Layman System

Chapter 1552: Cultivation

The acne that had just gotten the potion was a little bit unbearable there. I must hurry up and go to the place where my daughter-in-law was to thaw it.

Then take a good look at whether he can use this potion, and quickly restore his memory. It is really boring to live alone here, without him by his side.

I feel that the life I lead every day is to constantly do tasks there. The next thing is really great, I don't have to work too much to do tasks.

Soon Zhou Dong had already walked to the place that Li Li took. Because he was not at ease, he arranged her to a place very close to his home.

It's still very quiet here, just like the one I just left. It seems that no one has been here before. This immediately relieved myself a lot.

As I walked, I started to think of something excited in my heart.

"Daughter-in-law, I am here. Today, I can restore you and make you a memory. You must be like before. When you are better, we will do many things that they haven't done before."

Soon he was in front of Li Li, Zhou Dong slowly stood in front of him and watched him still look beautiful, and soon he started to thaw it out.

After this, Li Li seemed to be extremely weak in an instant, probably because he had been in the ice for too long.

At this time, Zhou Dong was worried that it would be broken. This way, he really couldn't use this potion. What if he couldn't survive any side effects?

So Zhou Dong decided to go back home quickly, give him a good health, and let him come out when he is at home.

After all, it is absolutely impossible to use this thing rashly like this, in case something uncontrollable really occurs. That's the end of the calf, and the other party's potion is for nothing.

So Zhou Dong took the Li Li back home very carefully. At home, Zhou Dong instantly became a male nanny, taking care of him in every possible way.

Every day Zhou Dong does something especially nutritious, but he is afraid that Li Li has some no nutrition, so he must keep up with its nutrition.

Li Li is also particularly awesome. There are different changes every day, and the color on her face also begins to change, a lot, Yu Xiaoxiao is also a lot busy here!

Then some tiredness began to return home.

This time I saw Zhou Dong taking care of Li Li meticulously there. There was some uncomfortable feeling right there in my heart, and I didn't know what was going on.

It may be because he has slowly fallen in love with the man in front of him in his heart, but he did not expect that this man is a man with a wife.

Although I was jealous there, I couldn't say it. After all, I wasn't the kind of person who wanted to destroy a family.

You can only watch the two of them lovingly there in silence, and then you can't show it when you are jealous.

Zhou Dong saw that Yu Xiaoxiao had come back, and then said directly to it there.

"Oh, you are back, I want to ask you to live in the bar without coming back for several days."

Yu Xiaoxiao was a little dazed by this sudden sentence. I didn't know what was going on. Why did I suddenly ask myself this?

Then I listened carefully, and started to know what was going on. Indeed, I had been busy with the bar recently, so I didn't come back here.

Today I felt that there were not too many things in the bar, so I came back, and then I saw the scene of the two of them directly, and I was too jealous.

Although I said I was jealous inside, I didn't show anything here at all, just silently looking at the enviable eyes of the two of them there.

Zhou Dong watched Yu Xiaoxiao there and kept looking at himself, not knowing what was going on. It seemed that he hadn't heard what he was saying, so he continued to ask him again.

"I said, what's the matter with you? Why do you suddenly come back and become a little sluggish? Did you encounter any problems? There are some difficult to solve there?"

Yu Xiaoxiao quickly reacted. Hearing Zhou Dong's expression there, he shook his head directly.

Zhou Dong looked at Yu Xiaoxiao there and shook his head. It means that he didn't encounter any other problems, so why did he keep stunned there?

He started to ask some worried questions. What happened this time? How could it become like this?

"I said what's wrong with you? How do you feel a little weird? What's the situation?"

As soon as Yu Xiaoxiao heard this, he quickly answered there.

"No, I didn't do anything. It may be that I was really tired in the bar recently, because our bar needs to be reorganized, so I have been busy there."

When Zhou Dong heard that this was the case, he started to move his head there!

Yu Xiaoxiao also slowly stepped forward and looked at Li Li there seriously, feeling that this woman was so happy to have a man like Zhou Dong by her side.

As soon as Zhou Dong saw Yu Xiaoxiao walking over, he started talking stinkingly right there.

"How is it? It depends on whether I took care of it well. Look at the color on my face now. This is also a big project for me. When his body is almost the same, I will quickly give it to him. The memory is restored."

Yu Xiaoxiao looked at Li Li seriously there for a while, then began to nod her head, it was indeed like this, the color on her face was almost the same as that of a normal person.

Then Zhou Dong who started asking there!

"Why has the potion in your place already been exchanged? Is it going to be available soon?"

Don't mention how happy Zhou Dong is now, he just moved his head to indicate that he was degraded here, and then he started to follow along.

"Yes, I have already redeemed the potion, but seeing that Li Li is so weak, I feel that I should raise it first. Then I will use it for him."

Yu Xiaoxiao heard that this was the case, and then nodded, beginning to feel that this man was too attractive.

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