Layman System

Chapter 1640: Familiar

After the manager said this sentence, it seemed that something was wrong suddenly, and he couldn't pick it up again.

"No, no, I forgot about Dong Brother, and it made a little confusion. My brother doesn't seem to be following you. Anyway, he is very familiar with you. I forgot how she told me back then. ."

Zhou Dong heard something strange, and to be honest, he didn't remember much, because there were not many people familiar with him here, just those few, but it never sounded like any of them mentioned it.

Said he shook his head awkwardly, not knowing what the situation was.

So I started to ask.

"Why is your brother's name? If you tell me, let me remember it, because there are too many people, and sometimes I remember the chaos, you make me remember it well. "

The manager also pretended to be a mysterious feeling, and shook his head there to answer.

"Brother Dong, Brother Dong, you must know this person!"

Zhou Dong heard what he said as if he hadn't said it, but he was not feeling well here, so he asked more about it. If he wanted to say something, then you would definitely speak up and do it.

But he didn't do it like that, so don't ask any more. He is trying to remember in his brain to see if he can remember this person.

I remembered there for a long time and didn't remember it. First of all, I gave up. It should be a familiar person, or the manager would not dare to say that. After all, I was a person with a good reputation.

At this moment, the waiter in the restaurant has already started to give them the dishes on the table. So this topic was put aside.

It is said that this is a particularly high-end cafeteria, which is absolutely worthy of him, because this cafeteria is completely different from other cafeterias.

"Here are those waiters who directly ask you if you want something. If you don't want it, they will put it back. If you want it, they will give you enough food."

It's not like other cafeterias. Just put these things there, and then let the customers take them by themselves. That would cause a lot of crowding among customers. They don't advocate such a concept.

Zhou Dong and Zhuang Zixue had never been to such a high-end buffet restaurant before, and they were stunned when they saw this situation. They felt that such a service attitude was really good.

Zhuang Zixue watched there for a while, and then secretly said to Zhou Dong.

"I'll be honest with you, it's really the first time I have seen a buffet restaurant like this. It has completely subverted my idea of ​​a buffet. This place is really good, it looks special High-level, and every waiter in it is special."

Zhou Dong listened to this little girl next to him saying this, so he laughed directly and started nodding to answer.

"Isn't it? I haven't been here much before, and this is the first time I have seen such a service attitude. It's simply too good. In such a place, who does not make money?"

As soon as the manager saw that the two of them didn't know what they were whispering secretly there, he thought he was dissatisfied with some of the services here, so he immediately asked concerned.

"Brother Dong, what's the matter with Brother Dong? Are you two not particularly satisfied with this place? If you are not satisfied, let's change to another place. What do you think?"

Zhou Dong and Zhuang Zixue were stunned there for an instant. This place feels really good. Why did you suddenly change the place?

Then he thought about it seriously, maybe because the two people didn't know what they said there, and they thought they were not very satisfied here, so they wanted to change the place.

This is of course unnecessary, and said quickly.

"No, this place is really good. The two of us said that the service in this place is very good. There is no other opinion. I feel that you are really good at picking places. Everyone is special. Like it."

When the manager heard these words, he was relieved, because he was really afraid that Zhou Dong would not have a good meal!

In other words, I want to make friends with him. If he didn't even let him eat a meal, then I'm afraid I would give this friend a big discount.

That's absolutely not allowed by myself. After finally seeing me, I have to grasp this opportunity properly and there can be no mistakes!

Zhou Dong looked at the manager in front of him, wondering why, there was no situation like in the shop.

I was still talking and laughing with myself just now. This one was particularly nervous when it was in front of me. Some of his movements were particularly stiff when watching him. Maybe this was a phenomenon after everyone knew their background.

Asked him curiously.

"What's wrong with you? Why didn't you see you like this just now? Why did you suddenly become like this? Did you see me a little bit nervous?"

The manager laughed instantly when he heard this. To tell the truth, it was really like this, because before I knew Zhou Dong, I could still laugh and talk there. After all, it was the time the manager was there. longer.

There are also many people I have met, so I don’t feel too nervous when dealing with some people, but Zhou Dong will become particularly sudden when he knows it, making himself nervous directly.

And sometimes when facing a big person like this, I don't know what to say at all. I'm afraid that if I say something wrong, it will make others unhappy, then there will be something bad.

As soon as Zhou Dong saw him there suddenly nodded, it was really like what he said, so he laughed instantly and said to him in a relaxed manner.

"Okay, okay, it's not necessary. I'm not a cannibal character, right? You make me a little nervous because of you. The two of us are now friends, so you can rest assured to be bold with me. I said in front of me that I don’t have any problems either. Because I’m also a very casual person. When I see others nervous, my heart will be nervous too. Don’t do that."

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