Layman System

Chapter 1527: Encountered Yu Xiaoxiao

The cabin door was there and heard the big guy continue to quiet down again, so I can speak to them quickly.

"I also saw that your previous captain chose two more capable people, right? So let’s do that, in the next period of time, Han Bing and Luo Hun will be your captain and deputy captain. What do you think? ?"

It’s okay for everyone in the special team to hear this, because the people they recommend in their hearts are the two of them, and the two of them can be regarded as hometowns with some experience here.

Therefore, it is absolutely safe to be led by the two of them. The people in those special teams directly nodded and indicated that they agreed.

"Sister Han Bing and Brother Luo Hun who can do it is absolutely okay, because the strength of the two of them is particularly obvious. They are the captain and deputy captain of the team, and we are more willing to follow their arrangements."

This was what Wan Bai was waiting for. With this sentence he said, he felt relieved in an instant. As long as he can say this sentence, the person he chose should be correct.

Actually, singing Bai didn't know all the people very well. It was just that when I saw Zhou Dong deliberately talk to the two of them just now, I felt that the two of them must have some strength.

If it's a bullshit, it's absolutely impossible. Then Zhou Dong wouldn't take it seriously. It turned out to be someone she took a good look at. That's absolutely okay, so he must first appoint two of them. At that time, control the entire special team.

This Zhou Dong suddenly left the Tiangong organization, and instantly he lost any sense of restraint.

I felt an uncomfortable feeling all over my body, and I didn't know what the situation was, it suddenly appeared on my body.

Zhou Dong began to think in his head.

"I said, what is the matter with me? Why do I suddenly feel uncomfortable when I am idle? People feel particularly comfortable when they are idle. This is not good for myself, and I feel so depressed when I am idle!"

He was there for himself, and felt that this was not the same thing. No matter how hard you are, you must make good use of this time, whether it is for fun or doing things, you must make good use of it.

But you must not let this time be lost in vain, so Zhou Dong was there slowly thinking.

Let's take a look at what to do, there is no good idea after thinking about it!

My current self is really boring. You say vulgar points, you can't redeem the potion to restore memory. This lock of life, here are some unknowable information. In fact, there is no clue at all.

So now it makes him feel that his whole brain is confused and stiff, and he doesn't know how he is going to proceed. It really makes him a little unprepared!

I don't know what's going on. I feel a little depressed as I sit there and think about it. I don't know how to solve these things. It's really uncomfortable.

"Since I'm staying here and thinking about it all the time, I'll go for a stroll and see if there is any place I can join in the fun."

As soon as Zhou Dong wanted to play these things there, he quickly got up and went out. If it is better to stay here, I am afraid that he will get this depression soon.

Therefore, for your own safety and health, you have to relax your heartbeat, start wandering aimlessly, and don’t know where to go. Anyway, walk around like this to see the excitement and see if other places are real. It's quite interesting.

At the very least, you can leave your brain directly there blank, without thinking about anything. This is a particularly critical place, as long as it looks like this.

When Zhou Dong was walking there this time, he suddenly saw a group of people chasing a little girl, and the little girl really had some attributes.

I am not sure where I am, because there is indeed some familiarity, but shouldn't he be in a secret environment now? How come you suddenly appear here?

Is it possible that some hallucinations began to appear in my head, which shouldn't be, is it really that I have depression?

So Zhou Dong began to pinch himself in disbelief, but he was so painful to death. All this should be true!

Soon the girl chased by the group of people had already arrived in front of Zhou Dong.

Zhou Dong can see clearly now, isn't this Yu Xiaoxiao? Didn't he live in seclusion with his uncle? How could he suddenly appear here, and also brought so many people to do it, as if he had been hunted down.

Yu Xiaoxiao's eyes were also very good, as soon as he saw Zhou Dong shouting at him.

"Zhou Dong, come and save me. My son was hunted down. Come and save me. I'm exhausted."

This Yu Xiaoxiao is also hope to see! Because he fully knows an instance of Zhou Dong, as long as he is here, there is absolutely no problem with him.

When Zhou Dong heard the movement, he immediately became sure there. This is why Yu Xiaoxiao herself had heard a lot of his voice before, so he was still familiar with his voice.

Zhou Dong looked at Yu Xiaoxiao and didn't know what was going on. He immediately started to slow down, and he caught up with the people behind him.

Could it be that he saw himself there, so he felt that there should be no problem, deliberately slowing himself down here is really impossible to guarantee, so he rushed up.

The whole body was blocked in front of Yu Xiaoxiao in an instant, and Yu Xiaoxiao was also exhausted at this time.

At the beginning, he was breathing heavily behind Zhou Dong, feeling as if he had run all the steps for a year.

Zhou Dong now saw that they were about to catch up, so he didn't ask Yu Xiaoxiao too much what was going on, and went straight up in twos and threes and started throwing the whole person to the ground.

Yu Xiaoxiao behind Zhou Dong started laughing as soon as he saw this scene, because he knew that Zhou Dong would definitely have this strength, and it was still possible to deal with these people without any pressure.

Those few people had already fallen to the ground, some of them looked at Zhou Dong unconvincedly. They laughed at this moment, and walked to him and said this to them.

"Why are you still a little unconvinced? If you don't feel convinced, you should quickly practice your skills, and then find me to fight, now quickly get out."

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