Layman System

Chapter 1609: When embarrassing

This also just stopped, not long. Then they talked about a lot of weird questions together. There are also some things I don’t understand!

So Wang Chanchan looked expectant, and waited quietly there to see what Jay Chou would say to him next?

Zhou Dong also fell into a particularly confused state here, and he didn't know what to do.

I can't bring it home quickly at this time. After all, he is still a child. If this is brought home to him, the one in the family will be very strange.

And the one in the house was also his head teacher. When they saw this scene, the two people were appointed to be particularly embarrassed. In order to avoid this embarrassment, they decided to send him home.

"I said that there is no one in the house. I feel that I still need to send you home. After all, it is still safer to say that it is safer in the house. It is absolutely impossible for you to stay outside."

Wang Chanchan never thought that what he had waited so hard for was actually such a sentence. He originally thought he would take himself to his place and spend the night with him.

This is really too unexpected. I originally thought that there was a warm man standing in front of me, but I didn't expect to transform into a straight man, and I had to send myself home.

Wang Chanchan's face immediately began to fall into a particularly unwilling state, and he also frankly said.

"I have already said it very well, why do you want to send me home? I really don't want to go home. There is no one in the house and it is pitch black. I am alone. Do you know the experience?"

Zhou Dong didn't hear what he said, but he knew it anyway. He didn't know what he was doing there, so he asked him curiously.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? Is there something wrong? Is there anything that hasn't been resolved? You quickly tell me, I will help you solve it."

Wang Chanchan is really embarrassed here. This is completely different from what he said, so how can I answer it? Forget it, don't answer, and shook his head quickly, indicating that there is nothing wrong with him.

Zhou Dong is also quite embarrassed. There is nothing left to do, so let’s just stay there like this, so I don’t have to ask anymore. Anyway, I will send him home for a while, and the next thing is nothing to do. Up.

"Okay, okay, let's go home now. It's already this time. I guess you won't be able to get up again tomorrow. You have to arrive in the classroom on time tomorrow. Don't worry about your head teacher."

Wang Chanchan was really helpless, and he had no choice but to nod his head obediently, and then followed Zhou Dong into the car.

Suddenly, I didn't know what was going on. Wang Chanchan fell into a daze in the car just now, and then fell asleep directly on Zhou Dong's shoulder.

Zhou Dong was so confused when he saw it, what's the matter? I haven't even asked where his family lives, and I fainted so suddenly on my shoulders. What is it for me?

When the driver saw this, he asked Zhou Dong with a smirk.

"I said, sir, where are you going? Just tell me the name of the hotel, and I will send it to you right away."

Zhou Dong was stunned when he heard this, what is this? Why do I have to send myself to the hotel? I didn't do it myself. This is really embarrassing. Are the current drivers like this?

Said there with a face of incomprehension.

"I said, don’t get me wrong with the driver. I’m sending her home, but I don’t mean anything else. Wait for a while and you will ask me where he lives, and then we will decide where to go. You can see it?"

Even though the driver heard what he said, he didn't believe him here. He was a driver, and such a thing seemed to be very special.

You know, what the other side's mind is like, so there is no need to hide anything. They are all big masters, hiding here, how stingy!

"All right, all right? Anyway, there is not much work to do at night. I'll be here waiting for you for a while. You can go and ask.

Zhou Dong immediately seized the time after listening, and hurriedly tried to wake up Wang Chanchan, who fell asleep there so suddenly, this is indeed a big hammer for himself!

I couldn't make it in an instant. I don't know how to solve this problem, but I still need to try it.

"I said, elder sister, can you not just suddenly fall asleep at this moment, you haven't told me where your family lives? I haven't sent you home yet, you just leave the problem to me like this Can not do it!"

After saying this, Zhou Dong began to look at Wang Chanchan quietly to see if there was any reaction from him, but after waiting for a long time, he didn't find any sign of waking up.

This escalated all the problems at once, and made my mind faint instantly, and I didn't know what to do.

The driver heard some of her paintings, then instantly laughed, and began to reply with a smile to Zhou Dong.

"I said, big brother, just listen to me. People are already drunk and unconscious. Maybe they are more at ease with you. Maybe they are also interested in you, so you can hurry up. I am also here. Can’t wait long, hurry up!"

Zhou Dong heard that people were urging him there, and there was really no way he could do it here, so he could only take it home temporarily.

What happened on this day? Why suddenly two women came to the house? This is really a headache.

If there is another one that can play mahjong together, this is really crazy, it is also very helpless, so Zhou Dong raised his head and told the driver the address in his home.

Directly, the driver was astonished in an instant, and found that this is a community, should he take him home? It is estimated that he is also married at this age. Can he take it home again?

Asked her kindly.

"I said, brother, you might have a family at your age. You brought such a young girl home. Don’t the people in your family think about it? I think there’s something wrong. Okay?"

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