Layman System

Chapter 1586: check it out

After agreeing to Zhuang Zixue, she felt that nothing was going on here. When he was about to return to his position, she suddenly noticed that Zhuang Zixue's hand and neck seemed to be green.

Moreover, this green place is very big. You can see it at a glance, and it's the kind of other people playing. What is going on here? Suddenly Zhou Dong's heart suddenly became puzzled.

A little girl had a piece of green on her wrist for no reason. There is really something I don't understand.

"After all, he has nothing to do with himself, so he didn't go to them too much, why? He walked directly to his seat and sat down."

Zhou Dong came to the office on time the next day and sat with his lesson plan.

This is where being a teacher is particularly bad. I need to make my own lesson plans there every day, thinking about getting some useful knowledge for my classmates.

After all, what you do is also a teacher responsible to your students. This is also the teacher's professional ethics.

While Zhou Dong was doing her lesson plan seriously, suddenly Zhuang Zixue came to the office at this time.

Today her dress is somewhat strange. Because in such a hot weather, he actually wore a mask and wrapped his whole body tightly.

This will inevitably lead to some suspicions from others. Zhou Dong raised his head and looked at him, wondering what was going on with him, why did he suddenly look like this?

He feels a little hot when he wears so little, can't he not feel hot when he wears so much?

More and more strange ideas appeared in Zhou Dong's mind.

Zhou Dong really couldn't help it, and he started to use it there directly, and the function of stealing a teacher began to look at Zhuang Zixue's body.

This look directly shocked Zhou Dong, which Zhou Dong did not realize.

"What's wrong with this guy? How come there are so many injuries all of a sudden, and every place is particularly serious. What is going on? For a girl, it is too Seriously."

Zhou Dong has been there always wondering what is going on? I don’t understand that yesterday was just a rough spot on the wrist, but today it was so serious.

What does he do every day? These questions began to wonder in Zhou Dong's mind.

Because my curiosity is too serious, I secretly followed the past when I was off work today to see what was going on.

It is absolutely an abnormal thing for a girl to have so many thick wounds. With my years of experience, I feel that there must be something in it.

And it's that kind of particularly serious matter, you have to follow me to see it.

"I can't blame myself for this. Who told him not to tell myself, only waiting for myself to seriously discover what is going on?"

So Zhou Dong silently followed Zhuang Zixue when he was off work. To figure out what this guy is all about.

Zhuang Zixue kept turning back there along the way. It can be seen from his various behaviors that he is particularly afraid of someone following him behind him.

This suddenly aroused Zhou Dong's suspicion. He had such a performance, which means that there must be some ulterior secrets in it.

Since it looks like this, I need to find out today to see what's going on? After I understand everything, I will see for myself if I can help him.

In any case, it's a colleague, if he doesn't even give him this little help, it is really impersonal.

Zhou Dong followed Zhuang Zixue all the way and found that this place seemed to be her home, and there seemed to be a middle-aged woman standing at the door.

As soon as she saw the woman Zhuang Zixue, she immediately moved and walked directly in front of Zhuang Zixue.

On the contrary, Zhuang Zixue was particularly nervous, with a flustered expression, not knowing what he was going to face. Looking at his expression should be a particularly serious matter.

As soon as the middle-aged woman came to him, she yelled at him.

"I said what the **** did you do? Do you have that difficulty in class every day? Why come back so late tonight? Did you do something behind us? You little girl really doesn't let us Don't worry, I will be here waiting for you every day, you seem to be a big man."

After a while, the middle-aged woman had not resolved her inner voice. He raised his hand directly and pinched Zhuang Zixue's body severely.

Zhuang Zixue may be because there are too many injuries on her body. This pinch was directly pinched to her wound, and she subconsciously hid behind her, and that hideous expression appeared directly on her face.

Zhou Dong was completely surprised when he saw this scene. This middle-aged woman seemed to be her mother.

This mother who was a mother was so harsh on his daughter, and he just waited at the door for a while. Why did he get his hands back?

Just forget it, there are definitely some problems in this way.

The middle-aged woman said a few more words, and walked in with Zhuang Zixue. Zhou Dong felt that there must be something strange in this matter, and it was absolutely abnormal.

So I found a noodle restaurant in front of their house to sit down and eat noodles to see what else would happen.

When she was eating noodles there, suddenly the voice of a blind liu came into her ears. The people he is familiar with these voices are the little gangsters in this movie, right?

"Every day, I am swearing and swearing, as if I don't have parents. I really don't know what their young age thinks, and they are still messing with society here."

I don't know what they are all about, it is really hard to understand their brains!

Zhou Dong slowly raised his head and looked at the group of punks. Seeing that the group of punks ignored him at all, they walked straight ahead, looking at them as if they were going to Zhuang Zixue's home.

"Moreover, at this time, the sky is gradually getting dark, so a bunch of gangsters go to his house so late to do something, and it's still a little girl's house!"

This entry is a bunch of gangsters, what are you doing like this?

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