Layman System

Chapter 1566: Direct question

Zhou Dong was very happy to see the salesperson here, and then slowly revealed his WeChat QR code, and asked him to add himself so that he could contact him easily.

Upon hearing this, the salesperson took out his mobile phone and quickly added Zhou Dong's WeChat to his hand.

The cashier on the side saw that Zhou Dong was so handsome, and then quickly took out his mobile phone and quickly added him.

This action was really done for the salesperson. It was a little bit awkward. I finally caught a handsome guy here. Why was he added it all of a sudden, so I looked at him unwillingly and said.

"I said, why do you look like this? Why are you all of a sudden? There is such a file. I'm already confused, what are you doing? I finally added a handsome guy. What do you mean here? "

The cashier laughed instantly when he heard this, and then shook his cell phone there, talking to the salesperson.

"Then I have added all of this, and I can't delete them. Doesn't it seem like I'm rude? Besides, such a good handsome guy, don't we two play fair together."

Just as the cashier had just said this sentence, suddenly Lu Jing walked out to make payment!

The salesperson immediately understood that when he saw it, he came and prepared to open his mouth and talk to him. That gentleman has already paid.

As soon as Zhou Dong saw the salesperson's expressions and movements, he knew that he was going to tell me about the payment. You just cast a look at him.

The reason I used this look was because I was afraid of Lu Jing. Once I found out that I was a rich man, I would be confused when I was still there to work for him.

It feels that making money is not his goal, so he must eliminate this information.

I saw that the salesperson was very experienced, and he immediately understood it when he saw his eyes. After all, he had worked in this suit shop for many years.

There are many people here, so he has encountered everything, and he is not curious about his thing.

Maybe this is something they can practice in this profession. It's all an unusual thing. The salesperson that Lu Jing was watching was about to open his mouth to speak, and then suddenly he swallowed back.

What is going on here? Why did it suddenly look like this, making myself a little bit incomprehensible, looking at the salesperson in confusion, wondering what he was hiding.

As soon as the salesperson saw his doubts, he immediately explained to him.

"Oh, look, I have forgotten it just now, because this gentleman is so handsome, so we gave him this suit. We won't be charged any fees."

Lu Jing was confused when she heard these words there. What is this? This is really ridiculous. I have never encountered such a thing, because the salesperson saw that the clothes seller was too handsome.

Then I don’t charge any fees and gave the clothes to others. This reason is too sloppy.

Lu Jing turned her head with some doubts, looked at Zhou Dong's face, and she suddenly understood it there. Zhou Dong is a handsome guy no matter what, and the salesperson is probably normal for him, and he slowly accepted it here.

Lu Jing just smiled there, then said to the salesperson.

"That works, then I would like to thank you. If there is nothing to do, we will leave first. We will often visit your shop in the future. When I have a little sister to bring my boyfriend, I will also let them come. ."

The salesperson is of course very good to hear this. So he just laughed, and clicked his head there, indicating that there was absolutely no problem here, and finally said something to them.

"Okay, okay, then I hope you two will visit our shop again next time."

After talking about Lu Jing, she took Zhou Dong and left the road directly. Lu Jing is really a little strange! I don't know what the situation is, such a thing can save myself a lot of money when I encounter it.

So while walking, he spoke to Zhou Dong there.

"I said it would be great to bring you out. You don't need to spend money to buy clothes, they will give it to you directly."

Zhou Dong laughed directly when Lu Jing said this. I think this little girl is really stupid! He could already believe such a ridiculous thing!

There was something he couldn't believe in here, and he believed something right now. This, alas, it was really fun, so he started to smile and move his head there.

"Oh, it's actually not the first time. I've become accustomed to it. Nothing is better. It saves you a lot of money."

Lu Jing looked smug, and she felt like this. I really saved a lot of money here, and I can add some cosmetics to myself at that time.

However, one of his current issues is to take care of his mother's place first, where he always says that he has made some big heads and can't do things well.

So when he is basically resolved, he can resume his normal life before.

The two people chatting along the way are really congenial, and the chattering there is really like a young couple. Zhou Dong, you think it's quite fun, and you live a little young in an instant with these young people.

Soon the two people had received this Lu Jing's mother, and then looked at Lu Jing's mother and didn't say too much here, just just there quietly waiting for their own problems.

Sure enough, as soon as she sat down, Lu Jing's mother asked directly on the subject.

"It's okay. He looks really handsome, so I'll ask a question straightforwardly. Do you have all the tickets for your car and house?"

After hearing the question asked by Lu Jing's mother, Zhou Dong felt that this guy was indeed quite real, and asked himself directly.

I was indeed a little surprised at the time. I just asked this when I just met. No matter it is any young man without this strength, he definitely dare not open his mouth.

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