Layman System

Chapter 1571: In the heart

Lu Jing sat there slowly raising her hair, looking at the stars in the sky.

Maybe his mood is the quietest at this time. I have just experienced so many things, so it’s really a good choice to quiet down so suddenly.

After all, whether this matter is put on any girl, they will think about it there.

And every girl doesn't want her parents to be like this, which is really annoying.

Zhou Dong looked at him this way is not a way, so he walked over and said to him.

"I said you are going to be in a stalemate with them like this. I don't think this is a good way. Sooner or later they will find out that I am a fake boyfriend. I feel that you should play him well. Anyway, she might want some of your thoughts."

Lu Jing heard Zhou Dong's words and knew that he was trying to persuade herself. But he didn't think about how to answer him, so he could only continue to sit there silently, looking at the sky.

Zhou Dong became a little embarrassed there, thinking that he could not hear what he was doing.

So I adjusted my tone and continued to speak there.

"Indeed, I feel that it is really necessary to discuss with them, because you will not have a better result after doing this, and it will make you even more troublesome. In case they know the inner I will agree to an idea."

Lu Jing listened to those moments and couldn't bear it anymore, turned her head, hugged Zhou Dong and started crying loudly.

Zhou Dong was a little overwhelmed by his sudden hug. What happened? Why did you cry suddenly?

It wouldn't be that I provoke him, and I didn't say too much about myself, so that I felt a little guilty in my heart.

Zhou Dong is a man who is also a man, and when he sees a woman crying, he feels very soft in his heart. Anyway, no matter what is going on, this is the situation.

Zhou Dong looked at her crying so hard and asked her directly.

"I said you can’t do it like this. Tell me about one of your inner thoughts. It’s particularly uncomfortable to know that you do it like this, so I can understand it. Let’s clarify things first, and then Shall we solve it again? Nothing big."

Where does Lu Jing have any thoughts to solve these things now? All the thoughts in his mind now are his mother's hideous face.

I feel that I grew up because he paved his roads so smoothly that he didn't have any experience in the society and was always angry everywhere.

These tears also accumulated a lot before they were released here. It is really uncomfortable to make something in this heart.

When a person reaches a point, he will definitely become particularly helpless and helpless, feeling that he has nothing to rely on, and the only thing he can release is his tears.

Zhou Dong looked at what he had said, and he became more and more excited here.

Particularly confused, I quickly said again.

"I said you don't want to look like this, don't want to look like this, you cry like this and I am absolutely dumbfounded. I don't know how to talk about the next thing."

Lu Jing may have been released for more than a half, so she began to wipe away her tears there, and then raised her head to see that both Zhou Dong had a particularly serious look.

How did Zhou Dong feel this person surprised? Why was it that I couldn't do it again when I looked at myself with such a sudden look.

Lu Jing looked at Zhou Dong's particularly bewilderment, so she could tell him quickly. There may be some things in your heart that only become particularly comfortable when you say them.

"Actually, you don't know that my mother really made me so troublesome, because he always paved my roads from childhood to most of the time, so that I have no experience at all. The whole person feels like his Puppet, if I say something like this today, he will definitely say it when he comes home."

Zhou Dong looked at Lu Jing's aggrieved expression and understood, why is he in this situation? I also know that he is absolutely uncomfortable like this.

No matter what the situation is, if these things happen to me, I will definitely not be able to stand it here.

In this way, all the things were laid out there, and he had no social experience at all, and finally understood his inner thoughts.

Zhou Dong still looked at him sympathetically, and then said comfortingly.

"This is indeed a bit uncomfortable, but you already have your own independent thoughts, no matter what you look like, he might not force you to do anything anymore."

When Lu Jing heard this, she immediately shook her head and began to speak.

"These are all fart words. You have seen his attitude today. Look at what a man he introduced to me. It doesn’t matter if you say he is about the same age as me. Here is so different from me. One year older, how can I accept it in my heart? I really don’t understand what he is thinking every day."

Zhou Dong actually said that he understood him, so he started to nod his head there. Must answer.

"Okay, okay, don't be wronged, so I said just now that I was there and told you to have a good talk with him, and he may not change his mind, but you will understand your inner thoughts."

After hearing what Zhou Dong said, Lu Jing felt a lot more comfortable in her heart, and then began to speak directly to Zhou Dong.

"Okay, okay, let's say enough here, let's get in the car quickly."

Zhou Dong heard it and started to be stunned. What's the situation? Why did you let yourself get in the car all of a sudden, didn't you let yourself be here with him?

But I can't talk about anything else here, I can only get in the car obediently, for fear that he will have some other ideas if I talk about it here.

Zhou Dong set off to get into the car, and then sat there quietly, waiting for Lu Jing. Lu Jing walked up without a long time, and then began to face Zhou Dong and resumed her previous state. .

"Okay, my mood here is basically better. Let's stop here for the fake relationship between the two of us. Give me your WeChat account and let us add it."

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