Layman System

Chapter 1739: Deterioration of the condition

Zhou Dong didn't mean to be free when he went down here. He ran directly to Wang Xinxin and walked over.

Because Zhou Dong had instructed him to play games there before, and got his approval, I feel that Zhou Dong is really good at playing games this time.

His understanding of the whole game is not like an ordinary person at all, he is really the first one he has ever seen playing games so well.

Moreover, some of the relationship between the two people is really very delicate now, and it feels like they are very familiar, but Wang Xinxin will never take the initiative to speak to Zhou Dong, because his entire expression is cold.

And in the game, he wouldn't actively ask Zhou Dong, what is going on? Zhou Dong was there, so I told him if I saw it.

And he could say something every time, this is the most amazing place, so Wang Xinxin has a great curiosity about Jay Chou's strength.

This is also the first time that he actively spoke to Zhou Dong.

"Seriously, I really have some curiosity about your strength. Why don't we have a solo match? Let me see what your strength looks like. This way, I know it in my heart. ."

Zhou Dong laughed as soon as he heard this. Of course, he didn't have any problems here, he could come anytime and anywhere.

Then he nodded and agreed. When he was getting ready to compete with Wang Xinxin, suddenly the phone rang and it was Ouyang Mingli.

Zhou Dong answered the phone slowly, but Ouyang Mingli on the other end of the phone was very anxious, and quickly explained everything.

"Come on, come on, I don’t know how to do it. My father is already sick, especially in the ICU of the hospital from IKEA. And my whole head is very muddy now. , I don’t know what to do."

As soon as Zhou Dong heard that this situation was really urgent, he quickly answered and told Ouyang Mingli.

"Okay, okay, I know this, don't wait for me in the hospital in a hurry, I will be there soon."

After hanging up, he looked at Wang Xinxin in embarrassment. Wang Xinxin also heard what was going on. So he smiled and said.

"Since I don't have time this time, I'll chant next time. Anyway, I will come here every day to play. You can do it quickly.

Zhou Dong nodded when he heard it, turned around and left here. Soon I arrived at the hospital, and seeing Ouyang Mingli staying there alone, especially helpless, her whole body seemed to collapse.

Gao Jiao couldn't accept this reality at this time, after all, the person he loved the most in his life was in the ICU. So a person sat silently with his head down, and felt that the world collapsed instantly.

When Zhou Dong saw two people in this way, it was definitely not good for them to be in one state, because they would be exhausted even if they went on like this, so he quickly stepped forward and said.

"What's going on, what's going on, what's going on, how come you suddenly went to this ICU again? Didn't it mean that the condition has undergone a particularly good change?"

The two of them are too lazy to explain this now, because they were already like this when they sent it, so what else are they going to explain?

So there was still a particularly worried expression on his face, feeling that the whole world was about to collapse, which was completely unbelievable. I was still there just now, but it suddenly became like this.

When Zhou Dong saw the two of them, it seemed that he didn't plan to talk to him, so he didn't need to know anything.

Seeing that the two of them are so nervous, let them relax first, open their own perspective and look into the ICU ward.

When I saw it, I carefully checked Ouyang Xiangcheng's body and found that there was no problem.

Moreover, the whole situation was relatively stable, and there was no excessive impact, so he turned his head and said to his mother and daughter.

"Don't worry about the two of you. The current situation of the entire patient is really relatively stable, without any other major actions, so you don't need to worry too much now."

And after saying this sentence, I immediately added it.

"Don't worry, don't worry, there won't be any problems, because his situation is relatively stable, so he will get better when he gets better, believe me.

Of course, Ouyang Mingli and Gao Jiao would never believe what Dong Chou said! The words Zhou Dong said in their eyes were there to comfort themselves continuously, and were completely useless.

Zhou Dong saw that the expressions of the two of them were still so nervous, and there was still no sign of relaxation.

Zhou Dong didn't know what was going on with these two people, why didn't he understand his own words? How can I say this is a person with a bit of strength!

So there were some helpless heads shaking!

At this moment, the doctor in charge of Ouyang Xiangcheng walked out. As soon as Ouyang Mingli and Gao Jiao saw that the attending doctor had come out, they hurried forward to ask what was the situation?

It happened that the doctor also came to talk to them about these things, so he quickly explained to them.

"Don't worry, don't worry, the patient's condition is still relatively stable, and we have adjusted it back, but it is estimated that the time is not much."

When the two of them heard these words, they collapsed instantly, but don’t mention how sad they were. Such a thing was a collapse for them, and they couldn’t believe it. Kind.

What should I do next? There was no way for the two of them in an instant.

The mother and daughter really couldn't believe it, they swayed there quickly, the doctor said to him.

"Doctor, doctor, did you lie to me? My father has nothing to do. Don't lie to me here. I know that my father will have nothing to do, right?"

The doctor didn't want to accept this reality, so he shook his head and said.

"To be honest, I must be responsible to you, but this matter is really like this. You must hurry up to prepare, but you can't go on like this anymore. The reason why the patient has such a sickness recently is that It was caused by some noisy environment around him."

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