Layman System

Chapter 1645: The last trick

Meng Jiao had a complete insight into his mind and knew what he was thinking. It seemed that he still needed to talk to him more. If he didn't say it, he might not be able to help himself.

"In fact, you don't need to wonder too much in your heart, because I already know that the sister of Honglong is going to school in your school."

Although he already knew that Honglong's sister was in this middle school, he had no idea who it was.

What he meant was to ask Zhou Dong to help him investigate clearly and see which Hong Long's younger sister was.

After hearing this, Zhou Dong understood in an instant, what he meant, it turned out to be because of something like this that found him!

Because I have already studied there now, it will be especially convenient to use some abilities.

He is also a more comprehensive person, and he can touch himself very clearly, knowing that he is capable of dealing with Honglong's daughter!

If you find yourself, it is really foolproof. It seems that this guy's little abacus is really very clever!

"Although this matter has no effect on me, I still don't plan to do it in my pocket, because I still want to be quiet. If I do it, I don't have any thoughts about myself and him. Why should I help them?"

So I started thinking about some good ways to refuse.

The man Meng Jiao played his victory has appeared in front of him. Of course, you will not just give up, you have to fight for even a 1% chance.

Zhou Dong also began to make a bold guess there. Now one of his hearts must be particularly anxious. After finally finding such a suitable person, he will definitely not give up.

"So in a while, I will do both hard and soft and make a trick for myself. If you don't want to agree to him, then I am afraid you need to answer him harshly, but you can't leave him any hope. This kind of person Once there is hope, it will probably be endless."

Besides, using other people's family members to threaten others, I would never do this kind of thing. It's too shameful to be not like this, and it is impossible for me to do such vulgar things anyway.

I'm afraid this guy really found the wrong person, because he is a more upright person, he actually found himself here, isn't he just there waiting to refuse?

Zhou Dong had already thought about all the problems he had thought about, so the next thing was to quickly reject him and put out all the little hopes in his heart.

"To be honest, I feel that I really can't do the thing you gave me. I think you know some things that I am not going to do because it is too against my own morals. Up."

Meng Jiao felt helpless when he heard that he was really wasting so much tongue. What I said doesn't make sense, what should he do? So I started to think about it for a while, but there was still no better answer.

Zhou Dong heard that there was no more movement in his place. I am afraid that he was thinking about how to deal with him in his brain. Then this is his own opportunity!

I haven't hung up a call here, and when I call myself again, I will say I have something to do and I don't have time to answer it.

Just as he was about to hang up, suddenly Meng Jiao thought of a perfect solution, and it felt like. Well, Zhou Dong would definitely agree to himself, so he began to smile proudly.

It seems that he has found it out. This file should be more valuable. Otherwise, he would not show such a smug smile, only when people feel perfect.

So I can't wait to talk about it.

"Don't you want to rescue Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang?"

When Zhou Dong listened to what he said, he hesitated for a while, then he didn't expect this guy to threaten himself with this kind of thing here.

This was no surprise to me at all, no wonder when I was in that restaurant, looking at some of the temperament on this guy was extraordinary.

And it feels like something he did was absolutely unexpected. Well, it's all at once.

"It's really the way I think. To be honest, my eyesight is really accurate. I saw it early, but when I was attacked by his sweet words, I didn't think so much."

As soon as I got home, that guy couldn't hide a thought in his heart. He called himself directly. He probably also knew how important Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang were to Zhou Dong.

I feel that I would agree to this thing, right?

Zhou Dong was not used to his problem here, so he sneered and answered.

"The news of you really surprised me. I didn't expect you to understand me so thoroughly. It seems that you should have done a lot of homework!"

Meng Jiao didn't bother to hide anything at this time, so he answered.

"How do you say? To be honest, I feel that the homework I have done is still far from enough. If I do more, I am afraid that I will have already taken you down. This is just a few. A trick that I can use as a last resort. ?"

Zhou Dong found that he had already shown his sign, so he didn't need to pretend to him, so he answered.

"Do you think this is really interesting? If there are other situations, I won't think about it so much. I specify that I won't do something that goes against my morals. Even if Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang know it , They will not let themselves do it."

Meng Jiao laughed there instantly, relying on the news he had just received, he felt that Zhou Dong would definitely go and do something for himself to save the two of them.

If it's not like that, isn't it a waste of doing your own homework? Of course, this homework won't be wasted, no matter how much he is a figure of learning tyrants, he still has certain skills for these reasoning.

"To be honest, I think you will take this risk, because what the two of them say is very important to you."

Zhou Dong answered straightforwardly.

"Some things are not as simple as you think, you know? I just promised you on the surface, but in fact I don't do anything at all."

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