Layman System

Chapter 1588: Hopelessness of life

The gangster rushed out in the first place, pointed directly at the blank place and yelled at the sky.

"Who the **** are you guys? There is a kind of you come out, let's face off, I see what you look like, a person who is capable of engaging in these petty thefts here, I really don’t know what is in your mind What are you thinking about? Hurry up and die for me. Don't wait for Lao Tzu to find you. You won't even have a chance to beg for mercy."

Zhou Dong just wanted to see such an effect, and it was especially happy to see him frustrating himself. With a smirk on his face.

As long as he looks better, his own success rate will be higher.

Looking at her like this, my first step is probably successful! Then in the next step, I need to quickly take Zhuang Zixue away from them.

Seeing that the scene became more and more chaotic, then the next step was for his best research to crash and ran over. He grabbed Zhuang Zixue's hand and fled from the chaos.

"This time I was also fortunate that my chasing leg hasn't been used for a long time. I suddenly used it just now, and I felt more or less uncomfortable."

Fortunately, I didn't drop the chain in it just now, mainly because I dropped the chain in it, so I was really embarrassed.

I'm afraid that as soon as I walk in, I can't get out anymore, that's really useless.

But this didn't let me down at all. It seems that it is really useful to learn one more skill, and I can get very good use every time at these critical moments.

Zhou Dong ran there for half an hour before slowly stopping. He felt that this group of people should not be able to catch up. In any case, chasing the wind leg was also a skill he used to escape.

Most people simply can't catch up with themselves, and they can't even see their own exhaust gas, let alone these gangsters, one by one, the physical strength is still here to pretend to be social people.

I don't understand what is thinking in their minds.

When the speed stopped slowly, the two people followed my footsteps, Zhuang Zixue's face was dazed, not knowing what was going on, it was the first time I encountered this kind of thing!

Zhou Dong panted and raised his head to look at Zhuang Zixue, asking him if he didn't know if he was concerned about anything.

"Well, there is nothing wrong with you. I kept staring at you secretly just now and found that you encountered this kind of thing. I was really uncomfortable, so I quickly brought you out."

At this time, Zhuang Zixue hadn't reacted yet, she had always been there in a particularly dazed manner. She didn't know what happened, why was it so sudden?

This is really too difficult. I have run so far in such a short half hour.

It took a long time for Zhuang Zixue to stay there for a long time before she was relieved, watching Zhou Dong speak to him.

"What happened just now? How did you know that I live here, and it only made me encounter difficulties, what is going on? I haven't figured out how you can run out in such a short time. Far. What is your situation?"

In an instant a series of questions popped out of Zhang Zixue's mouth, Zhou Dong also began to be confused, forced out so many questions, how should he answer?

Zhou Dong thought there for a long time before he decided to answer.

"No, no, I just passed by there, and then suddenly I found your voice, I was more curious. I looked at it and found that you had some problems. Then I looked at those little gangsters, and I felt quite hateful. , Draw your sword to help you see the injustice."

Zhuang Zixue heard these words from him there, although she didn't believe it, but others helped him avoid difficulties.

Then he lowered his head and said to Zhou Dong.

"Anyway, anyway, today is indeed a special thank you. I was so dumbfounded just now, my mind was completely blank, I don't know how to deal with the next thing. Thank you really special."

Zhou Dong was a little confused by such a woman's sudden thanks, and he directly touched his head and answered like Da Maha.

"Nothing, nothing, I just passed by there, and then suddenly found that you are in difficulty, I can't just leave it there, right?"

Zhuang Zixue heard Zhou Dong finish this sentence, and then did not say anything else, just staring at her head silently there, feeling that she had begun to have no hope of life.

Because he himself was already under a lot of pressure there, and adding to one thing today, and it was also discovered by Zou Dong, if this is spread out, he might not be able to keep his job.

Moreover, I am a little girl, facing so many punks, the people in the family have no intention of resisting, and I don't know what to do when I face so many things by myself.

The whole brain was blank in an instant, and he had never felt such disappointment once.

Perhaps it was because of his family that put too much pressure on him. When he was helpless, no one of his family members stood up.

And no one was there to stop these gangsters. Just now, the brain felt that his family was no longer worthy of trust.

Zhou Dong looked at Zhuang Zixue there with a disappointed look, and understood what was thinking in his mind, and he couldn't remain indifferent. How should I persuade her to comfort her.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? It seems that there is something wrong with your eyes. Is there anything else that is unacceptable here? Or you can say it. Usually when you encounter this situation, you will become Very comfortable."

Zhuang Zixue was originally very strong, but through the occurrence of such an event today, his heart has become extremely fragile.

When the gangster grabbed her hand, he thought his parents and brother would come forward to stop him, but they didn't do it like that.

Instead, I went directly to help those little gangsters. I was really in a crushing mood at the time. All the people present were resisting desperately there, and my body was particularly thin.

Faced with so many people pushing myself, there is really no way here. If it hadn't been for Zhou Dong's appearance just now, I am afraid that I would have been taken to the site of that group of punks.

If it's really reached that point, there is simply no hope here, and I don't know how to face the rest.

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