Layman System

Chapter 1596: The ultimate reason

This Zhuang Zixue turned around as soon as she saw Zhou Yanran suddenly discovering that she was undressing.

What exactly is going on? Doesn't she want herself? Why did this suddenly turn back again? What's the situation?

Zhuang Zixue thought about it for a long time. She blushed as if she had some understanding.

It feels like Zhou Dong is really too bad. I'm still thinking about these things, so I have to play a little game for myself.

Hearing the voice, Zhou Dong felt that something was wrong, so he quickly spoke.

"Okay, okay, elder sister, I'm afraid of you. Put on your clothes quickly. I'm not a person like that. I finally understand what's going on. Put on your clothes and don't catch cold. Up."

Don't make Zhuang Zixue more confused when you say this sentence. Isn't it the thing that came here? What would it be like? Is there really something I don’t understand, what’s going on?

"Isn't it for this? Then what are you for? I don't understand something, can you tell me?"

Zhou Dong was really helpless when he heard it. How should I explain these things to him? There are really some headaches.

But if he didn't explain it here, he would keep asking himself there, and he would still answer him after all, so it is better to find a little explanation to explain it earlier.

But when he said it so, he felt that he would never believe it. How could this be done? My brain has encountered a challenge for the first time!

Zhuang Zixue watched that he had been there and didn't answer to herself, she was also very anxious, so she quickly asked again.

"I said, what is going on? You quickly tell me, you are here as mother-in-law, like a woman, what's the matter? Can you tell me?"

Zhou Dong is also very helpless. Even if he tells him to complete the task of the system, it is absolutely impossible. He will not believe it anyway!

How could an ordinary person of him believe these things? It felt like a ridiculous joke.

There is no other way for me, I can only find another reason, so I just said it without even thinking about it.

"In fact, there is nothing, I just want to help you."

After Zhou Dong said there, he really wanted to give himself a mouthful. How could he say that? I said that I didn’t believe it very much!

This is really too difficult, how can we do it? As expected, I really look like Zhou Dong said.

Zhuang Zixue laughed there as soon as she heard it, feeling that this thing was really ridiculous, there was nothing in the sky that wouldn't remove the pie.

What's more, I need to move money this time. If I don't move money, I'm afraid I would believe it. It is absolutely impossible to spend more than one hundred thousand yuan on any one person.

If you can do it yourself, you will never believe it. It feels like a game of cheating children. Using such a vulgar lie to deceive myself.

Zhou Dong had already noticed that Zhuang Zixue didn't believe what she said at all.

And it's just like what I thought just now. Even if others do it like this, I don't believe it very much. I have spent a lot of money to help others!

Putting it on anyone, I would never do it in this way, not to mention the fact that I have not known it for a long time.

But how can I say that I am here to complete the task? What should I do? At this moment of dying,

Suddenly a good way appeared in his mind, and Zhou Dong started talking.

"Actually, I don't want to mention it. Some of my experiences are exactly the same as yours. So I can't see that something like this happens and I will come to help you."

It is quite normal to say this. After all, when Zhou Dong was in his first life, he was betrayed by one of his best partners. This betrayal can be compared with the betrayal of his family.

How much I trusted him at the beginning, but as a result, he didn't have the strength and betrayed himself. This is also a reality that he didn't recognize clearly.

Until now, when I think about it, I feel some pain in my heart, and I never think that he was betrayed, just like Zhuang Zixue just now. When thinking of his family betraying him,

All things have appeared in his eyes, and that kind of feeling is completely inaccessible to a human body, so it is quite normal to say it like this.

Suddenly, I finally found a more suitable reason for myself, and finally relieved myself temporarily.

When Zhuang Zixue heard these words, she was a little surprised now. She never thought that the man in front of her would have the same thing as herself.

Then there was a sympathetic expression on his face, as long as ordinary people would never feel that kind of thing, but if it was experienced, it would definitely feel.

"Perhaps this is a fact that a person needs to face. No matter what, this is the case anyway. Since there is no chance to save it, just give up."

Zhou Dong looked at Zhuang Zixue as if he had already believed in himself, so he relaxed his vigilance here, feeling that this little trouble was finally resolved.

If I can't get a good solution, I am afraid I will still ask myself there.

Zhuang Zixue thought there for a while before speaking slowly.

"This is really something I never expected. It turns out that the two of us have the same experience! To be honest, this feeling really makes people feel bad. Just now I really All have a dead heart."

As soon as Zhou Dong heard that it was so serious, he was fortunate to be beside him, or another small life was lost.

"In fact, how can I say it, it is indeed like this, didn't I also pass through such sad days? Anyway, the days have passed.

How I should face life is how I need to face it. Never give up!

After all, a lot of good times are still waiting for me. I have to go all out to enjoy this good time and live in a fulfilling environment every day. This is the most important thing.

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