Layman System

Chapter 1534: beg for mercy

I saw that when the cronie heard his big boss ask himself this way, he immediately said everything.

After hearing what he said, Zhou Dong immediately began to have some atmosphere there to be a helper. It was really a set in person and a set behind it. Now I will make this for myself!

This is indeed a bit undesirable, no wonder there is something wrong with Yu Xiaoxiao. As soon as I came in, I looked at him a little unhappy, and didn't know what was going on.

Asking him inside, he didn't do it with himself, so Zhou Dong turned his head angrily and ran towards Yu Xiaoxiao and walked over.

"Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao, you come here and I know about this. I already know everything now. Why don't you tell me? You have suffered such a big grievance here, why don't you tell me? ?"

As soon as Yu Xiaoxiao heard these words, she immediately began to drop her forehead there, because she really didn't know how to speak here, and then shook her head.

"I didn't want to cause trouble for you, because there are too many people involved in this matter, and you are still so busy every day. I don't want to cause trouble for you, so I didn't speak about these things. "

Zhou Dong looked at Yu Xiaoxiao's pitiful appearance, and his heart was too unbearable, so he leaned out and said to it.

"Okay, okay, now that I know this matter, I will help you solve this matter. Anyway, our bad breath must be corrected, or it will be uncomfortable to hold it in my heart. , You just watch my performance."

As soon as Yu Xiaoxiao heard this, she shook there, her head was about to open her mouth, and when I was going to refuse, Zhou Dong suddenly spoke.

"I said that this is absolutely impossible. It is never possible to go on like this. You have suffered such a big grievance here, and then I still don’t know something like this. I must not be able to do it, so you can do it quietly. Stay next to me without thinking about anything, these people, I should have rectified them a long time ago."

Yu Xiaoxiao couldn't persuade Zhou Dong when she looked at herself, so she could only tacitly let him do it there, while she quietly followed behind him according to his wishes.

Zhou Dong directly took the Manager Liu that Yu Xiaoxiao had found. As soon as that Manager Liu saw the big boss coming, you slumped there quickly, and didn't know what the situation was.

Manager Liu began to talk politely!

"Oh, big boss, why don't you tell us when you are here? Let's get ready here. You see if we have nothing now. The preparations are messy. You should tell us in advance."

Zhou Dong, I didn't pay any attention to him at first, so I walked quietly to the sofa with the fish and sat down quietly.

It was not until Zhou Dong sat down that he slowly opened his mouth and told him.

"Why, what is the situation that I told you about? You hurriedly forced everyone's mouths up. I will tell you that as long as I know this thing today, you don't have to think about it. Other things are completely useless, do you know?"

When the manager Liu heard such a sentence, he immediately began to be a little bit stunned, and he quickly pretended to be a fool, shaking his head.

"Oh, boss, what are you talking about? I don't mean that at all."

Zhou Dong looked at his particularly hypocritical face. He really wanted to rush over and beat him violently. This was too hypocritical, and he was still cheating himself there at this time!

It made me feel a little uncomfortable in my heart, completely treating myself as a fool.

Zhou Dong then started shaking there with a smile, and answered with his head.

"What do you say? I really don't know how to talk about you here. You are still hiding from me. In fact, I told you that I already know everything. You don't need to keep hiding from you here. What did you do. You don’t have to say anything if you think about it."

As soon as this sentence was just said, the manager Liu started to panic instantly. This completely caught him off guard. I don't know how this is the second level.

Zhou Dong saw that he had already started to panic there, and he really did a lot of unknown things in it, so he must not let him go.

He started to stand up slowly, and walked in front of him, directly that Manager Liu took a few steps back as soon as he saw this scene.

After all, he worked in Zhou Dong's bar. As soon as he saw him like this, he knew what he was going to do, and shook his head there.

Zhou Dong looked at him like this, and said with an aura there in an instant.

"I said, what the **** is going on with you? How come you are all of these useless things with me all of a sudden, don't you know what I am like? You are here to give me these things, are you your little Don't you want your life?"

Seeing that Manager Liu saw that this matter was no longer able to cover, he quickly lowered, and his head was there to admit the wrong answer.

"Brother Dong, Brother Dong, I really knew I was wrong this time. I was completely taken away by some of my things and didn't make a decent response. I'm really sorry, Brother Dong, so forgive me. This time."

Zhou Dong was really angry when he looked at him. This looks like a person on the surface, and Betty doesn’t look like a person. Why does this make him feel embarrassed, so he directly picks up the shaking head there. It is impossible to forgive him.

The mouth also began to speak to him silently.

"Since you have done what you did this time, I am afraid you will do it next time. I really don't know how to forgive you. In fact, I heard you have a lot of scandals. At first, I opened one eye and closed one eye as if nothing had happened, but you made me some of these things really make me uncomfortable!"

Manager Liu sounds so bad, and now there is no room for recovery. What can I do? One is to plop on the ground directly there, and then crying for mercy there.

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