Layman System

Chapter 1581: Good homework

"Yes, yes, I have one more thing here. The situation in our class is quite special. In a special class of mathematics school, there are many students in the special class. Here I hope that some thorns will not be in This is causing me trouble. If I get caught, I will definitely not let you go."

Those thorny heads in the class have obviously heard a lot of these things. So I am not there at all in my heart, what I should do there is what I do.

Zhuang Zixue has basically said everything she wants to say here, and then she looks at Zhou Dong and asks him!

"Ms. Zhou, is there anything else you need to add? If you want to say something, just come over and talk about it."

Zhou Dong, you don't even understand a self-introduction of yourself. What else can you add? You shook your head and refused!

"Is there anymore? Teacher Zhuang just said enough, and I don't have anything else to add here."

As soon as Zhuang Zixue heard it, she understood and nodded, and then said to everyone.

"Since it is like this, everyone should prepare quickly. There will be the first class in a while. I hope everyone has a new look. After all, it is the first class. I feel that everyone still needs to be treated well."

Everyone nodded clearly, and then began to take it seriously, because they had also heard some words from their class teacher just now.

Knowing that his head teacher is definitely not easy to mess with, so I said to cooperate with him quickly, but don't mess with him on the first day.

If you intercede with him on this first day, I am afraid you will not agree. So you need to wait until you have a certain relationship, and then you can intercede with him.

Zhuang Zixue saw that all the students had already begun to prepare, and said to Zhou Dong herself.

"Since the teacher has nothing to do that week, let's go out too. Well, all the students are prepared there. After all, the first class is still more important to them."

After hearing this, Zhou Dong quickly stood up, followed Zhuang Zixue and walked out. The Zhuang Zixue who walked out immediately turned around, because the incident just now was really embarrassing.

You must say an apology to Zhou Dong. After all, it was the first day when someone came to work here. Suddenly, I gave him such a sentence, which made him more or less embarrassed.

"I'm really sorry for Teacher Zhou just now. I really didn't recognize you as our new math teacher. That's why I said that I was like that. Don't take an attitude to talk to you. Don't worry about it. This is also my first day of work. . It is necessary to show that I am very strict in front of the students, so it is also very good to manage."

Zhuang Zixue also just graduated. Because of a family reason, she said she was teaching here. But his education is really very high.

It was completely unexpected by Zhou Dong. It was really fun for Zhou Dong to look at the little girl in front of him. He was still thinking about himself there, and he didn't care at all.

Moreover, I was relatively lazy to take care of him. I came here entirely to complete the task, not to teach seriously. Swing his hands there and start talking.

"So why is it? It turns out it's because of this, it doesn't matter. I am a Martha, so I don't take it seriously, and you don't have to take it seriously."

Zhuang Zixue said that you hurried over to say sorry to Zhou Dong because he felt that a class teacher could not make a stalemate with the teacher.

After all, there is still a long time to do things together. If you get a particularly stalemate, it will easily affect a certain thing.

This is also my first day as a class teacher, so I still need to handle some relationships. It may be where you live in the future.

Therefore, all relationships must be handled well, and everything must be clear.

Zhou Dong was also particularly surprised, because this Zhuang Zixue came here on the first day, and it was also the first time that he was a teacher, so he could show that he had been a teacher for many years.

This is indeed something to kill himself, suddenly it is absolutely impossible to look like this.

I felt that the little girl in front of me was indeed unusual, so I started talking to it.

"You have just graduated. I don't think you are too old, and what you said just now makes you feel like you have been a teacher here for many years."

Zhuang Zixue laughed at the moment when she heard it. It was indeed the first day to be a teacher here, but she also checked some information, knowing that students would be afraid that he would study well.

If you don't do it this way, some students will get worse and worse, so they have to do it this way.

Start explaining!

"Oh, I have no choice, because I was very at a loss before coming. I didn't know how I should communicate with them. I gave a special training. You asked a lot of people and everyone told me I have to do it like this."

Zhou Dong was puzzled there. It turned out that he also did a lot of homework outside!

Zhuang Zixue said as soon as she saw his expression.

"Oh, you don’t have to wonder. I told you that if you don’t do it like this, this group of students will not take you seriously, just like you just talked. You are a teacher. , But it’s absolutely impossible for me to be a class teacher. I have to tell them on the first day that I am definitely a nasty person."

When Zhou Dong heard this, he felt that he really needed this look. Just like starting a company by himself, he must show the strict side to all employees.

At that time, all employees will feel afraid and dare not provoke their own boss, and then they will work well. This is entirely a nature.

Zhou Dong smiled and nodded. Then answer.

"This trick of yours really has some useful value. I feel it is necessary to look like this, because students are really hard to manage. Everyone comes from the student’s time and understands the students’ hearts. You do it this way. It also has certain benefits. It is really convenient for future management. What you do is really good, and it is impressive."

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