Layman System

Chapter 1539: A chance encounter with Yu Xiaoxiao

The moment Zhou Dong walked in, his eyes lit up directly in front of him. As expected, there were really many people, and the heads of the people inside began to become densely packed.

And some of the people in it are young people. It seems that this boss is really good at doing business, so he will directly pick young people to start.

It may be because he knows some routines of young people. Zhou Dong started to find a spot at random, and slowly sat down, a waiter walked over directly, facing the order Zhou Dong handed over there!

Then he spoke very politely.

"Hello, sir, just tell me what you need, I am here. I will serve you."

Zhou Dong saw that the waiter's attitude was really good, and there was such a person in every place in this bar, so that the service was in place instantly.

The owner of their shop is really good at doing business. Arranging so many waiters so that everyone can enjoy this kind of service, there are indeed some quite ruthless!

Zhou Dong nodded his head, and then began to look at the list. This look is good, all the drinks on it are half price!

It was indeed shocked that he had such a cheap drink. What kind of money did he make? I'm a little bit stunned by myself. I don't know what the situation is. How do I settle the accounts?

The waiter was a little surprised when he saw Zhou Dong, and quickly explained it to him.

"Hello, hello, you must not be like this. The prices of these drinks are ordered by our boss personally, saying that they are to serve the general public. Then the boss will come often, and the service here is really good. It’s awesome."

Zhou Dong really felt something interesting when he heard it like this. He moved his head there and didn't continue to say anything, he continued to look down.

Zhou Dong started to order a few randomly there, and then said to the waiter.

"I said there are really a lot of people here. This already feels a little bit. I'm so bored."

The waiter was also particularly embarrassed. He encountered this problem for the first time, and then answered with a smile but not daring to laugh.

"Yes, boss, this is indeed what we are here. We will get bored when there are more people, but we will definitely solve this problem in the future. Our boss is also discussing the expansion with the next door, and we will soon expand here. It’s huge."

After hearing these words, Zhou Dong felt that these people were really ambitious, and they were still thinking about the expansion. I have been working here for so many years, and I haven't thought about these things.

So he smiled and nodded his head, and slowly waited.

Zhou Dong was very boring sitting there, and then he looked around, suddenly a figure appeared in front of him, and he couldn't believe it.

I always feel that this is a mistake. Then he quickly reached out and rubbed his eyes twice before daring to confirm how Yu Xiaoxiao was here.

Yu Xiaoxiao also saw Zhou Dong there at the same time, and the two looked at each other, feeling particularly dazed, why he was here.

Yu Xiaoxiao's expression was very strange, and he walked over directly, and then sat opposite Zhou Dong and talked to him.

"No, no, why are you here? Shouldn't you be busy with your own affairs at this time? Why do you suddenly appear here?"

Zhou Dong was also a little confused by his sudden question. I don't know what happened. Isn't this a question I should ask him?

Then he began to look at him with some doubts, and started talking.

"I'm wrong, wrong, isn't this a question I should ask you? Why did you suddenly ask me? I still want to ask you, why are you here? Shouldn't you be in a bar?"

Upon hearing this, Yu Xiaoxiao quickly made a quiet gesture on her mouth.

Then, like a small spy, he said to Zhou Dong very nervously.

"I said, can you keep your voice down, don't you know where we are now? We are now in the bar where we are fighting business. If you let them hear, they will arrest us again. Do? You keep your voice down so that no one will find out."

When Zhou Dong heard this sentence, he understood it instantly. It turned out that this guy also came to step on it. This guy is really bold, and he came here alone.

Yu Xiaoxiao is there, you think for a while, and then suddenly think of a question, you directly stare at Zhou Dong dumbfounded, facing him!

"I said it's wrong, it's wrong, this is totally unreasonable, you shouldn't be our bar. Isn't it the number one person? Don't they know you are you when you come? It's really weird."

Zhou Dong felt that this was really interesting, he just shook it with a smile, and opened his mouth to explain it to him.

"I said, eldest sister, you don’t understand me at all. I’m just a small person there. No one of them knows that I am the boss. You didn’t see that I left a named boss in the bar. No one knows."

Yu Xiaoxiao understood it instantly in such a day, and then moved her head there. Zhou Dong laughed here too, this Yu Xiaoxiao completely used her identity especially well!

Because he just went to the bar, so no one knew him. Investigating in this way will become particularly easy, which is also a very powerful thing.

Because no one in this bar knows both of them, it is said that this time it is impossible to get through. There is really some lavishness in spending money!

Just follow the waiter and take a sentence, bring him all the good wine!

This time Zhou Dong also figured it out in his own brain, this time it definitely couldn't come in vain.

Now that they are here, they have to make things clear about their drinks, and even ordering so many, that's exactly why Yu Xiaoxiao accompanies her to taste it.

Seeing what they are relying on to sell this wine so much cheaply, there is really some confusion.

This time, I should also bring back some more valuable information, so that I can understand it. What's the matter?

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