Layman System

Chapter 1560: unbelievable

After saying this, the local tyrant really did not live up to some of his words!

It was just like a water sprayer, and it started to spray water continuously there. The whole person started to have some different feelings.

Looking at him like that, it is really annoying, like a stupid idiot.

Don't mention how much Zhou Dong wanted to rush to beat that local tyrant. This guy is really deceiving people too much, and being so mad with him here really makes him a little bit upset!

But there is no good way here! I don't know what is going on with this system. I have had such a difficult task with myself here, so I can swallow my own breath.

I really don't know what happened. Seeing this guy with fat head and big ears, I really have something to make myself speechless!

The local tyrant threw up a big circle triumphantly there, and then began to hug the little woman next to him. I started taunting that woman directly, Zhou Dong!

"Have you seen it? This is the gap between people. Let me tell you, if you are standing by your side, you will wait for happiness. And I am really good, right? "

After speaking, his very greasy big hands patted the woman's **** directly. That woman was very shy, and didn't do anything. This was really happy for the local tyrant.

The whole person is like a wicked villain! Suddenly the local tyrant spoke again.

"Yes, and I just forgot to say something like this. Even if he gives him eight lifetimes of hard work, he won’t catch up with me. This is the gap between us. I stand in front of him and watch. He wiped the floor there."

The little woman just smiled briefly, and then she didn't say anything else. The local tyrant's sense of superiority came out again, and he began to look at Zhou Dong silently there.

Zhou Dong now feels that this guy is so boring, he is still doing all these things here. There is really something that makes me uncomfortable!

I am too lazy to take care of myself now, I am completing the task now, don't let him delay my progress.

When I was not on a mission, this guy would definitely not be so triumphant. Saying these things in front of myself would definitely break his mouth.

Zhou Dong continued to carefully clean up the things on the ground, and then he didn't intend to deal with the local tyrant.

This local tyrant felt a little uncomfortable when he saw it this way. This guy actually ignored him there, so he directly yelled at him.

"Why are you a little deaf? Don't answer what I said here, what are you doing? Stop it quickly. I told you to stop here and don't let me continue doing these things for me!"

But Zhou Dong didn't agree with her here, and continued to treat it as an invisible person, and kept tidying up there.

No, it feels even more uncomfortable when you look at it this way. Tell him to stop.

Zhou Dong still didn't listen to him there. This time it was really for the local tyrants. He was a bit eager, and he just stepped forward to give him a broom and kicked it down.

It continued to be a bit arrogant, watching Zou Dong open his mouth and talking to him.

"I said you guy doesn't really want this job anymore? If you don't want it, just continue to give it to me here. Do it."

The whole voice felt like it could reach any hotel location. Because the soundproofing effect in this hotel is not particularly good, so you can hear what is said in other places with a little louder noise.

So I just woke up a person next to him, and came over and knocked on the door very uncomfortably to see what was going on, why is it so loud, don't you know someone is resting? Do you think this is your home?

The local tyrant started as soon as he heard someone knock on the door. Kicked Zhou Dong. He scolded at him.

"I said you are deaf? Why don't you open the door? Are you still treating this as your own home? Go open the door for me and see who it is. You are so bold to knock on the door here, isn't it? Do you know that I am educating people here?"

In fact, Zhou Dong was already very unhappy in his heart, but he still had to complete his task here, so there was no other way but to follow his orders.

Then he lifted up his steps silently, and walked directly to the door. As soon as I reached the door, it opened slowly.

That local tyrant just wanted to see who it was, knocking on the door so loudly. It's really too desperate.

So he walked over very curiously. Zhou Dong opened the door in a particularly daunting way. He didn't expect that the person standing in front of him was Song Xiaohu.

When the local tyrant saw that it was Song Xiaohu, he was also particularly daunted. He didn't know what was going on.

Because he was doing a business with Song Xiaohu recently, it was a business on some equipment, so he said that he had to be careful, and this guy often said that. Sometimes because of a bad mood, I turn off the list.

So whenever I come into contact with him here, I am very careful, for fear that my business is over. Meeting him here is also particularly daunting, I didn't expect that he would come here too.

This person really couldn't afford to offend him, so he quickly transferred his topic to Zhou Dong, claiming that it was Zhou Dong who had caused it.

"I said, you guy, can you do everything well? Look at Mr. Song who gave us. How can you be like this? Don't you know what you do? Usually you need to exercise well. , Why do your service work be like this? It really makes me worry too much. Get out of here, don’t hinder us two here."

Song Xiaohu completely ignored the local tyrant there, and then began to look seriously at how the man in front of him could be like this, and he actually did a clean job here. This was not the big brother he knew at all.

I couldn't believe that my eldest brother in the memory I saw in front of my eyes was a person of that kind of big business. I wouldn't be here at all, I really couldn't believe it.

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