be said!"

Being pale is also particularly helpless, because this matter can't help him at all. He is indeed powerless, and his brain has also begun to become blank. I really don't know how to explain it to him.

Zhou Dong saw that Wan Bai was still there hesitating, so he opened his mouth anxiously and said to him, because he didn't have much time to stay here, so he must hurry!

"I said what happened to you today? Why is there any inconvenience? You quickly tell me, I am almost dying of anxiety now, I am the ant on the hot pot now."

As soon as Wan Bai heard his words, he was still there and continued to shake his head, because he did have a rule here, not to disclose anyone's information casually!

Seeing Zhou Dong in such anxious state, he continued to open his mouth here, and slowly explained it to him, hoping that he could understand what he meant, and don't misunderstand himself. I really can't help him.

"I said, brother, if this is something else, no matter how I do it, there is no problem, but this person is suitable for being a character, I can't say at all."

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