Layman System

Chapter 1579: Standing on the podium for the first time

When Zhou Dong was standing there, his eyes were not idle, and he looked directly at the class teacher's badge.

Only then did I know that the head teacher in front of me was called Zhuang Zixue! Looking at his name, it really sounds good!

Not to mention that this young head teacher looks a bit small! Zhuang Zixue also reacted there for a short while before reacting to it and replied.

"Oh, it turned out to be our math teacher who just came here, and the principal just told me today, so there was such an embarrassing scene just now, which is really embarrassing."

Zhou Dong quickly shook his head after hearing it, and said!

"Nothing, nothing, maybe because some of the clothes I wear today are not very suitable for this occasion, so I can't blame you for this."

Zhuang Zixue laughed instantly after hearing it. It was indeed like what he said. Today she is really very young. She has so many years of experience as a teacher, and she does not see that she is a teacher. .

The whole person is very young, and then still so good and so handsome. No matter it is a person, he may think that he is a student.

When Zhou Dong stood thinking about these things, he suddenly seemed to think about it. When he came this morning, his classmates looked at him.

At this moment, I realized it especially because of this matter, no wonder the group of people looked at them with a strange look.

It makes more sense to say that. It turns out that the group of students looked like they were students, so they were all very strange, plus this set of clothes they wore.

Thinking of the school rules of their own school, they all talked about it. This is a relatively normal phenomenon.

Zhuang Zixue said immediately when she saw Zhou Dong standing there, and she didn't plan to go in and meet his family.

"Okay, okay, let's not stand here anymore. Hurry in and get to know everyone. I just told them today that our class is going to have a new math teacher. Each of them is special. Excited, they are very curious about everything when they first came to this school, and they will get to know everyone in a while."

Zhou Dong nodded and agreed. Zhuang Zixue led her directly inside. In an instant, all the students saw a particularly handsome man walking in, and he felt that he should be his age.

I just started talking there,

As soon as Zhuang Zixue saw that the students in her class had acted like this, she quickly said to them.

"I said it is okay for everyone to be quiet? Our new teacher hasn't spoken yet. You are too rude. Please be quiet, let our new teacher introduce yourself."

Everyone was quiet there in an instant when they heard this, because the head teacher was some majestic in their hearts, in case they didn't handle it well!

After that, I will definitely not have any good days here, so I still have to actively cooperate with my teacher.

Everyone started to vote, curious eyes wanting to know the origin of this new teacher.

Being able to be a teacher at such a young age does have some abilities!

Zhou Dong watched everyone calm down. Then the whole podium belonged to him, so he took advantage of this time to exercise.

I began to adjust my emotions. Introduced to all the students!

"Okay, okay, students, let’s stop talking about me there. I will introduce myself to you now. My name is Zhou Dong, and I am your new math teacher. I will talk to you in the future. Study together, so everyone should be good!"

All the students laughed there instantly, feeling that this teacher was too funny, this is the first time I saw self-introduction like this.

In fact, Zhou Dong also felt that the self-introduction that he had just made was a little bit of his own. After all, it was the first time to introduce himself in front of others.

So I don't have any experience, so I can only come briefly. But I didn't expect my students to respond like this.

It's really embarrassing to get yourself. As soon as Zhuang Zixue saw him like this, she quickly got around Zhou Dong! Say!

"I said everyone should be quiet. Teacher Zhou is our new teacher. Sometimes there is a little nervousness, and people can't listen to Teacher Zhou well. Are you still too disrespectful of the teacher?"

Zhou Dong heard that there was someone in his place to help him speak, which was quite comfortable, at least not to make himself too embarrassed!

All the students are quite polite, and only a few of the more wealthy are rebellious there. The other students rallied directly there, and welcomed them with applause.

Zhou Dong saw this scene is quite normal, is this something that he should have after introducing himself?

Guan Jing laughed there, and then continued talking to everyone's heads.

"Thank you all, thank you all for telling the truth. This is also my first time as a teacher, so I still need some suggestions from you. You can also consider me a good friend of yours, you know?"

This can be regarded as the favorite sentence of all students. Because students will not have more pressure in their hearts like this, and being able to get along with their teachers is what they hope most.

After all, there is one more enemy in the school, and there are still some bad ones. It is better to have one more friend. After all, I am much more comfortable, in case there is an enemy who wants to call my own parent.

Then this friend of my own will not play a key role in the other, when he will stand up and speak for himself, isn't he perfect here.

This sentence can be counted as true. After saying it all, all the students started to actively cooperate with him there.

Zhou Dong looked at the reactions of these people. It was really different from just now, and the words he said were better than before. As long as you are welcomed by the students, that is a good start!

If it wasn't because you had a task here, you would definitely not stand here embarrassed while doing it yourself. In order to pay off the system, I am also fighting my old life here!

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