Layman System

Chapter 1546: new task

The system sent the task to itself at once, making it enthusiastic. I feel that I have an inexplicable power instantly.

Anyway, no matter what you say, you have to do it yourself if you don't. You must solve this Monica, so that you can get the vulgar points in them.

I must hurry up now, because the key to restore memory still needs to be found, and I don't know when there will be a news about the lock of life.

Yu Xiaoxiao was there watching what Zhou Dong didn't know about, and then glanced at the time, feeling that it was quite early today, so she began to talk there.

"Oh, it's really early for us today, so let's start today. When that happens, let's go directly to that little bastard's house today, and then we will wait there quietly."

Zhou Dong felt okay when he heard what he said. He nodded, and the two of them just left as they said, and ran directly to the house of the little bastard.

Because Zhou Dong had already figured out all the information at this time, it was relatively easy to know the house of this little bastard.

The two people sat in the car silently, and then quietly waited for the little **** to come back. When he came back, he went straight up and took it down for him, and then a pair of magical questions!

When the time comes, see how he answers this topic of his own, so that he will be stunned and will not leave him any chance there.

If you give him a chance, some of these people must be useless, because he doesn't have those two tricks at all.

Besides, he has done some bad things, so he must be particularly afraid of himself in his heart, so he will tremble directly there, and then tell all the things.

At that time, it would be more logical for me to solve this matter directly, and the Monica bar would soon be resolved.

At that time, I immediately completed the task that the system gave me. Isn't this the best of both worlds? Thinking about it is very exciting.

Zhou Dong and Yu Xiaoxiao had already arrived at that little gangster's house soon, and found that this person seemed to be not at home, so he should have just got the money to go out to play.

Yu Xiaoxiao didn't know what to do there, so she opened her mouth and asked Zhou Dong!

"This guy seems to be not at home, what should we do? We are still waiting here."

After Zhou Dong heard it, he laughed there. He wasn't here and waited where, so he started to answer.

"Yeah, yeah, let's not continue to wait here and wait there. He didn't come back. It is estimated that he went out to play. Didn't the owner of the bar give him money today? We will catch it by then. He is present, and see what else he has to say."

Yu Xiaoxiao was okay to hear this, and then she shrank her head as she moved there.

"To be honest, it's really the first time I have done this kind of thing, and it feels exciting when I think about it. It's completely like a game of cat and mouse!"

Zhou Dong just laughed right there, feeling that this guy really dares to speak!

It is really interesting to compare such an important thing to cat and mouse, and then I started talking there.

"I said you really dare to think about it. You can actually treat this thing as a cat-and-mouse game, but it's good to think about it this way, at least it can make the whole thing a lot easier. "

It was also the first time for Yu Xiaoxiao to do this kind of thing, so he didn't have any experience, but he could hear Zhou Dong's approval for him, and he just laughed there.

At the beginning, he said to him very cutely.

"Oh, oh, isn’t it supposed to be, don’t I think of this thing like this? Yes! This is the first time I did it, and there was some tension in my heart, so I wanted to be like this It's also relatively normal."

Zhou Dong knew just now that he would think about these things, so he just laughed right there, nodding his head to answer.

"Okay, okay, we don’t stop you from thinking about these things here. It’s okay to think about these things. You just think about this thing so simply. There will be some different feelings, you believe. Do not believe?"

To be honest, Yu Xiaoxiao believes whatever Zhou Dong says here.

Then I directly moved my head there, indicating that I must believe it here, because these things are really special!

Besides, with Zhou Dong's strength, no matter what he said, there was some majesty, so it was normal for him to say these things.

The two people didn't know what was going on, they were very patient there, and they waited for a long time before they arrived at this person.

Directly, that little **** really went out to play, the whole expression was a little different, and the color on his face was also particularly rosy.

When I saw him in this way, he was drinking. As soon as Zhou Dong saw how good he was here, he felt a little uncomfortable.

He rushed over directly, and when Yu Xiaoxiao was there, he was about to hold her, nothing at all. Even if he caught himself, Zhou Dong rushed out.

Zhou Dong said to the little **** while walking here.

"Why did you go out for a drink with the money you just got today? Don't you know how to honor us?"

The little **** was stunned as soon as he heard the sound, and then replied stiffly with the alcohol and money in his pocket.

"What do I say to you? Are you so desperate? You dare to talk to me like this, who are you?"

The little **** said while turning his head. As soon as I turned my head, I saw Zhou Dong and was stunned, because he also knew Zhou Dong.

Zhou Dong saw that he had turned his head around. He really couldn't bear it here, so he rushed over and hit the little bastard's face with a fist.

I saw this little **** stunned directly, and then stepped back a few steps, and finally sat on the ground without being placed there. He only heard an ordinary ready-to-wear clothes, and it sounded a little painful.

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