Layman System

Chapter 1620: The rescue is bumpy

Zhou Dong soon came to Zhuang Zixue's front. Seeing that group of punk-looking people still keep Zhuang Zixue drinking, I felt upset.

Just start talking!

"I said, what are you doing here one by one? This is a little girl. You are doing these useless things here. I feel like there is something unnatural. You can get out of here, you guys. What are the big men doing here?"

As soon as the group of small gangsters heard that someone was coming to disturb them, they looked up at her and found that he was only a person, and he looked very thin at his body!

Besides, this person had never seen him before, so he must be a powerful person, so he didn't cut it straight there.

"Who do I say to you? What are you telling us here? Are you looking for death? See if you deal with so many of us alone, shouldn't you think about it?"

Zhou Dong saw so many gangsters, and then he was actually worried there. After all, they were real gangsters, and they also experienced a lot of things.

Then I felt that there should be two things. Although I am alone here, I still need to face it well anyway. After all, I was already drunk at this time pretending to stop bleeding. If I don't care about it here, it is indeed a bit unreasonable. .

Zhou Dong laughed right there, feeling that this matter was really interesting, why they were so crowded that they were particularly powerful, so he started talking.

"I don’t know what you are thinking about in your brain? If you have a lot of people, you think you are very good. Really, if I say that you are not enough for me to warm up, if you are happy, please hurry up and get this person Give it to me in my hands."

It may be because of the effect of alcohol. Zhuang Zixue stood up directly at this time and said to Zhou Dong.

"I said what are you doing? What are you doing here? Why are you looking for me? Who are you? Why come here to find me? I really don't know what you think, so leave me here. , I don't want to go with you."

Zhou Dong was stunned as soon as he heard it, what is going on? He didn't do anything. How could he treat himself this way, and he came to save him, it hurts his heart to speak so much.

The reason Zhuang Zixue was able to say something like this was entirely because he thought that Zhou Dong had a wife in his mind.

And I am not here to disturb other people's families, so I feel that if I stay with him again, there is indeed something inappropriate!

So my heart doesn't want to leave with him. As soon as the group of punks heard this, they laughed. Since they don't want to leave with you, what are you doing here? Directly speak wildly.

"Have you seen it? I don't want to leave here with you when I see them. Why are you taking them away? Are you here to take care of the nostalgia? If you don't have this strength, just get out of here."

Zhou Dong was really speechless for a while, and he felt what was going on. It was obvious that he was here to save him. He actually treated himself like this, and it was too sad for him.

But seeing that he had already drunk too much, so I didn't care about it. How can I take him away today? I don't know what happened recently, and I always take people from the hands of these little gangsters.

Zhuang Zixue listened to what the gangsters next to her said, and then began to follow their meanings.

"I haven't heard or heard that my friends let you go, you leave me here quickly, I don't want to see you seeing you make me feel particularly uncomfortable."

Zhou Dong was speechless when he heard these words. He felt that this matter was too difficult to handle. What should I do? There really was no way for me, so I could only say to Zhuang Zixue.

"I said you have to think about it. If you let me go, then I will never come back. You must think about it and haven't heard it."

In fact, at this time Zhou Dong's people have begun to get a little angry, because he is clearly good intentions, why he is here to quality his grievances really do not understand what is going on.

And then come out for a while, why on earth? Why did you suddenly come to this bar? He still mingled with these little gangsters, really didn't know what was going on, and all the things instantly created a lot of doubts in his brain.

The group of gangsters had already heard this, and they were full of confidence in an instant, and directly cursed at Zhou Dong.

"I said you **** shameless, did you hear me? People have already done this, so you can leave me quickly, don’t disturb us here, get out of here, We still have to drink, seeing you here makes us very sick."

Zhou Dong heard that he just wanted to do something else, but the people around him thought that Dongdong was the unruly person who stood up and said to Zhou Dong who was there to criticize.

"You are really boring, hurry up, people have already let you go, why are you still here? Do you have any other thoughts about human girls? You really deserve to die, in the world There are people like you, so there is no peace."

Zhou Dong is really more wronged than Dou E now. What is going on? I was clearly here to save him, and it was really uncomfortable to get into such a trouble.

So there was no other way but to shake his head, slowly walked to a nearby bar, sat down and watched quietly, because it was too dangerous.

The group of gangsters was also particularly proud. When they saw that they had driven him away, there was absolutely no problem with them.

So continue to let him drink according to his own meaning. If he drinks, it is not a good night.

Zhou Dong watched this group of people still drinking these things, really annoyed him, so he simply ordered some things to drink, always sitting here, feeling that his **** would be sitting The top of the stool hurts to death.

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