Layman System

Chapter 1592: Ready to pay

When the gangster heard this sentence, he was a little unwilling. I have never suffered so much grievance here. Besides, I also shouted on the interface that many people would look at me.

He will never leave him any affection, he must be taught and taught, let him know what the consequences of heroes saving beauty are not like, a hero can save beauty.

"The **** is too lazy to talk to him now, so much saliva is simply not going to waste too much. Because I always adhere to one thing in my own work, don't beep too much if you can."

So he clicked his fist and immediately prepared to greet Zou Dong's face. After all, his face gave him a violent blow to teach him a lesson. This is the most critical method.

Zhou Dong watched that these guys were actually preparing to do something there, so suddenly, he didn't want to do anything here, but he still needed to dodge a little bit when he started hitting himself.

As soon as he wanted to play with the hand of the punk, he was about to hit him in the face.

No matter what Zhou Dong said here, he could use some of his previous skills. Without making any waves, he stretched out his hand to block the fist, and looked at the face of the little **** with an expression of surprise for an instant.

Zhou Dong knew that when he had this fist now, he would look like this, so he smiled and said.

"I have already told you, if you don't have this strength, don't show off in front of me. If I were really young, you would have fallen under my body, you know? Don't be a hero here, honestly. Take away the money he owes you and finish the business."

The little **** already knew some of Zhou Dong's skills, so he said that in order to avoid embarrassment here, he also used his words to go down the stairs.

At the beginning, he was quite vigorous, and pointed to Zhou Dong's nose and said to it.

"Okay, no matter what, as long as the money is friendly to me, I don't recognize anything else here. As long as you put the money directly in front of me, I will let them go."

Of course, Zhou Dong would directly put the money in front of him, so he turned his head and looked at Zhuang Zixue's place, wondering if he might not be ready there.

Zhuang Zixue certainly understood Zhou Dong's meaning in particular. He took out his mobile phone and put it in front of the little bastard, and said to him kindly.

"Come on, come on, quickly show me your QR code, I'll give you all the money now, don't grind here."

The little **** shook his head as soon as he heard this, saying that he disagrees here. Zhuang Zixue was a little confused when he saw this. How could he give the money like this?

So began to say this!

"I said, what's the matter with you shaking your head? Don't you like it here? Don't like me returning the money to you."

Zhou Dong looked particularly dazed. He didn't know what was going on. This was the first time he had already given him money here, and then he was particularly unwilling.

This is too embarrassing. What is going on? I really don't understand what these people are thinking in their minds.

That little **** heard what they said, and then began to explain why he was here?

"I said you don't have to be particularly surprised. We also have our regulations. When we collect the incoming bills, we will never allow any online payments. All of them must be cash."

Zhou Dong felt a little embarrassed after hearing this. He just wanted to write cash to Zhuangzi, but he was afraid that he would not want to collect it all of a sudden, so he said he didn't give it.

This suddenly came to myself with such a sentence, it is really really embarrassing! Zhuang Zixue was also particularly daunting, this really subverted her own imagination, she didn't expect them to be like this, and still collect cash here.

Zhuang Zixue won't do it next time. If you get so much money from the bank, I am afraid it will be too late. I am embarrassed there at this moment. It is really too difficult.

Zhou Dong immediately understood Zhuang Zixue's expression. He came to know what was thinking in his mind, and directly spoke to her.

"Okay, okay, then leave this to me, and then let me help you solve it. I know some friends from the bank here. I guess I can send all the money in a while, so you don’t have to worry. ."

Zhuang Zixue felt relieved when she heard that, after all, this was really a relief.

But here is going to cause trouble for Zhou Dong again. This is really not enough favor. This is really too embarrassing. He has already caused so many things for him, and is still looking for him here.

But there is no way, after all, if you don't go like this here, there is no way to solve these things well!

I can only rely on him, so he said.

"That's OK, then you can see if you can contact your friend and help me for a while. I'm really embarrassed. I didn't know they needed to do it like this before."

Zhou Dong immediately shook his head and said that these things have nothing to do with you, and you don’t have any trouble doing things by yourself. After all, it’s all a matter of effort. They have already helped others. These little things can still help. .

He just lifted the phone and called the bank, and then told them about the situation. The bank was also looking at Zhou Dong's face. After all, this was his old customer before.

Zhuang Zixue has already seen Zhou Dong's notice, and then he should transfer the money to him as soon as possible. After all, it is someone's card, so it must be given to their bank to process it.

Soon all the money was transferred, and then he started talking!

"Okay, okay, I'm really embarrassed. My money has just been transferred to you. There are indeed some too embarrassing. This troubles you so many things."

Zhou Dong watched that the money had been transferred, and then the bank would send it to himself in a while, so let's start talking to the gangster.

"Okay, okay, I'm basically ready here, you can get the cash you want in a while, so you can leave here in a while, don't continue to disturb people's life here, you know? ?"

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