Layman System

Chapter 1549: The disappearance of Monica

Yu Xiaoxiao was quite happy when he heard Zhou Dong's recognition of him. At least he recognized that these things he did were really good.

Zhou Dong watched that Yu Xiaoxiao had agreed with his reasoning, and there was absolutely no problem here. Then he would go back to his bar here for a while to announce Yu Xiaoxiao's achievements.

It is necessary to let everyone in the bar know these things and let him understand some of the things inside.

Soon the police got a lot of evidence. Then it fully confirmed that Monica's bar is indeed selling fake liquor.

Then this matter has been solved very well, and I used my very fast speed to directly seal the bar of Monica.

In this way, Monica's Bar completely lost any strength that could continue to operate, and it went bankrupt.

Zhou Dong was particularly happy when he heard the news, and then he couldn't wait to talk to Yu Xiaoxiao.

"Don’t say it really, now that Monica’s matter has been resolved, we feel a lot more comfortable in our hearts, let him sell fake wine there, and talk to us about these useless things here, really not Know what's in their heads."

Yu Xiaoxiao was also particularly happy because of this incident, and then began to answer with shaking her head there.

"Isn't it? Once this matter is over, there is indeed some ease. Then we will wait for a while to celebrate. Recently, our bar may need to be delayed for a long time."

When Zhou Dong heard what he said, it was indeed like this. Once the matter was over, he really had to adjust there for a while.

After all, during this period of time, the Monica Bar has done a lot of things for herself here, and some of her own funds have been lacking, so it is not as good as before.

So it must be adjusted, Zou Dong nodded his head and answered in agreement.

"Isn't it? It really has to be like this. Let's let the bar restore some of our previous economic strength."

Yu Xiaoxiao smiled there, and then didn't continue to say anything. Zhou Dong saw that the matter has been resolved here, so hurry up and realize what he said before.

"Right, yes, now is a critical time. Let's go to the bar as soon as possible. This matter has been resolved, and then we can also be considered to inform. I will tell you about your merits by the way."

After all, Yu Xiaoxiao was particularly shy. He immediately shook when he heard these words, and said immediately with his head and mouth.

"Forget it, forget it, don't do it, I'm relatively shy, don't make such a loud voice, let everyone admire me, what admire me, right? I feel That’s it, let’s simply announce it."

Of course, Zhou Dong was unwilling to hear this. Isn't this all already said? Why did he suddenly change his mind, so he shook his head there and answered.

"This is not good, we said before, so you should do what I said, this matter must be known to everyone, let them understand that we have put so much effort. And You are also the biggest hero here! So you have to talk about it."

Yu Xiaoxiao looked at Zhou Dong's special advice there, and there was no other better way to do it, so he just moved his head to show that he was approved here.

As soon as Zhou Dong saw that Yu Xiaoxiao had agreed, he was afraid that he would regret it again, so he hurriedly took him to the bar. At this time, the bar was there and didn’t know what to say?

Zhou Dong and Yu Xiaoxiao were a little confused when they saw this scene there, what are these guys doing? So Zhou Dong directly yelled at them again.

"I said what are you doing here? Is there no work here?"

All the people present turned their heads as soon as they heard these words, and then saw their boss coming. As soon as the named boss saw Zhou Dong coming, he hurried forward to speak.

"There is no Dongge. There is no Dongge. We just got the news that the Monica Bar has closed down, and then we have a meeting here to see who saved our bar."

What did Zhou Dong think it was? It turned out to be because of this, so he started to laugh there, then turned his head and looked at Yu Xiaoxiao and said to the big guy.

"What are you guys guessing here? Of course, we did this thing. The person with the greatest accomplishment is Yu Xiaoxiao, do you know? He was there to make Monica Bar closed, and then the two of us kept investigating. It took a long time to find a more conclusive fact."

The acting boss directly laughed when he heard this. It turned out that it was the same thing. He quickly slapped his brain and brought the two people to the middle of the crowd.

"Okay, okay, everyone don't fool around there, guessing, this thing was not done by others, it is our boss and our manager."

When everyone heard this sentence, they were instantly grateful, because the thing they did has completely saved many families.

In this way, their economic life has become better and completely, without the bad feeling before, so that they can finally do things with confidence and boldness.

Everyone now fully recognizes this woman in their hearts, and then everyone is there to recommend him back to his managerial position.

Of course, Yu Xiaoxiao was unwilling to do so, and she just shook it up there. Her head felt that this matter still needs to be carefully considered, but she can't settle it all at once. in conclusion.

When Zhou Dong saw some of him, he didn't want to directly look at him questioningly. What's wrong? Now that they have this strength, why are they still reluctant? So he started to ask.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? What's the situation? Why don't you want to be the manager? Everyone recognizes you now, so just be this."

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